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Born in 1967, My Thing Is...
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MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 9:16 AM

Whatever makes sense with no cell phones (for plot relief) or CGI (for production relief).

THE CUBE - 4EVER, ALIEN (the first and only) - 4EVER.

Too much action, too little to say = ALIENS (that's what you get when you want more than you deserve). There's so much empty action and characters "to be liked" around people forget what they liked in the first place...

MAD MAX, SCAPE FROM NY... 2001... - low budget, great outcome. 4EVER.

AKIRA (both anime and manga) - 4EVER. And so on so forth...

For me, caring about a NEWT, or a RIPLEY, or the CREATURE ITSELF... (in my opinion, Blomkamp is a dumbas-- - you might know what I mean, DISTRICT 9 is good, but not 4EVER, and there he comes with you guys know what...)

Then again, I was born in 1967, and I had a great time for people in the movie industry had to work their as-- off to get attention. In other words, I grew up to know what I want - I prefer "The Day of the Jackal" (1971) to "The Jackal" (1997, with Bruce Willis).


My point of view: nowadays, we need more and more, and the result is less than less all the time.

The ALIEN beast (for all purposes here) is cooked, dead and buried - Sir Ridley showed us that, but the "problem" was "the characters we can't relate to..." Yup...

'Cause some people just won't let it go...

Your thoughts, please. Apparently I need some balance here :)


And, please, do state the year you were born, for it would be interesting to consider that after all ;)

22 Replies


MemberTrilobiteDec-06-2017 11:17 AM

1968 here. I agree movies and shows were based more on strong stories and characters. Remember the impact a typical 25 minute black and white Twilight Zone had (still has)?

I don't quite agree about present day if I am understanding the topic. Hollywood in general seems to have been in a creative rut (action/effects heavy) for some time but it might be my jadedness too. I see many very good independent shorts on You Tube so there is hope.


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 11:23 AM


When was the last time you were (really) taken aback in terms of what is out there?

Mine, the time I had the opportunity to work with 'TWIN PEAKS' 2017.


MemberTrilobiteDec-06-2017 11:28 AM

Probably Cube Zero I saw a few nights ago. I don't get caught up in series shows because of time.


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 11:35 AM


My question to you: Would "Cube Zero" have ever made sense without "The Cube" in the first place?

What I feel is that many people here saw "ALIENS" before "ALIEN" - it does happen, you may know.


MemberTrilobiteDec-06-2017 11:41 AM

Unsure. It is the only series I think watching the prequel last is best.

I too saw Aliens and Alien 3 prior to Alien lol.


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 11:46 AM


Did you?


So sorry to hear you saw ALIENS and ALIEN 3 before the first and only...

Did you, at least, have the chance to watch the one and only "ALIEN" trailer BEFORE the ones you mentioned saw?


1968... Seriously?  ;)


MemberTrilobiteDec-06-2017 11:48 AM

Just how it worked out. I don't regret it.


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 12:03 PM


So sorry, and I mean it.


ALIEN is my guideline. James Cameron is just the guy who, in a perfect world, would have done something better than mess with what he can't control - if not, most of the fuss wouldn't be happening right now.

Go to IMdB and check what the "creator" of ALIENS has been doing...

You were born in 1968, I was born in 1967, and, everything shows, we both love movies.

But, for me, apart from TERMINATOR and AVATAR/TITANIC (what a trash, both of them)... Cameron just has too much money, and I have been searching how much money he is trying to invest in the so called "ALIEN(S) 5. It does not look so good.


MemberTrilobiteDec-06-2017 12:13 PM

I forgot about Terminator- loved it! I still haven't seen Avatar and never will- not my thing from clips I have seen.

Regarding Cameron, I don't worry much about what directors do as long as I enjoy the movie. To his credit, I still want to see his movie Deep Sea Challenge. I can't find it on Netflix though.


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 12:24 PM

Cameron, my opinion, is not a director, He's a parasite. Just like Blomkamp. About the ALIEN, both don't know, for they never really cared about the ALIEN to beggin with.

My opinion - and I am a Sir Ridley person. That's why I am still here. This site used to be called PROMETHEUS 2...


MemberTrilobiteDec-06-2017 12:37 PM

My only issues with Sir Ridley is not adding cuts with deleted scenes for the last two movies- both would benefit imo. The other issue isn't totally on him and that is being trusted to do the movie he wants to do. It is understandable with newer directors but he is a seasoned one.


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 12:43 PM


A seasoned director means you must have a beast when you don't want one when you make a movie.

ALIEN belongs to FOX.

Guess why Cameron and his puppet Blomkamp are still around...


MemberTrilobiteDec-06-2017 12:49 PM

My point was that RS wanted to focus more on Engineers but FOX wanted monsters instead- yes, they own it. They should have supported his vision more. In hindsight if we look at the numbers, it seems to bear out.


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 1:15 PM

@dk, my point, exactly.

And, why not to point out THELMA & LOUISE.

It feels just like Cameron, Blomkamp and the sort could ever do something like ALIEN without a master behind it...

I read the original script for ALIEN - without Sir Ridley, we would have... who cares, they (Cameron and Blomkamp) are having their time...


MemberTrilobiteDec-06-2017 1:25 PM

Well, none of the directors seem to like what the others did. I like the Quadrilogy warts and all. I don't think that magic will happen again with this franchise regardless who makes it.


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 1:33 PM

@dk, no magic survives the lack of notion that "one of a kind has no number 2".



MemberPraetorianDec-06-2017 2:06 PM


It's so funny - I wanted to include/recommend the original French movie 'The Day of the Jackal' in your thread about fav movies/shows. If I know correctly that was made in 1973 if we talk about the same film. I love that movie. There are so many French movies I love! Can I list them? :D

/ps: I thought you were younger./

/ps2: I am much younger. :)/


MemberPraetorianDec-06-2017 2:11 PM


If you say Akira, I shout them:


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 2:25 PM


1) 1973, perfectly correct, my bad :)

2) Yep, older than you thought :)

3) If I am older than you thought, I must say CONGRATULATIONS, you are far older than I am (for you thought I was younger than I am, how come?)  :D

4) Mangas 4EVER!!! Loved your pics!

5) I must ask again, when were you born?  ;)


MemberTrilobiteDec-06-2017 2:50 PM

ScorpioStar When you say working with Twin Peaks, how do you mean?

Is it the same capacity as KANGAROO?


MemberFacehuggerDec-06-2017 3:17 PM

@dk, I work with subtitles. My client sent me "Twin Peaks" (2017 - first episode only) as they sent "Kangaroo" for me to create a subtitle template in English to be translated into other languages.

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