
MemberFacehuggerNov-30-2017 11:47 AMWhy was Shaw not included in AC? Why was the awesome prologue not included? I would like a directors cut with the prologue and deleted clips included!

MemberTrilobiteNov-30-2017 12:10 PMAgree. We have been talking to FOX's hand for months now about that!

MemberTrilobiteNov-30-2017 12:24 PMNo- unless it can be packaged as a box set with Awakening to drum up more sales. RS has no interest in doing it so it needs to be profitable for FOX/Disney imo.

MemberFacehuggerDec-01-2017 5:09 AMIts so strange that RS would be against it considering all the complaints about the film you think he would want to make it up to fans.

MemberFacehuggerDec-01-2017 9:07 AMWell if he "makes it up to the fans" with that, that would be opening the flood gates to other things fans want made right in their own mind.

MemberFacehuggerDec-01-2017 9:32 AMIf any movie needed this its AC the film is awful and it really would be a lot better with the additional footage imo.

MemberTrilobiteDec-01-2017 11:44 AMAlso, RS didn't even want to do a director cut of Alien because he thought the theatrical version was good to go.

MemberPraetorianDec-01-2017 12:57 PMI am at a loss for what reason the Prologue and Crossing the Plaza were not included in the theatrical release Critters5.
Both viral videos would not have added too much time but would have added much needed clarification..the Prologue especially. And, I also would have liked Walter in the garden opposed to in the colonists' hypersleep chamber when the neutrino burst notification came in from Mother. This would have matched what was written in the book (Alien: Covenant novelization, page 25).
That being said...I still loved Alien: Covenant and I can only wish that Dr. Shaw is in more of the prequel material.

MemberTrilobiteDec-01-2017 1:16 PMCritters5 AC had the same issue as Prometheus- both would be much better with some of the scenes added in- for instance, that scene where the Engineer was looking around and started to thumb through a book. It gave depth to the Engineer showing he was curious about humans. Instead, it got chopped and the theatrical scene felt sloppy and rushed.

Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterDec-01-2017 2:37 PMalso in prometheous, the fifield mutation deleted scenes was much better than hat we saw
food ain't that bad! - Parker

Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterDec-01-2017 2:39 PMI really hope they do a directorsa cut. as dk said,mabey to boost sales for awakenig they will gives us a directors cut.
food ain't that bad! - Parker

MemberDeaconDec-06-2017 4:35 PMI can see they was not added for pacing reasons.
The Prologue The Crossing is likely the weeks worth of scenes that Noomi Rappace had shot, and i think the reason for this was to purely release as Marketing Material to cover some events that could not be covered in AC due to pacing and run time.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphDec-06-2017 9:59 PMdepends on if any added material will add anything to the movie or characters. what I took from the last supper prologue was I wasn't gna like Daniels. I didn't get anything extra from any of the other characters, it was more about Daniels imo n I just knew she wasn't gna be a good character. but that was only me