If ALIENS do a remake in today's time, which actor should play HICKS?

MemberFacehuggerAug-15-2017 11:47 PMWhat is your thought?
My suggestion is Jake Gyllenhaal or Bradley Cooper

MemberNeomorphAug-16-2017 12:01 AMNot that it needs a remake, but I would say Tom Hardy or. Mark Whalberg

MemberFacehuggerAug-16-2017 1:13 AMTom Hardy is a lovely choice, he reminds me of Logan Marshall-Green.

MemberPraetorianAug-16-2017 1:33 AMSharlto Copley (for all you Blomkamp fans ;-P )
Karl Urban?

MemberTrilobiteAug-16-2017 1:51 AMBlasphemy- no Alien movie gets remade. However, let us go down that road a moment. Can Jonesy be re cast as a long fur black cat or a lanky bald cat?

MemberTrilobiteAug-16-2017 2:29 AMjoylitt I think so. I saw it in a mag called Mental Floss. It was listed among one of the ugliest pets. It was actually a pretty mellow creature.

MemberXenomorphAug-16-2017 4:57 AMWho the heck is Hicks?
One of the colonial marines?
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberFacehuggerAug-16-2017 6:47 AMI think Matt Damon would do a pretty good job at being Hicks. Especially the bit where he's whining about not lasting seventeen hours.

MemberChestbursterAug-16-2017 8:00 AMEspecially the bit where he's whining about not lasting seventeen hours.
It's Hudson, sir.
He's Hicks
Not a map, an invitation

MemberChestbursterAug-16-2017 8:04 AMI do like the Tom Hardy choice, as well! Although I'll have to come back with my choice(s) because I am blanking on, like, every actor I enjoy that would be good in the role haha
Not a map, an invitation

Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterAug-16-2017 10:03 AMI like tom hardy. great choice.
daliens hicks is the marine who is sort of ripleys love intrest but not really. he is also the one who teaches her how to use the m41a pulse rifle.
food ain't that bad! - Parker