Be part of a forum documentary made by members for members. This is new territory and initiated by Facehuggers!

MemberTrilobiteJul-04-2017 1:30 PMI don't think this forum has ever done this before. If you missed the initial announcement, here it is:
Facehuggers! has demonstrated video making skills and is looking forward for maximum participation and support.
I will occasionally bump both threads to attempt maximum visibility.

MemberTrilobiteJul-04-2017 3:28 PMIf it makes things any easier and you cannot convert to mp4, you could send to me after you have got it how you like since I can convert and send to Facehuggers!. Just sayin'.

MemberPraetorianJul-04-2017 4:51 PMAwesome work dk and Facehuggers!
Ill have a go at filming something this arvo. How are we all disguising ourselves, just out of curiosity?

MemberChestbursterJul-04-2017 4:55 PMI will be printing out a picture of a Facehugger and taping it to my face!
(I saw the idea on someone blog, when looking for Aliens themed party ideas).

MemberPraetorianJul-04-2017 5:04 PMVivisectedEngineer lol that's awesome.
I have a resin Yautja mask + a Slash wig & top-hat I had from a classic rock tribute gig I did awhile back. That combo might make for an interesting look lol.

MemberPraetorianJul-04-2017 5:05 PMkind of puts a new spin on Slash......with a predator mask on and all....

MemberTrilobiteJul-04-2017 5:34 PMIRaptus My original idea was to use the Facehugger from the A Box but it hasn't arrived. I was going to casually do my thing with it wrapped on my face (I might stop payment on the purchase). My back up plan is something like this (Ithese things are darker than I thought- I should have bought sheer):

MemberNeomorphJul-04-2017 6:03 PMIf your t-shirt order doesn't arrive on time, I'm more than happy to give you an extension.
With good reasons, I'm willing to extend submission dates (for anyone) until August 1st! :)

MemberTrilobiteJul-04-2017 6:22 PMLOL! Facehuggers! saw me in the test video. Believe me- the above image is better!