Expression of Interest (Fan documentary V.2)

MemberPraetorianJul-24-2017 4:11 PMSo, the original thread for the idea of producing an Alien Fandom documentary has been erased out and the member involved has gone MIA.
dk and I are interested in continuing the project if there is sufficient interest from the community. This will be a really fun and worthwhile project in between films :)
For those who may have missed it, the project involved recording a short 3 minute video on your views about the franchise, Alien Covenant, your fan theories, and future direction.
Submission's can be made as a video or audio file and can be completely anomalous (several members had planned disguises, dying android voice fx to mask their identities)
Leave a comment if you would like to see this go ahead, and/or are willing to participate. We will do our best to make this as accessible and easy to do as possible, so that everyone can participate regardless of technical skills.

Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterJul-24-2017 4:44 PMI'd like to give it a go :-) I'll prepare a paper lol
"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

MemberTrilobiteJul-24-2017 8:11 PMI saved the questions from the original project if interested. I think it was 1-3 minutes per answer with a 30 second minimum. Not saying it has to be this way but here were the questions:
1) Describe your most elaborate fan theory relevant to the Alien universe.
2) Describe any dreams you have had relating to the Alien universe.
3) Explain any of your personal interpretations of the Alien franchise (i.e. philosophy).
4) Describe the most entertaining (weird, scary, funny, etc.) experience you've had watching an Alien film.

MemberChestbursterJul-25-2017 6:48 AMI would like to i think.
Will it be easy to do? i never done recording things
Take This.... This is the blood of our lord

MemberPraetorianJul-25-2017 2:25 PMGlad to have you on board sherries & Lawrence of Arabia
Yes we will try and make it as easy as possible. I'll try and do a demo video in the next day or two

MemberChestbursterJul-26-2017 3:53 PMCount me in! I was on vacation this past weekend, so I forgot to film my submission for the original attempt. I am all for the idea surviving though.
Not a map, an invitation