Alien Typeset article....even the beer is W-Y branded

MemberPraetorianOct-18-2017 2:54 PMHave a read through this very insightful and interesting article. It mostly looks at the typefonts found in Alien but there are some very interesting and funny little nuances found throughout the entire film. Mostly. (sorry couldn't help myself).
Want to know about the really weird self-destruct control panel on the nostromo. Find out the bizarre and quirky reasons for it....

MemberPraetorianOct-18-2017 6:13 PMIRaptus - The blog article you linked is fantastic! It offers several interesting details! Thank you for the share!
Let me highlight this screenshot from Alien:
'This screenshot contains not one but four details of note. The first is some random text on the right-hand monitor screen:'
'Well, I say random… it may be significant that the text includes the phrase D GILER. (That name might sound familiar.)'

MemberPraetorianOct-18-2017 6:27 PMAti thank you kindly and glad you enjoy. I stumbled across it awhile ago but forgot about it until a member asked about the Nostromo's self destruct panel.
Its amazing how many little things are hidden in Alien!!!

MemberPraetorianOct-18-2017 6:35 PMIRaptus - 'Its amazing how many little things are hidden in Alien!!!'
Incredible. For example, I've never seen those suits at the end of the corridor in the movie. They are totally different. Awesome.

Rick D
MemberOvomorphOct-18-2017 6:47 PMWow... I was just thinking about these beers the other day. I didn't know they went all out and branded them with Weyland-Yutani logos. I found it distracting the other day when I was watching the 1990 Total Recall and the film is suppose to take place in the 2080's yet the soda cans in the background are the 1980's retro looking Pepsi cans. Anyways, back to Alien.... I was thinking about the beers Brett and Parker were chugging down while they were repairing the Nostromo and wondered if they were like this or not.

MemberPraetorianOct-18-2017 7:22 PMForgive me my American friends, but Brett and Parker would've been happier and probably saved the day had they been drinking some real beer.... ;-P

MemberTrilobiteOct-18-2017 7:30 PMMonty Python compared the Fosters beer at their live show to American beers long ago. The comparison was making love in a canoe- Fuc^ing close to water.
That said, the US has some really good beer these days.
I want some BigDave Brew but it probably won't happen.

MemberPraetorianOct-19-2017 12:20 AMHahaha nice! this site needs more Monty Python references lol.
I like the sounds of a BigDave brew!!!

MemberDeaconOct-19-2017 8:42 AMIf we could find the Secret... i could attempt to Brew the WY Brew lol
@DK i plan to start my next batch as soon as i come back from Portugal, then i guess when its ready i could try Post some to the USA ;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphOct-22-2017 7:05 AMWhoever made that can made a bad design. Having two holes like that doesn't seem very practical when drinking it. You would probably get beer all over your shirt or something.