They tell us that...

MemberTrilobiteJul-05-2017 8:51 PMthey tell us that we lost our tails...
evolving up from little snails...
I say it's all just wind in sails...
Q: Are we not men?

MemberTrilobiteJul-05-2017 9:14 PMmonkey men all in business suits...
teachers and critics all dance the poot...
Q: Are we not men?

Barf The Mog
MemberFacehuggerJul-06-2017 9:39 AMDevo - Modern Life
IRaptus - How did you embed the video?

MemberPraetorianJul-06-2017 1:45 PMBarf The Mog when you click share on a youtube video there is a button there called embed. Copy and paste the entire line of code it gives you.
Once you post it on here, for some reason you need to click edit and then update, for it to actually embed the video, otherwise you'll just post the line of code youtube gave you.
I'm sure there is an easier way but this is how ive been doing it. Anyone else want to weigh in???

MemberOvomorphJul-06-2017 5:05 PMI remember the 'Whip It' song from childhood. Cool tune. Must check out their other stuff.....

MemberTrilobiteJul-06-2017 9:45 PMNot many videos do this stuff- it was done in one take too. These guys were always ahead of the curve. A normal edit is also available.
What We Do:

MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2017 12:09 AMIRaptus That 70s version of Jocko Homo sounds excellent considering when it was done!
If you like these guys and have not seen it, I recommend the 1980 live dvd. It sounds great and things actually devolve during the whole show and has an interesting end. Great concept.
JOHNNYMORPH I honestly think the first two albums are best- Are we not Men and Duty now for the Future. They still hold up imo.

MemberPraetorianJul-07-2017 12:57 AMhey dk i just watched a few songs from the 1980s live dvd.. Now i know where NIN got the idea for the LED curtain backdrop they had during the With Teeth tour!!!
Good to see another lefty!!!!

MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2017 1:07 AMIRaptus I can see that. I also noticed that watching the entire 1980 show, especially near the end, I was reminded of Tool. Like I said above, these guys were ahead of the curve.

MemberPraetorianJul-07-2017 1:14 AMTOOL. Don't get me started about how excited i am about their upcoming album!!!
Devo definitely far ahead of their time..

MemberPraetorianJul-07-2017 1:19 AMFrom memory Adam Jones of TOOL worked for Stan Winston's studio. Im pretty sure he was involved in the Predator 2 ship interior.....but I can't remember if we worked on any of the Aliens FX???

MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2017 1:22 AMI think the next Tool album will come out 10,000 days from the 10,000 days cd lol!
Yeah, DEVO had interesting instruments. Castell initially took a saw to his lefty bass to get the beloow design and Bob's Ibanez has an interesting story to it. Remember that LP he had in the Whip it video where he chopped off the horn and glued it on upside down?

MemberPraetorianJul-07-2017 1:26 AMI really like that LP with the upside down horn, its kind of shark-like

MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2017 1:30 AMIRaptus For Adam Jones, I only knew he worked on one or more Jurassic Park movies and I saw him in the credits list in the late 90s.

MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2017 1:31 AMIRaptus That takes some stones to defile a Gibby Custom! I couldn't bring myself to do it.

MemberTrilobiteJul-07-2017 2:44 AMIt could only work on a Custom since the other models don't have binding on both sides.