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I think if we are kind, it will be a kind world
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8545 Views15 Replies


MemberXenomorphOct-03-2017 12:23 AM

What do these words really mean?

I can't stop thinking of Hamlet's words:

"I must be cruel, only to be kind: Thus bad begins and worse remains behind."

They would fit in the context and we know David's passion for literature, among other things.

What are your thoughts on this?


"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

15 Replies


MemberFacehuggerOct-03-2017 5:36 AM

Alien Covenant is about symbolism ending itself so that spirituality doesn't have to be self-deceptive; this idea would correlate with David's quote about kindness. Outcome of peace needs itself to be eternal, which means moment to moment behaviours of kindness which antagonise reality. 

To be kind, means to upset information


MemberFacehuggerOct-03-2017 6:10 AM

There's more than half a chance he's thinking of Winston Churchill's declaration: "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it".


MemberNeomorphOct-03-2017 6:19 AM

true hox, history is written by the victor


MemberChestbursterOct-03-2017 6:50 AM

I am not well read so my take on it is that it is going to be terrible on that world. David will not be kind so it will not be a kind world.

Unless, the planet is inhabited then that is something else.

David may have something set up already. We only have his words the ships were disabled. Him adready going Off world is a small possibility

Take This.... This is the blood of our lord


MemberDeaconOct-03-2017 7:05 AM

It can be taken as a number of ways, it could be just David having a way to make Daniels feel better about the Future after such Horrific Events, as David has to try and play to Daniels so she cant suspect he is not actually Walter.

Then it may also be what Davids Psyche is about.... he was different to Dr Shaw because he felt she had been KIND to David, while he felt most other Humans treated him in a way he was not pleased with.

Then i do think David has far gone now, i think his perverted Agenda to be Creator has lead him to only care for his own needs, but he would show compassion for fellow Synthetics, but i feel he is now discontent with Humans and so has no Good Intentions for the Colonist.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-03-2017 7:07 AM

Unless David has seen the Cruel ways of the Engineers and Mankind, and sees the flaws that we have...

And maybe he would allow a Colony in Part to be Built, before he announces himself as KING and will look to cause Dominion over the Colonist like some kind of GOD and so if these Humans abide by Davids Rules and Laws... then maybe they can have a chance of a New Paradise.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianOct-03-2017 11:57 AM

daliens - Great topic!

As I see it, the hidden meaning of the words by David is as follows:

'If you (Daniels) are kind to me, I'll be kind to you as well and won't kill you.'

Michelle Johnston

MemberChestbursterOct-03-2017 11:57 AM

In the novelisation the kindness is about the planet. 

If we are kind to it (the planet) it will prove to be a kind world in return. A world  that will provide everything that has been hoped for.  

If one reads the final pages which occur moments latter there is only one conclusion, he is toying with her, in the most deceptive line of both movies given what she has been through. His view of being kind to the world is to bring his colonists his subjects to Origae 6 for his future having disgorged the embryos.

I am just trying to imagine the first 20 minutes of the next movie would they play it straight in which case we would be screaming at the screen having already been through this twice or will we be much further in where at last David is on the back foot but then that repeats Covenant with an untold story but at least generates some mystery. 

I prefer Walter telling W Y what happened in flash back as a debrief on Thedus and the twist at the end is they put Ash on the Nostromo and dismantle Walter. At least in that way you bring forward David/Walter/W-Y response to the transmissions/Engineers response to Paradise and what transpired and do not waste an hour building characters .. that all die.       


MemberPraetorianOct-03-2017 12:17 PM

Michelle Johnston

'At least in that way you bring forward David/Walter/W-Y response to the transmissions/Engineers response to Paradise and what transpired and do not waste an hour building characters .. that all die.' 

I hope the creators of the next movie will read these comments... 


MemberPraetorianOct-03-2017 2:38 PM

Great question daliens.

I believe David 8 would most certainly draw on examples in literature to communicate with humans. Instant recollection and a vast knowledge of literature gives David 8 a unique way to lie to organics to manage their behavior.

