King Goo
MemberOvomorphJan-19-2018 4:29 PMThese are some extracts from a draft script written by Damon Lindelof. It resolves a lot of mysteries of Prometheus, especially black goo, mural, deacon and more.
- The Elders are present in the intro scene and they are speaking to a younger one, who looks like a majestic Greek statue. They give him a box saying that this is the blood of their Lord. He adds that they cannot create as the gift was stripped away from them long ago and as always, they will continue their attempts to create a perfect Eden. He concludes that the younger will create it in his own image.
- The green substance David found on the alien panel has millions of tiny symbols and hieroglyphs inside.
- David translate to the team the writings on the ampoules room door, before they go into. It basically says that only the chosen one can pass through this sacred ground that must be kept sacred. If someone dare to cross into this sacred ground he will be punished. This ground is the birth place of engineer Lord and no being is worthy.
- In the ampoules room, David shines is light up at a mural on the ceiling. The mural shows a creature coming out of an engineer. The engineer on the mural looks identical to the Head Monument.
- David reads the language written on the face quietly and unheard : "Our chosen one. The chosen one who created our Lord. This is his resting place and our attempt of resurrecting our Lord's blood.
- Holloway arrives around the back of the monument and shines his light up at another mural which has been embedded on the wall. A strange being unlike any Engineer is drawn on the mural. Iy has its arms out in a cross. Around the mural it shows an image of an engineer that looks exactly like the head monument being attacked and impregnated by some nasty looking octopus type creature. Also, on the mural is an image of a bipedal pointy-headed being with its arms stretched out. The first DEACON.
- David give some explanations to this, translating Engineer language : Our lord came from the chosen one in the time when our ancestors birthed life. His sacred blood was our salvation. His sacred blood through our lips birthed life on other worlds.
- Then Holloway ask if David knows what is inside these Urns. David answer that the humanoids seen being attacked orally gave birth to this being and the Engineers worshiped it. What is inside those capsules are experiments. And that they were trying to recreate the blood of this being whom they worshiped.
- Back to the ship, David reports to Weyland. Weyland ask him if he learnt something. David answer that he learnt some of their history. That these beings can live up to three hundred thousand years old. They use to be able to mate with each other just like humans. But somewhere in their late history they evolved and lost the ability to both mate and reproduce. But before they did they found a creature that impregnated one of them with a foreign body. A creature came from him. They called it the Deacon. They worshiped this deacon and after its death they used its blood to plant the seeds of life on other worlds. The blood ran out of course but they tried to recreate the gene pool of this deacon's blood but they instead created something else.
- Weyland also ask David if any of the crew has found out about the signal the Weyland team picked up from nearby moon. They believe it is an alien transmission. If they found nothing here of value, this moon will be their next point of interest.
- David tests the black goo on 2 dead mice. David injects one mouse with half the substance and sprays the rest on the other mouse. Scan monitor show than the injected mouse explodes. Scanning report says that interior injection causes disintegration of cells and bones and replacing them with an entirely new cells and DNA. Exterior infection causes rapid mutation, changes Genetics on a cellular level with extreme aggressiveness.
- In the Orrery room, 3 pods have large holes on them and decayed fossilized fifteen foot tall bodies can be seen inside.
- The team goes back searching for Fifield and Millburn in the urn room. They found Millburns suit empty and smashed helmet. One of the team member standing by the monument kneels down and picks up a large layer of shredded human skin. A wailing noise attracts the attention of the member who walks around behind the monument. There he finds a strange creature sitting in the dirt. It is a blueish, pale fetus looking creature. The creature which is actually a mutated Millburn sits on the dirt wailing as it examines its own hands and feet. It is more cute and baby like opposed to something hideous and scary. It looks up at the team members and extends its arms as if it wants an embrace. It stands up and is revealed to be nearly 8 feet tall. Jackson torches the seemingly friendly mutant and it turns away screaming before falling to the ground dead.
- In the Orrery room, David activates the controls. The three holographic engineers enters the orrery and walk up on the platform and start speaking to one another. Engineer 1 asks if everything is ready for their journey to Eden. The second one says yes but that one of their vessel that left had a malfunction. The vessel was settled down on the next moon and placed on quarantine. He then explained that while checking cargo 2 the engineer there was attacked by the planet seeders and thought not to tell evryone. He shall give birth to a seeder within the next hour. The other one says that there is nothing they can do for him now.
- David, Weyland, Shaw and others teams members heads to to meet the engineer. While in the cargo room David explains to Weyland that those urns contains Black death because all it does is kill. Or sometimes it can transform living cells and create something new. Something designed to kill everything else. David adds that the canisters contain the failed attempt of cloning their Lord's blood. And below them, is their failed attempt of cloning their lord in question.
- When the engineer is awaken, david speak to him. Engineer says that this planet is not his home world. His home world is Paradise. And that he did not ask humans to come here. He then adds that many worlds have been crafted by the hand of their fathers through the blood of their Lord. And human world was the only one that is successful and like their home world. He finally says that they gave humans all emotions. They took care of them, gave them fire, built their structures, gave them Eden. They watched humans time to time kill each other, start wars. They came bacl and saved their souls but they left them to make their own fate. They tried once more to save them. They took a mother's child back to paradise and educated him, taught him the meaning of life and creation. Then put him back into Eden to educate their kind. But their kind decided to punish him. They gave them the fruit of life and they repay them by leaving it to rot.
