Once again, this is rumor control: a pre emptive 04/01 warm up

MemberTrilobiteDec-27-2017 12:05 AMThe Alien franchise cancellation confirmation was found from an apparent reliable source- many have been saying. The cryptic message reads as follows:
"Hello- know that I am a liar. That said, everything I say is a lie. Moving on, many are saying on good authority that there will never be a movie to directly tie to Alien...I am lying."
Come on folks- you can do way better!

MemberPraetorianDec-27-2017 12:37 AMI read this as:
"Hello- know that I am a Troll. That said, everything I say is a trolling. Trolling on, many are saying on good authority that there will never be a movie to directly tie to Alien...I am trolling for attention. Troll"

MemberPraetorianDec-27-2017 1:25 AMi guess if you think about it, he did troll Ripley pretty hard
Ripley: This is a maximum security prison, and you have no weapons of any kind?
Andres: We have some carving knives in the abattoir, a few more in the mess hall. Some fire axes scattered about the place - nothing terribly formidable.
Ripley: That's all?
Andrew: We're on the honor system.
Ripley: Then we're fu$ked.
Andrews: No, youre fu$ked!
classic trolling