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David's Theme?
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MemberOvomorphJun-11-2017 12:20 PM

Various people have speculated that David could be the chest bursted Space Jockey that Dallas, Kane, and Lambert find in The Derelict, but I have more than a few reservations about that theory. However, I think there should be a subtle yet pertinent element that links David to the original film without retconning everything or being too on-the-nose. One thing that set off a lightbulb in my mind was this:

We all know that that low, wailing noise is the beacon upon which the Nostromo converges, but the other haunting notes of that theme could easily be revealed to have been composed on one of David's flutes in a sequel. That way, David wouldn't have to be the Space Jockey to forge that connection. You basically only hear those notes during the opening credits, when we're looking at the surface of LV-426, when Dallas and the others are heading towards the ship, and when they're in the pilot's chamber. You never really hear those notes again for the remainder of the film, or in any other film aside from the Isolation game. 

For me, if the filmmakers are smart enough to include something like that in a sequel, it's a subtle enough trigger for fans to recognize that David's legacy is on that planet, in that ship.



9 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2017 1:22 PM

As I said at the very beginning, I doubt David is the Space Jockey, but if he ends up being responsible for those eggs in the cargo hold, the music would become more of a red herring than it already is.

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterJun-11-2017 3:44 PM

 @ Tdby

I can't believe you somehow found that song.  How did you know it exists?


MemberDeaconJun-11-2017 7:43 PM

I think this is more Davids song..

From AC i think Survivors

And Face-Hugger

Have more of that Alien Track Connection as they arrive to the Derelict and also the Space Jockey Scene.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJun-11-2017 7:44 PM

We can only hope a Engineer/Elder becomes the Space Jockey but all evidence seems to point to it being David/Synthetic or a Human.

And i dont think RS would care about going against Alien Lore/Cannon or about the Size Difference.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerJun-11-2017 8:50 PM

@DG: "Various people have speculated that David could be the chest bursted Space Jockey that Dallas, Kane, and Lambert find in The Derelict,"

Never heard that theory before.  Doesn't sound plausible.  In any case, I doubt that the fan base would be interested in that story line.  It should be sh*t-canned.  What a terrible idea.

Any story arc that makes the origin of the Alien menace more and more of a 'human' creation is a step in the wrong direction.  The appeal of the original movie was that the Space Jockey, the Juggernaut ship and the Alien/Eggs were something completely alien to us, and that's what made it terrifying... anything that is created by man can be understood and tamed.  Something created by a species/civilization that is completely foreign to us is much more terrifying.

I can't beat the YMCA theme for David (thanks BigDave), which was hilarious.  But, here's my best shot at it:


MemberDeaconJun-11-2017 9:01 PM

Yeah its a theory thats been doing the rounds a bit.... especially more since Alien Covenant.

It could Logically work if the Covenant has Walter Parts (why would they not) and David builds a Walter and uploads his own Mind/Soul to this Walter at some point.

The Walter models being Synthetic Constructs (Part Organic) would then give us our Bio-Mechanical Xenomorph and thus this New-David gets Face Hugged and then Chest Busted.

The only way this works is if the Chest Buster Lays those Eggs or somehow evolves the Eggs to carry over Bio-Mechanical Attributes

I do think RS/FOX will go the route of a Walter Model being used to form the missing link to Bio-Mechanical Xenomorph

I know this will bug some fans...  and we can only hope they change the idea that David has just Evolved/Re-created the Xenomorph instead.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2017 9:02 PM



MemberFacehuggerJun-11-2017 9:25 PM

I think that the Space Jockey needs to be an extraterrestrial in order for this Titanic of a film franchise to avoid hitting an iceberg.  Please, Sir Ridley... give us something interesting.  Also, tie the space jockey into that disturbing biomechanical world that we got a tantalizing glimpse of in the very first movie.

Time to cut the crap and get more creative.  How about a story arc wherein the Engineers, and their machines/technology reach a kind of 'singularity' and become fused, 'living' machines in a nightmarish way?  It ain't that hard.

Barf The Mog

MemberFacehuggerJun-11-2017 9:49 PM


How about a story arc wherein the Engineers, and their machines/technology reach a kind of 'singularity' and become fused, 'living' machines in a nightmarish way?

Yes, please. The space jockey and the suites are still an untold story. 

The film part of the franchise seems to be fraught with writing difficulties. ADF should be a permanent fixture at all of the table reads for the next ALIEN script. 

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