Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterAug-17-2017 11:14 PMan official book: alien the archive.
food ain't that bad! - Parker

Barf The Mog
MemberFacehuggerAug-17-2017 11:15 PMYes please cite the source.
date / publication / author

Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterAug-17-2017 11:25 PMPublisher: titan books,date: october 28 2014, auther: Mark Salisbury.
food ain't that bad! - Parker

Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterAug-17-2017 11:26 PMPretty sure it is official.
food ain't that bad! - Parker

Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterAug-17-2017 11:32 PMI think he collected some of the original concept art for the book. I am not sure though. he comes up as the auther.
food ain't that bad! - Parker

Barf The Mog
MemberFacehuggerAug-17-2017 11:34 PMRight on. Love those old-school spacecraft drawings.

MemberPraetorianAug-18-2017 12:06 AMcool. good stuff Timmy the ultramorph. They definitely ended up with a winning design

MemberDeaconAug-18-2017 5:18 AMPeople can just Google "Ron Cobb Alien Concept" even add ships and it will find these for you.
Its interesting as some of his work was clearly influential in Alien Covenant, from slight similarities with the Lander and some of his work, to the same with the Covenant ship which i had mentioned and shared some of those images in a previous post prior to AC hitting the Box Office... Also the Covenant Bridge is very similar to some of Ron Cobbs Nostromo Bridge concept works.
Lucky they never used Ron Cobbs Alien Monster Concepts though lol
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianAug-18-2017 5:51 AMYes, some Ron Cobb designs and the second image is by Chris Foss. They were first included in The Book of A L I E N by Paul Scanlon and Michael Gross.
1st Edition
Titan Books New Edition May 2012
I have 2 copies of both editions as that's the kind of geek I am!
I don't find them odd at all. What you have there are some classic late 70's designs!
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

MemberPraetorianAug-18-2017 10:16 AMGreat topic again Timmy the ultramorph.
I love this one.
A very astute collection you have there Lone. My compliments.

MemberFacehuggerAug-18-2017 10:36 AMI got this book on Amazon Prime day for a whopping $20 shipped. It has some stuff I have never seen before. Surprisingly Alien Resurrection had really cool pics and concepts to view.