Yes, Michelle Johnston, I agree with what Ati cites above too.

I think that the consumer will get more viral videos before and after a future Alien film to fill in the blanks on character building. Or at least I hope so in regards to the film's concentration on how very disappointed the Engineers were in response to the Paradise and LV-223 trespass incidents.

Michelle Johnston

MemberChestbursterOct-03-2017 10:17 PM


Thanks I am glad you relate to the idea that the emphasis should be on making the backstory connections and fleshing out the mythos so events that occur in A L I E N take on a new significance rather than "Meet The Innocents Part IV or V" depending on your cannon.

The really important element is to do something audacious that none of us would imagine with the Jockey incident. The kind of outcome we would enjoy and go "Yes that makes perfect sense" ...having not come up with it beforehand.  



MemberXenomorphOct-04-2017 2:01 AM

Thank you all for your comments.

Most probably we'll see in the next film what David really meant. One thing seems certain: there is no room for kindness in the new world. Not as long as David is around. It is chilling how cruel David is in letting Daniels know his true identity before he puts her into cryosleep.  There is no doubt who is the dealer now, who will craft the new world in his own image.

I am almost sure he played the same cat and mouse game with Shaw.

I can't wait to see what's next and I hope there will be no other way than Michelle Johnston put it:

"The really important element is to do something audacious that none of us would imagine with the Jockey incident. The kind of outcome we would enjoy and go "Yes that makes perfect sense" ...having not come up with it beforehand."  


"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberDeaconOct-04-2017 2:18 PM

Indeed Michelle thats another good point... about if WE are Kind as in to the Planet.

Modern Mankind certainly has had a massive effect on teh Planet, and if there are other TWIN Earths out there or we went back in time where Mankind could be Un-done. 

Then indeed we would see a World that is more a Natural Paradise, than a World that Modern Man has Damaged.

I also think they may need to throw a Curveball again with who ever is pulling the Engineers Strings.. 

The Space Jockey Event seemed quite straight forwards for those who paid close attention to Prometheus and also read the Drafts...

RS even confirmed what had happened...

But the U-Turn they took with AC, had not gone down well with some folk... The David created the Xenomorph and thus his Eggs must end up in their thousands on a Engineer Ship on LV-426 within the space of 17 odd years is just a difficult Pill to Swallow.

But then a lot of fans was disappointed at the route prior that the Xenomorph was a Creation by a Large Bald Humanoid Race who also created Mankind..

I guess a lot of fans was holding out for something more Alien, and the Space Jockey is not no Giant Human well not so Giant, and certainly not who we on Earth interpreted as GODS.

They can still show us that David was not responsible for the LV-426 Eggs, and that the Engineers are not the Space Jockey Race.

But i dont think they can go for something FAR TOO ALIEN as far as the Space Jockey Goes.

its a case of do FOX/RS decide once again due to Fan Reaction do they U-Turn Plans again... and the Question in doing so do they offer a New Curveball maybe Fans would not have seen coming.

It always interests me of some of the points the Source Claimed... and especially when i look at Wayne Haags Concept work.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberNeomorphOct-05-2017 8:30 AM

He says so at the end when Daniels has laid down in the pod. It seems to me that he says it to gain her trust before she lays down and they close the door.

Maybe David wants people to be kind to him (to do as he wants) but I am not sure if he cares to look up how people want to be treated. Perhaps he is like a psychopath that doesn't feel emotions like most people do? Because of this he can't create a kind world as we know it.

Does this make sense?

“. . . and do not waste an hour building characters .. that all die. “

I think that they need to have interesting characters that we can identify with and care for. Many main characters have died (Ripley and Shaw) so they need to do something new.


MemberXenomorphOct-06-2017 12:04 AM

I agree he wanted to gain her trust and get her faster into the cryosleep, but the phrase is twisted. He could have told her the same he told Lope about his wound: it's fine.

There was nothing un-kind from the crew on planet 4, however the planet was mostly un-kind to them. Because of David's doing. And David is in charge again and he intends to be the god of the new world.


"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

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