- At the end, the engineer wake up and walk, and then the deacon bursts the chest. Then the deacon came out and starts walking towards the crashed Juggernaut.
- Into the second Juggernaut that left the planet, engineer suit opens up revealing David's body. The four cry pods rise up and one opens revealing Shaw inside. She sits up. David tell her that they arrived to Paradise.
Here is the Link to the Draft in Question.
Edited by BigDave to provide link to the Script.

MemberDeaconJan-20-2018 5:17 PMI came across this Draft on here before, having gave it a once over back then, even half way through i had my reservations about it being REAL, there are some Typos, there are some ways the Draft is laid out that is different to Lindeloffs style.
After i read it twice i noticed flaws that dont add up to the path that Lindeloff/Ridley Scott had with Prometheus, it conflicts some things and comments and it does not quite seem to add up.
It appears and i have to give RESPECT for this, that a FAN has took the time to Re-write parts of Lindeloffs draft, by adding some things Jon Spaights Alien Engineers alluded too, some of the various Fan Theories, and also connecting some Biblical themes and also the LV-223 being a reference to Leviticus 22 3
I think its a decent effort, but i would be 90% certain this is a Fan Edit, but it has some interesting things, some i dont agree with as clues in Prometheus and Alien Engineers and Paradise Drafts point me in a different direction, and also my theories dont match up with this Draft in OT
Thats not to claim my theories are Water Tight though ;)
I would recommend a read of this Draft, i will try and find it.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

King Goo
MemberOvomorphJan-21-2018 7:43 AMToo bad this is a fake script. I am not so familiar with Lindelof writting style to see any difference tho. As you said, BigDave, there are some really cool ideas that make sense and that could be a good explanations for some mysteries. The only thing I found strange is this "Lord's Blood" that gives life. How a deacon blood can give life ? That is strange, when we know that xenomorph blood is composed of acid and its purpose is to take life away (self defense). Could be ironic too, that engineers wanted to reproduce their lord's blood, and the only thing they achieved is to make black goo, which destroys life.
You can find the script here : http://docplayer.net/54299743-Prometheus-by-damon-lindelof.html

MemberDeaconJan-21-2018 4:11 PMYeah thanks for the link, i had put a alternative one in the Topic as i edited you post to add the link ;)
The Blood thing, yeah i can see this working if the Original Deacon's Blood contains like a Pathogen in its Cells, that mutates Cells. so the Black Goo can come from this... The Black Goo does seem to break down DNA and materialize Organic Cells, so i guess it could be connected to the Acid a bit.
The draft does contradict itself a bit regarding the Lord etc, first the Lord is the Sacrificial Engineer, then another and then the Deacon.
My TWO Cents... was the Engineers maybe Engineered themselves past Reproduction, they had to go the Sacrificial Route to Seed their DNA, i wonder if the Agenda was that this route could maybe lead to a Female down the line, they could Procreate With?
The Alternative idea i had was what if the Engineers are just like David, merely AI but Organic like the Replicants.
These are the TWO main ideas i had regarding the Engineers, i had another one too... but in regards to these TWO ideas, i felt left us with those Engineers SIMPLY not being able to Create Life by giving Birth.
These idea i had years and years ago.... so my interpretation of Prometheus was these Engineers (which ever explanation from the TWO is why they cant Procreate) had at some point came into contact with something that infected one of their kind, that lead them to GIVE BIRTH to a Deacon (or its Ancestor) , the Engineers became Fascinated with this Organism, as it allowed them to Create Life by giving Birth something they ONCE could but no longer could, or something they could never but their CREATORS Could.
They began experimenting with this Organism, creating various kinds (like David was doing on Planet 4) until they had achieved the Mural Deacon, then they chosen to use its DNA to seed Worlds, as they saw the Deacon as being more Perfect than Engineer DNA. So they Sacrificed the Deacons with the Sacrificial Substance and the resulting broken down Genetic Soup was collected and stored in those ampoules within the URNS.
Thats how years ago i interpreted the LV-223 Experiments, i was also open to maybe the Engineers had been Punished and a Pathogen or Organism (Bio-Weapon) had been used against those Fallen Engineers, but the results of this Punishment, did not kill them all, but then allowed them to Re-Weaponize the Bio-Weapon.
The other theory is maybe the Engineers had used the Genetic Tool (Sacrificial Goo) to Evolve themselves, and then they began to incorporate other DNA or Mechanics into their Bio-Technology and as a Hubris, while on one hand they Engineered those Suits, on the other trying to go ONE-STEP further they created a Hybrid Organism instead...
Regardless of which of these i think the End Process was the Result (Fresco Creature) they then began to Worship its DNA and Re-Engineer to get the Mural Deacon and then Sacrifice its DNA to create the stuff in those Urns.
