Deciphering the Text on David's Illustrations

MemberChestbursterJun-27-2017 1:42 PMHave you guys seen this???
A bunch of David's drawings have notes written in the margins. Those notes aren't just lorem ipsum! They're real, complex, well thought out details of what David was working on all those ten years. It looks like a huge amount of in-character creative energy went into writing them!
David's longhand is a sort of calligraphic cursive which is difficult to parse, so some good folks over there on Reddit have deciphered some of the notes.
Maybe we can pick up where they left off? Either way, it's a pretty cool read!

MemberFacehuggerJun-27-2017 2:27 PMIndeed. Great find @VivisectedEngineer ! From what I gather, after pouring over this (what there is), the Engineers were in the process of attempting, by way of experimentation on their environment and themselves via biotechnology, to evolve themselves to a state of Godhood.