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Is David's hostility to humanity symbolically linked to Upworth and Ricks?

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MemberFacehuggerSep-23-2017 7:42 PM

In Alien Covenant, Upworth and Ricks never leave the Covenant ship; it seems possible that this is done deliberately to draw attention to Upworth and Ricks being symbolic, and that David is their bookend. David opposes humanity, but can it be surmised that the hostility from David is symbolically to do with Upworth and Ricks being an evolution that's ignored by the Covenant crew?

Of course, this isn't literally the case, but is it a metaphor?

10 Replies


MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2017 7:49 AM

trokanmariel Keen mind your for having pointed to a critical scene in comparison to those who have underestimated . The Concept I agree , as if it were a small taste of the future . being able to imagine that the ship is Origae-6 and the torque equals the population . the extinction of engineers is supposed that occurs in this way , all unaware of the danger they are overwhelmed by these creatures .

"Au Revoir Shoshanna"


MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2017 9:22 AM

No. Somebody had to stay onboard, is all. Unlike the daft arrangement in Aliens, where they put all their eggs in one basket.


MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2017 10:56 AM

I agree that it was logical for people to stay onboard, but with Tennessee also being onboard it creates the opportunity to interpret Upworth and Ricks as symbolic. Tennessee's presence means that the symbolism gets hidden by the story, as if the film is trying to hide its symbolism. For what it's worth, I think Alien Covenant is a much better film than Aliens

Also, I want to point out that Faris and Tennessee, Karine and Oram, and Daniels and Branson are all opposites to Upworth and Ricks; each of the three preceding couples get separated, whereas Upworth and Ricks are never separated at any time, even dying together, and both naked. This feels too convenient to be a coincidence. Even more evidence stems from David's initial appearance, having the long blonde hair and stubble. His initial appearance is evolutionary, like Upworth and Ricks have their own spiritual appearance. David is at one physical end of the story, being based at the temple, and Upworth and Ricks are based at the opposite end of the story, on the Covenant ship


MemberPraetorianSep-24-2017 1:50 PM

trokanmariel that is a fascinating possibility! But im confused as to the specific symbolism and "evolution"  that you are referring to for that couple?

As far as I'm aware they are just an ordinary couple, much like all the others on the ship. They just happen to have specialist/technical roles that require them to stay on the ship.



MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2017 1:57 PM

IRaptus Like Oram and Karine, they're an interracial couple, although Karine and Oram get separated and are much older. Upworth and Ricks are around the same age and are consistently the voice of reason. They keep Tennessee in check, which adds to the couple's symbolism. The fact that they die having sex is also probably meaningful. Oram is religious, as a contrast to Upworth and Ricks, and Karine isn't villainous but her and Oram are depicted as mildly exploitative at the beginning of the film. I wish to stress though that Oram and Karine aren't villains or antagonists whatsoever, and in fact are depicted as noble and professional individuals, but the inclusion of the mid exploitation after Branson's death might be construed as the movie trying to distinguish between Oram and Karine as one interracial couple and Upworth and Ricks as another


MemberPraetorianSep-25-2017 3:01 PM

trokanmariel - Interesting!

As I see your question:

Planet 4 equals to Hell.

The ship Covenant is Paradise.

Ricks and Upworth have the modern role of Adam and Eve. We see their sin so they have to be punished.

David and his son, the protomorph enters Paradise/Heaven - they are the Satan and the Snake. They are bringing death...


MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2017 6:28 PM

Ati  Linking Adam and Eve to Upworth and Ricks could make sense; what's definite, is that Upworth and Ricks put the priority of the mission above the safety of the Covenant crew. So they would seem to be protectors of the larger good. They never reach the planet, which is associated with individualism. The protectors of utilitarianism get slaughtered by individualism.


Emotionally, the interpretation of utilitarianism is neither here nor there. Utilitarianism is about the value of endgames, and in the film the concept of endgame gets attacked. This would then seem to make Upworth and Ricks into negative symbols, and my own emotional outlook is to want to see Upworth and Ricks as positive symbols


MemberOvomorphSep-27-2017 9:09 PM

To those saying Ricks and Upworth had to caretake the ship: Isn't that Mothers role? She could look after things - No Problem.


MemberTrilobiteSep-28-2017 12:19 AM

No. Just watched AC again. I don't think Upworth and Ricks were on David's mind at all. At that point in the movie, he was focused on the Morph and trying to pass himself off as Walter.


MemberFacehuggerSep-28-2017 9:34 AM

Scrib  If that's true, it helps prove that the symbolism is real

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