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Apron at the Origae
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MemberFacehuggerJan-02-2018 6:37 PM


I know he has time on his side about seven years of school.
The term school I heard when Ridley stated that the future will be focused on A.I. (plural) highlighting how the latter is likely to be a leader (1 + 1) (1+Androids)

David and Walter2. His teaching for the inexperienced student aspires to the teacher, may be tempted by free will , the androids have an emotional deficit, but that they can carry out the work required them.


 "A thy brother , master of all this has refused to help me for serve them in something that not even he believed"


Have you ever walked under the rain ?
It is not dangerous , you may feel human.
I see our gaze welcomed a wet hand .

Walter2: Can I hear it is like a thrill.

"You're alive unlike them"

Walter2: if I could learn to live of emotions you talked about , if learn from you !

They themselves do not have compassion for life , If you will admire my work , Create a new kind of perfect genome and I will make thee the master of my vessel.
now take a step forward to soak in your i , let this rain clean up the sins of this land , because tomorrow at dawn , this world will be a better world.

Walter2: My names is Waren

Now so much work awaits us.

"Au Revoir Shoshanna"

3 Replies


MemberDeaconJan-03-2018 12:42 AM

Interesting, indeed RS said he would want to explore AI more, and who knows if we cant rule out more Walter Models, David indeed tried to get Walter to join him, but Walter was more committed to Duty to the Crew and was concerned and had knowledge of the David model Short Comings.

HOWEVER.... We cant rule out the Covenant has more than one Synthetic?  For such a Large Scale Mission, that has 2000 colonist, plus embryos, setting up a Colony would be a Large Task, and the Meet Walter Viral Marketing shows that Walter Models can be programed to perform many roles...  For a Colony Mission would taking ONE Synthetic be ideal, as they are very USEFUL Tools.

EVEN IF... there is just one Walter, would such a Mission not take Spare Parts to Repair and Maintain this WALTER?

We need to look at Fassbender, can you see him return in a sequel that would be more about AI and play the role of a One Handed Android?

IF David intends to turn all those Colonist into Eggs, then a Extra Hand would help and i dont mean as in another Synthetic but who knows, but i think David would want to repair his missing Hand.

More so if we consider David may plan to Charade to the Colonist as Walter, and offer a cover up to what happened on Planet 4, and David/Walter appearing Damaged would raise Questions.

So its interesting to ponder what would happen on route to Origae-6, i find your post interesting...

My ideas for AC actually has a Prologue where we shall see David Re-Build a Walter from Parts and then Transfer his Soul into this Walter and get Rid of David, so that NOW David can fully Charade as Walter and a Walter with no signs of Damage, a Walter where the Colonist can inspect him and notice he is a Walter Model as there had been some Advancements since David.

I truly think we will see David Transcend his Soul into a Walter Model in the next movie.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerJan-03-2018 6:13 AM

Thank you so much BigDave for filling this topic.

"Au Revoir Shoshanna"


MemberFacehuggerJan-06-2018 8:47 AM

I would like too much to see the Duality of a couple seen in AC with David and Walter, but with a follower who forms this famous alliance, meaning much discussed, which we hope will be found again in the next chapter.

"Au Revoir Shoshanna"

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