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An Examination of the Xenomorph Hindquarters
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MemberPraetorianAug-26-2017 3:03 PM

An Examination of the Xenomorph Hindquarters

One area of the xenomorph anatomy that has yet to be examined in detail is the hindquarters.

In David 8's drawings, he describes the different types of organisms that he is studying and the benefits of their respective genomes. From this evidence, we can deduct where the xenomorph inherited it's hindquarters from.

Other xenomorph anatomy viewing angles commonly studied:

Tennessee's view of the xenomorph (Protomorph).
20 Replies

Barf The Mog

MemberFacehuggerAug-26-2017 5:04 PM

Do they poop?

Covenant's CGI is awful. 

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterAug-26-2017 5:11 PM

I don't think they eat, so i don't think that they would poop. even if they did eat, they are supposed to be the perfect orginisim meaning that they would be 100% effecient using all of the food as energy.

food ain't that bad! - Parker

Barf The Mog

MemberFacehuggerAug-26-2017 5:54 PM

Timmy - Have you read the book Everyone Poops?


MemberPraetorianAug-26-2017 6:47 PM

Barf The Mog lol. its a true story XD


Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterAug-26-2017 10:37 PM

in fact, no. I have never read that book. LOL

food ain't that bad! - Parker


MemberChestbursterAug-27-2017 8:24 AM

We certainly have a ways to go in evolution to get to the "Big Chap" in "Alien". The protoxeno is a great deal more animalistic than it is human. David's tampering/engineering will have to be readjusted en route to Origae 6 in order to get "there".

And, you're right, that CGI is worse than a high school graphic design class. I cannot believe Ridley let that go out into the world. It does look great INSIDE the ship, in the dark, when it can barely be seen, IMHO. That was the only time I felt true dread and where it came CLOSE to looking like "the" Alien we all know and love.

Mud In Your Eye, Pal

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2017 11:35 AM

Is it really bad CGI? Maybe the beasts just look really shitty in that morning light. I've seen pastey white kids that look like bad CGI in the daylight.


MemberPraetorianAug-27-2017 12:37 PM

Unusual bottom, beyond doubt:

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterAug-27-2017 1:45 PM

Check out dat ass! Thic af <3 Lol Jk I thought the Xeno was beautiful in CGI. I don't understand how it looks bad, if it was like PS2 graphics or something that would catch my attention but overall I thought it looked believable.

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."


MemberChestbursterAug-29-2017 5:45 AM

I thought the CGI effect look good myself. The xeno movements in a few shots were a bit iffy, but overall it looked very good, as did the neo's.


MemberChestbursterAug-29-2017 8:15 AM

I mean, the hind quarters of the Proto seems... Bony. I am not sure what there is to deduct from an examination, as I lack in knowledge on biology. Especially of a made-up creature! 

With the CGI issue coming up again, I have to say again that the CGI is fine to me. The only two things I can say that felt off were when the Proto climbed down the Covenant's ladder and the CGI slime dripping off of the beast. Otherwise, it didn't bother me.

Not a map, an invitation


MemberPraetorianAug-29-2017 9:35 AM

Overall, I thought the CGI was great in Alien: Covenant.

Especially the temple courtyard complex architecture, the Dr. Shaw hologram, the juggernaut garage, the Covenant ship, organisms, and the David 8 attack sequence on those below on Paradise. Did I leave something out?

As far as the creatures, I thought the Protomorph looked the best with the baby Neomorph trapped in the medical bay at the other end. I'm not too picky about this Neomorph sequence because parts of it were perfect (turning its head when the shot is fired into the ceiling). I thought that looked great.

When the Neomorph was kicked into the looked good enough to me.

I do understand the negative opinions/refined taste above.

I'm sure we have all seen Avatar and were spoiled with amazing graphics combined with a shallow story as to not distract us too much from the amazing graphics.


MemberPraetorianAug-29-2017 9:38 AM

Lawrence of Arabia, yes, very firm but I like a little more around the tail (my opinion).


MemberNeomorphSep-03-2017 2:23 AM

This thread is so silly but fun. I learned what the word hindquarters means, it sounds like headquarters almost. A Hind to me sounds like a small animal and the hindquarter would be like the holes in the ground where the rabbits live.


Maybe their poop is somewhat acidic since their blood is so and the blood is all in the body which makes me conclude that their poop could be acidic too.


Since there are a lot of details in the alien franchise then I guess that it was just a matter of time before this topic would come up.


Ho ho ho! Hindquarter : D


MemberPraetorianSep-03-2017 10:25 AM

Thank you Thoughts_Dreams.

We have each picked up a torch to a varying degree in an attempt to uncover the secrets of the Alien universe here. My job is to provide analysis to the best of my ability when reviewing content "tooth to tail".

I noticed a lot of topics here that had concentrated on the xenomorph teeth but the hindquarters had taken a back seat in attention.


MemberFacehuggerSep-06-2017 4:34 PM

It looks as though the xeno should lay off the cardio and stop skipping leg day.  Definitely not a powerful build unless its power to weight is that of a grasshopper.


MemberTrilobiteSep-06-2017 6:30 PM

I don't often complain about CGI, but these stills sort of show some weakness. However, these scenes look pretty good when played in real time. The hindquarter muscles and gaps in the lumbar spine area look very odd- it is an Alien though. I cannot un see it now.


MemberNeomorphSep-09-2017 2:32 AM

Hind-quarterback :D (for all you football fans)


MemberPraetorianSep-12-2017 6:59 AM

Here is an image of the xenomorph before I performed any enhancement in Photoshop to bring out the fine details dk

I believe the enhancement done to the stills in the opener may have brought down the overall quality because it was zoomed and the tone and contrast were changed. This image above might make you feel better because I made no changes.


MemberPraetorianOct-21-2017 6:01 AM

Ingeniero -

'I'm sure we have all seen Avatar and were spoiled with amazing graphics combined with a shallow story as to not distract us too much from the amazing graphics.'

This sentence by you is a piece of art. :)

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