Definitely Xeno's around here somewhere....

MemberPraetorianJun-23-2017 12:52 AMSomething Real looks likes some type of secreted resin..... :P

Something Real
MemberTrilobiteJun-23-2017 12:53 AM*Puts on her Colonial Marines armor and locks an ammo pack into her pulse rifle* It appears we are on another bug hunt!

MemberChestbursterJun-23-2017 7:41 AM*Decides to get the hell out of here and leave you all to confront the Xenomorph.*
*Wryly wishes you all luck then runs, completely alone, in what is most likely the direction of danger*

Something Real
MemberTrilobiteJun-23-2017 7:46 PM*Grabs VIVISECTEDENGINEER, turns him around, and hands him one of her pulse rifles* Oh, no, my friend. You are fighting with us! :)

MemberChestbursterJun-23-2017 9:36 PM*Reluctantly accepts pulse rifle from Something Real whilst grumbling under breath*
...this is not what I signed up for, I'd better get a pretty freaking huge bonus...

MemberPraetorianJun-24-2017 2:16 AMAll good folks, false alarm. Just some flocculant :-)
no need for the pulse rifles.....yet

MemberChestbursterJun-24-2017 11:47 AMFlocc...ulant...? 0_o Well, it looks pretty disgusting if you ask me.
*Holds onto pulse rifle, just in case*

Something Real
MemberTrilobiteJun-24-2017 6:24 PM*Pats VIVISECTEDENGINEER on the shoulder* None of us ever sign up for being eaten by nightmarish, biomechanical life-forms. Yet, here we are! I would not worry a great deal about compensation, however. If we survive until we can be extracted, we will likely receive a great deal of credits! :)

MemberChestbursterJun-24-2017 7:54 PMO_O If we survive to be extracted...? I'm sure Wey-Yu will act with all due alacrity... /s
*Suddenly regrets wishing for a payout, realizing that it effectively disincentives the rescue effort*

Something Real
MemberTrilobiteJun-24-2017 9:38 PM*Nods to VIVISECTEDENGINEER with a matter-of-fact expression as the realization dawns within his eyes*

MemberPraetorianJun-26-2017 2:06 AMVivisectedEngineer flocculant is used to separate dirt and sediment from water., used alot in the mining/metallurgy industry. All quite innocent...unless you want a really hardcore laxative lol

MemberChestbursterJun-26-2017 4:13 PM*Puts on his Ultra Marine Terminator armor and raises his Storm Bolter* PURGE THE XENO SCUM! FOR THE EMPRAH! *looks at the Pulse Rifle and then at his bolter* Darn, wrong door again... *lowers his head, wheeps and trots to the door*
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.