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Weyland and David
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MemberOvomorphJun-01-2017 9:22 PM

Charlie Holloway: They're making you guys pretty close, huh?

David 8: Not too close, I hope.

Can someone explain exactly WHY Walter was created to be less "Human?" Walter mentioned how people were uncomfortable with the older and more emotional model. But who exactly were these "people?" How many "David 8" models were created? Did the events in Prometheus cause this? If so, how would they know?

5 Replies


AdminEngineerJun-01-2017 9:29 PM

Apparently the general public didn't respond well to a robot acting too Human. I suspect there were a number of David 8 units placed into production, not sure if the old Weyland Industries website has that information, haven't checked in a while.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberDeaconJun-02-2017 7:53 AM

David Models simply were a bit to Emotional, they also had a bit to much free-will and showed signs of being effected by peoples Emotions and how they are treated.

They kind of had too many feelings, compared to what a Robot should have.

The Best Comparison is maybe how Data and Lore are.

As they evolved the David Models they was becoming a bit more like LORE... so with Walter they decided to tone down the free-will and also emotions to make a Robot more like DATA

With Each new David model, they was produced more and more, and so the David 7 Models numbered in Thousands, and the David 8 many more... with the hope that one day a Synthetic would be part of every Company and Home and be seen as a Accomplished Service Tool

David basically becoming a Advanced Microwave Oven ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Black Goo Bandit

MemberOvomorphJun-02-2017 10:49 PM

After David began questioning Weyland, he should of shut down the David 8 project. 


MemberOvomorphJun-03-2017 7:24 AM

My question to those who have read the books or seen other material is if they toned down the David 8 to Walters, Than why was the AI in Alien so wacky? He went full killer mode on the crew and if the story line goes Prometheus, AC, ___, Alien, Aliens, and Alien 3 ect. wouldn't the AI in Alien already be ,much more improved and not attacking humans? Just a little something I noticed that didn't make sense. 

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterJun-03-2017 9:57 AM

I think the AI in Alien went wacky was because that Xenomorph is THAT important to Weyland Yutani Corp.  As far as we know, that is the only opportunity there is to get one of those things and I am sure Weyland Yutani Corp. don't want to miss this prime chance, crew expendable.  I guess since Walter is a direct reaction to the David 8 model, Weyland Corp. decided to try and add more features back into the AI after the Walter model's success.  I feel like the creation of Walter being completely lacking of human character was a bit extreme.  Bishop was a good android if I remember Aliens right.  He seems to be more human-like than Walter, but still is willing to sacrifice himself to save a human.  I don't think there was an android in 3 or Resurrection, but it has been awhile since I have seen those.

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