Why Do We Care So Much?

MemberFacehuggerAug-25-2017 1:11 PMWe have agreed to disagree, and, still, there we are, like Star Wars fans (sooooooooo sorry for comparing).

MemberTrilobiteAug-25-2017 1:48 PMHumans are social creatures for the most part. I imagine people feel their preferences are validated when others share the same sentiments even if some details aren't agreed on- hence a fan base?

MemberChestbursterAug-25-2017 2:35 PMIs this what we're gonna do? We're gonna get all meta and introspective?
dk pretty much hit the nail on the head.
Why do we care so much? Because it's fun to! :)

MemberTrilobiteAug-25-2017 2:36 PMPersonally, questions like this invite some interesting discussions at times imo.

MemberChestbursterAug-25-2017 3:44 PM@dk
"Personally, questions like this invite some interesting discussions at times imo."
Ok, ok, dk I admit you're right. Actually 99% of the stuff I say is meta and introspective. I just like griping.
Sorry, ScorpioStar. Good topic. Upvoted.