NeoXenomorph hybrid

MemberPraetorianJun-18-2017 3:38 PMI mentioned in The not-so-perfect organism that the Xenomorph is an apex predator that, in an ecosystem environment, will prey on the meso-predators- the Neomorph. That got me thinking about the type of Alien environment this might produce. We know from Alien 3 that animals are capable of being hosts to Xeno's.
So likely in a natural environment xeno's will produce Runner-like quadrupedal Xenos from wolves, Foxes, Cougars, Cattle, horses, bears(?) etc.
The Neomorphs perhaps the same?? quadrupedal Neomorphs?
But then I thought of an interesting question. If the Xenomorph preys on the ecosystem meso-predators, in particular the Neomorph, could a Xenomorph strain facehugger theoretically impregnate a Neomorph? And what kind of hellspawn would that create?!

MemberPraetorianJun-18-2017 5:49 PMThat would be interesting to see, maybe one of our awesome artists on here could have a crack at it!!?
I imagine something like a translucent white bipedal Xenomorph that is super-hyper-aggressive

MemberChestbursterJun-18-2017 8:12 PM"We know from Alien 3 that animals are capable of being hosts to Xeno's."
Actually, we know that from the very first Alien movie :)
Sorry, I could not resist.

MemberOvomorphJun-18-2017 9:00 PM*Could a xeno strain facehugger theoretically impregnate a neo?
Yeees, it can.
*What kind of hellspawn would that create?
... :D i'd like to see it. Anyways, depends on some genetic details it will be black or dark grey. It can not just chestbust, but back and throat. It'll uses spores, can't create a queen, or at least something similar. But as I wrote down these lines... I'm not sure about anything. This is a fast mutating materia, I really can't imagine, what could happen...
*The neomorphs is the same? 4pedal neomorphs?
I think, yes.
BUT! I have a really disturbing problem... Why spores? Spores are used by the plants and mushrooms... According to David's tale: this materia, the black goo attacks the "meat", not the plants. So where is from this reproductive system???

MemberOvomorphJun-18-2017 9:03 PMCorrection: "from where", and not "where is from"
But my English is quite bad. Sorry for that. :-)

MemberPraetorianJun-18-2017 9:04 PMI believe that hell spawn would be scary. Like more than spiders scary.

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2017 3:27 AMKethol are you insinuating that space-truckers are animals :P

MemberChestbursterJun-19-2017 6:13 AM@Falconer
Yes, humans are, in fact, part of the animal kingdom. That includes space truckers :)

MemberChestbursterJun-19-2017 7:18 AMEsther85, fungi are per definition neither plants nor "animals". I could imagine at least some fungi are susceptible to the accelerant. Further they use spores.
I'm wondering wich "class" the xeno belongs to; plant, animal, fungus or something else.
Neo and Xeno are somewhat related and have a similar life cycle. I'm doubtful if a Neo can be infected. Given the Neo's nature and capabilities i think a facehugger would have a hard time to infect a Neo. It's more likely a neo-mote infects a xeno due to its elusive approach.
As for the infection results, i think in both cases the offspring won't be vastly different. Or at least closer to the Xeno, since i think L.aceronsis is the purer strain, the original.
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberDeaconJun-19-2017 7:26 AMIts interesting idea.... and its one we cant rule out... the Neomorph is a Organic Life-Form and so we cant rule out what a Xenomorph Life-Cycle would do..
I think if you implanted a Embryo into a Neomorph then indeed i would assume it would grown to be a Neomorph/Xenomorph Hybrid.... But the Question is would a Face Hugger actually Target a Neomorph as a Host?
This is pretty much open for debate and it cant be ruled out... same as would a Neomorph and Xenomorph Co-Exist or Fight.
As for what it would look like? Maybe like this Poor attempt to mix these two designs lol
Or i think this Female Xenomorph Concept by Christian-Urdapilleta looks like a Good Merger.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconJun-19-2017 7:29 AMAs far as the Meat.... well as pointed out by Tiwaz a Fungi is not a Plant it is another kind of Organic Life/Matter and so could be infected by the Black Goo.
They both share traits because they are both from the Black Goo Virus/Bio-Weapon and so they would share a Origin with how this Black Goo was Created or where it came from.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberChestbursterJun-19-2017 7:54 AMI must say the Christian-Urdapilleta-pic is awesome. And no, not cos it has b**bs. XP
Looks better than the xeno in A:C.
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2017 12:15 PM#Tiwaz, BigDave. You are right, fungi is another "kingdom". I knew it, just David's word - "meat" mislead meg and made me think, the black goo can infect just animals. But if I remember well, hé said also, it infects non plant lifeforms. So it's include the mushrooms, fungi too. Your comments had a really good point, thank you.

MemberDeaconJun-19-2017 4:29 PMIndeed IRaptus apparently the original Monsters one was going to be similar to the Ultramorph that is Bottom Left and the other a bit like the one on the Bottom Right, but also a bit similar to the Neomorph we ended up with.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberChestbursterJun-19-2017 5:24 PMI bet cheeks would've been your doom, IRaptus. XD
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.