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Against my own advice: Say something positive about........... AVPR
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MemberTrilobiteJun-25-2017 3:10 PM

It was a shining (possibly the best) example of how to make a craptastic movie all by itself while taking a cash grabbing dump on two great franchises.

That's the only positive thing I can think of.

37 Replies

I Meme Everything

MemberPraetorianJun-25-2017 3:10 PM

Wolf the Predator is a badass.

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberNeomorphJun-25-2017 3:15 PM

The effects are way better than those in Covenant.

Im Durp

MemberFacehuggerJun-25-2017 3:26 PM

They bomb that horrible town and the characters in it.


MemberPraetorianJun-25-2017 3:30 PM

That chick that pwned by the predator disk was pretty brutal!


MemberPraetorianJun-25-2017 3:43 PM

The Sfx were quite good quality, the scene where the aliens were picking off soldiers in the rain was nightmare-fuel. They weren't just Cameron-kamakazis, they were sneaking around, being ALIENS. :) It gave a neat little glimpse into the Yutani aspect of the universe.







MemberPraetorianJun-25-2017 4:23 PM

The predator and the predator planet...that's about it lol

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberXenomorphJun-25-2017 5:18 PM

I'm out of here

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

G. H. (Gman)

AdminTrilobiteJun-25-2017 5:22 PM

The practical effects were fantastic and Wolf was a fun predator.

Probably the most positive aspect of it, however, was Brian Tyler. How he consistently finds the inspiration to compose truly great music for the absolute worst movies is a real gift.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Barf The Mog

MemberFacehuggerJun-25-2017 7:55 PM

joylitt - We get it, you didn't like Covenant. 


MemberNeomorphJun-25-2017 8:40 PM

Barf The Mog yep, and I think you have a few problems with this movie too :-)


MemberTrilobiteJun-25-2017 8:49 PM

joylitt & Barf The Mog

- Brothers and Sisters (as applicable), it seems difficult not to hate on something that created so much anticipation- and I am still waiting for the pre ordered blu ray to watch for the fist time! I am confident I will find some hate too, but it can't possibly be worse than AVPR- I cannot accept that lol!


MemberNeomorphJun-25-2017 9:06 PM

dk I hope the trade value on Amazon is good

Barf The Mog

MemberFacehuggerJun-25-2017 9:08 PM

joylitt - Yes, only a few, but I liked it. The novel is superb, so far. 

dk - The DVD/Blu-Ray will hopefully have some nice features, definitely looking forward to that release. 

AVP & AVPR are painful to watch. 


MemberTrilobiteJun-25-2017 9:10 PM

joylitt I doubt it. I am a bit of a pack rat though- I still haven't gotten around to throwing away AVPR- I am unsure which vault I stored it in.


MemberTrilobiteJun-25-2017 9:13 PM

Barf The Mog I did this with Prometheus and am sure I will like AC better. I feel like a schmuck though since I know I will buy the director cut when/if it gets released.


MemberNeomorphJun-25-2017 9:18 PM

dk Prometheus is a masterpiece compared to Covenant. I would go to a hypnotist before watching it if I were you.


MemberTrilobiteJun-25-2017 9:21 PM

joylitt I guess we will have to agree to disagree. If you liked Prometheus- great. I was expecting something different and will leave it at that. I cannot honestly say until I see AC though to be fair.


MemberNeomorphJun-25-2017 9:35 PM

Prometheus is so so. At least looks good. Covenant doesn't.

Barf The Mog

MemberFacehuggerJun-25-2017 10:16 PM

dk - Nothing wrong with owning two versions on disc. 


MemberTrilobiteJun-25-2017 10:57 PM

Barf The Mog Agree. I just hate buying something knowing other better versions are coming to milk my wallet.


MemberTrilobiteJun-25-2017 11:01 PM

Back to OT- A positive thing thing was seeing a bunch of hapless stupid kids die ensuring a cleaner gene pool in the future. MWHAAAAA! Good riddance!


MemberNeomorphJun-25-2017 11:12 PM

dk What about all those brain cells that died while watching the damn movie. Requiem gets the job done in that regard: it makes you more stupid.


MemberTrilobiteJun-25-2017 11:17 PM

joylitt Good point. Glad I only watched it 1.5 times.


MemberFacehuggerJun-26-2017 2:01 AM

It takes place on earth


MemberFacehuggerJun-26-2017 4:29 AM

It ended. :)


MemberDeaconJun-26-2017 7:02 AM

I am going to make a Frightening Admission...

I have only seen the movie... partially twice... and i dont really remember much about it as i lost interest and never saw it all the way through or paid attention as it was so awful.

I thought the Effects and Action was pretty decent... but the Plot and Silliness was Awful... maybe when i give it 3/10 i am being generous..

Oh well i will go and Dig out the Boxed Set and Watch it after and then i can come back to this Topic ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJun-26-2017 7:07 AM

"Good point. Glad I only watched it 1.5 times."

LOL i know what you mean.... my first time people with me was talking and it got so awful we was joking about stuff and talking about the other movies.

So i never really paid too much attention to whole thing.

My 2nd attempt i got half way through and could not watch anymore lol.....   and i usually have a Great Memory but i recall so little for this movie which means its Truly Forgettable.

I think i stopped watching it because it took a Big Dump all over the Franchises...

Mind you i felt AC had done a tiny dump on the Franchise too, but with AC i can kind of see why things was done the way they was...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerJun-26-2017 9:57 AM

Ever since I bought AVPR on DVD, I have certainly got my money’s worth. Well worth every penny spent. It is a DVD that has really stood the test of time imo. I think one of the great things about it, is that it is a great conversation piece and ice breaker. I just cannot express any more praise about it. It is a rare event indeed if it is not to be seen on my DVD player ever since making it into a makeshift ash tray.


MemberFacehuggerJun-26-2017 12:14 PM

I bought the dvd on a flea market for 1 buck. 


MemberTrilobiteJun-26-2017 1:14 PM

Batchpool Nice one!

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