The new Limited Edition Alien Anthology 6-disc Blu-Ray!

MemberPraetorianAug-25-2017 10:09 PMThis has just started popping up for sale in Australia (Just in time for our Fathers Day)
Limited Edition 6 disc Blu-Ray collections:
Alien / Aliens / Alien 3 / Resurrection / Prometheus / Covenant
Interesting Artwork!!
I am currently harassing my wife to buy one for our daughter to give to her Alien-loving father ;-)
Are you guys getting this elsewhere?

MemberTrilobiteAug-25-2017 10:20 PMAh- the old classic buy it for the kids ployto give to me lol!
That is a cool box though!

Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterAug-26-2017 10:31 AMI already own the first 4 alien films and their special editions so it would be a little bit of a waste of money for me. dont have any of the prequels so I hope there will be a box set just for prometheous, covenant and awakening eventually.
food ain't that bad! - Parker

MemberTrilobiteAug-26-2017 10:41 AMSame. I have the Anthology and Prometheus/ AC on BR. Too bad they won't sell the box so we can put the discs in it.
Soon enough the seven disc box will be out with Awakening and a neomorph added to the picture.

MemberXenomorphAug-26-2017 12:58 PMI already have all the films(multiple times!)...So they'd have to sweeten the pot.
Making of Alien:Covenant might get me to buy this.

MemberPraetorianAug-26-2017 3:29 PMI have Prometheus and Covenant on Blu-ray but not the original Anthology, so time for an update for me :)

MemberFacehuggerAug-26-2017 5:14 PMi saw it at BigW the other day, nahhh, i am up to date now iRaptus, so i won't buy it, there is really no need to.

MemberFacehuggerSep-01-2017 11:13 AMI only own Prmetheus on Bluray, but my dog destroyed the box and whatever came on the second disc, so I have been looking at this box set. I almost went to get it last weekend because it was on sale for $19.99 at a local Target I think. But I live in Houston, TX and Harvey decided I shouldn't get that kind of a deal. So I'm probably going to get it soon. Is there a better boxed set that might have more content? Or would this be the best set to get the bluray and digital copies?

MemberChestbursterSep-01-2017 1:45 PMAhh! The perfect Father's Day gift! ...For my husband, of course.

MemberPraetorianSep-01-2017 8:46 PMThat is interesting artwork.
Happy Father's Day IRaptus. Have a wonderful day with your family (and many more after).
Yes, binge watch your gift. I know we missed something in one of the films.

MemberOvomorphSep-02-2017 7:28 AMLet's see if you guys think this is over the top...
I have:
Alien BluRay, Alien 35th Anny BluRay, ALIENS BluRay, ALIENS 30th Anny BluRay, Alien 3 BluRay, Alien Resurrection BluRay, Prometheus Collector's Edition BluRay, AC SteelBook, AC Target Special Edition BluRay, AVP/Requiem BluRay (yuck), Alien Quadrilogy BluRay, Alien Anthology BluRay.
From what I can tell I just need this new collection and the Prometheus Steelbook and I should have most of the releases.

MemberTrilobiteSep-02-2017 3:52 PMxenoclone Interesting collection. Isn't everything there in the Anthology- at least for the 1st 4 movies? It sure takes up less space than the DVD quadrilogy! At any rate, that is an impressive collection!

MemberTrilobiteSep-02-2017 8:25 PMIn 2010 I thought I was on top of the world with the DVD Quadrilogy.
Then I thought I was hip with the Antholgy
I can't keep this up.

MemberTrilobiteSep-02-2017 10:31 PMdrucea I will hook you up with the Anthology if you care to PM a deliverable address. I hope you are reasonably ok.

MemberTrilobiteSep-05-2017 9:56 PMOrder received. It comes with collector cards, digital copy codes and the actual set is about half as thick as the pic in the OP. Still- it's about content.

MemberPraetorianSep-05-2017 10:43 PMAre all the versions in this collection the standard theatrical cuts do you know??

MemberTrilobiteSep-05-2017 11:13 PMThe cuts are there but I see no mention of extras- perhaps implied? Hopefully you understand my not physically opening them). All I can find is that the movies are all on disc. The extended cuts of the quadrilogy don't seem to be available on digital copy. I don't even see mention of extras on the steel box.

MemberTrilobiteSep-06-2017 2:45 PMThe box set has digital copies of all theatrical releases of the movies and all extended cuts on blue ray only.
If you are looking for all the extras and have Prometheus and AC on blue ray already and are not interested in digital copies, the best bet is to get the Alien blue ray anthology:
FOX continues to milk it.

MemberPraetorianSep-06-2017 3:43 PM^ Just ordered this one for myself :-)
If it means we get more films and novels etc. I'll be happy

MemberTrilobiteSep-06-2017 3:45 PMI have it and have yet to dive into the extras- but there are lots including a couple parodies, one from Family Guy.

MemberPraetorianSep-06-2017 3:57 PMHappy Father's Day to our Australian members!
It occurs to me that my ALIEN collection is pretty much non-existent, should look into fixing that. :)
Especially now that video stores are extinct.