The ambiguity with Prometheus means its hard to come up with a DEFINITE Theory.... which is was stumped me when working on a Prometheus 2/3, because i felt my theories could all work, they are just theories but i think i may have been in and around the CORRECT Ball Park with at least one of them lol
But alas we got Alien Covenant... which i still think those theories can fit in, and Alien Covenant now pushes me towards either the LV-223 Engineers were Created by those Planet 4 Engineers, or are a Faction that had Genetically Engineered themselves at a great hubris.
But then it could still be open for the first theory.... in that the Engineers had Evolved themselves past Procreation and the Planet 4 Engineers was the result of finally creating a Humanoid Female they could Procreate with to give us those Planet 4 Engineers.
But this is kind of against RS comments as he suggests the Planet 4 Engineers are the original Engineers, which means the other TWO LV-223 Engineer theories could be whats the deal.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

King Goo
MemberOvomorphJan-22-2018 6:21 AMVery interesting theories...
My TWO Cents... was the Engineers maybe Engineered themselves past Reproduction, they had to go the Sacrificial Route to Seed their DNA, i wonder if the Agenda was that this route could maybe lead to a Female down the line, they could Procreate With?
Yes, this is the big issue: why did the Engineers need to seed worlds with their DNA ? Maybe they can't reproduce, like you said, so they try to find a way to finally "procreate". But in Covenant, we discover a planet full of Engineers (even if I still believe they are not), so they are NOT so in extinction... That's why I am not sure they seed worlds to SAVE their race (or civilization).
Thats how years ago i interpreted the LV-223 Experiments, i was also open to maybe the Engineers had been Punished and a Pathogen or Organism (Bio-Weapon) had been used against those Fallen Engineers, but the results of this Punishment, did not kill them all, but then allowed them to Re-Weaponize the Bio-Weapon.
Yes, that is what I was thinking too. That the Engineers on LV-223 could have been punished for some reasons (too much Hubris for having played with genetic?). I thought this poster could represents this event (judgment day) :
This could explains the part in Prometheus when the crew activates the control board and see many Engineers running for their lives, after having heard what seems to be a deacon roar. And then the amount of bodies chest bursted in front of the door. But the question is : who punished them ? The Elders ? Their creators we haven't seen yet ?
But then it could still be open for the first theory.... in that the Engineers had Evolved themselves past Procreation and the Planet 4 Engineers was the result of finally creating a Humanoid Female they could Procreate with to give us those Planet 4 Engineers.
Yes interesting, as we clearly see some Engineers who could be female here... But I am convinced that those Engineers are only a sub race of them, like we are as humans. They are another DNA test on another planet and are still "in development", as we can see with the docking station and the hole opening in the ground when the Juggernauth arrives that Engineers used to come see them time to time. They are also waving at them, not suprised to see them. That could be explained by Engineers helping them in some ways in the past. There is also no technology at all on this planet, except docking station which contrast a lot with what we see in Prometheus (in the spaceship). Well, I read all your theories on this, with the explanations on the statues etc, and it was really interesting and somehow, goes in the way they are just a sub race of Engineers.
These idea i had years and years ago.... so my interpretation of Prometheus was these Engineers (which ever explanation from the TWO is why they cant Procreate) had at some point came into contact with something that infected one of their kind, that lead them to GIVE BIRTH to a Deacon (or its Ancestor) , the Engineers became Fascinated with this Organism, as it allowed them to Create Life by giving Birth something they ONCE could but no longer could, or something they could never but their CREATORS Could.
They began experimenting with this Organism, creating various kinds (like David was doing on Planet 4) until they had achieved the Mural Deacon, then they chosen to use its DNA to seed Worlds, as they saw the Deacon as being more Perfect than Engineer DNA. So they Sacrificed the Deacons with the Sacrificial Substance and the resulting broken down Genetic Soup was collected and stored in those ampoules within the URNS.
This is for me the most interesting mystery in Prometheus : all the content is the ampoule chamber (murals, disposition of the canisters, the big head, the green crystal). I agree with you that they dealt with the deacon somehow in the past, but we don't know what this deacon does really and why the Engineers seem to worship it. But on top of that, I was really intrigated by the green crystal. It leds on the podium as it is the most important item of the room.... but no infos on it ? That is VERY strange. I found some old concept arts that are very strange also, as none of them got in the final version of the movie. Here they are :
We can see some kind of green crystal on each of these concepts. The crystal is like "jailed" in the center of a big room. All the ways seem to lead to this crystal.
Even more interesting, we have here a close up concept of the crystal, with this time "something" inside. Something which seems to be living :
We can see again the green color, as the Prometheus Crystal. And what is inside seems to be interesting enough that the crew decided to open the jail to take away what is inside :
We can see some stuff sticked on the rock so they have made some tests / analysis on it, lights all around the site so the crew knew they will be here for some times. And finally, but this is my interpretation, we kind of feel "pain" on the rock, as the crew is cutting off : inside the rock, it seems to have something living (an eye floating in some liquid ?). When cut off, the eye seems to have some pain and closes :
But well that could be far-fetched.
A last concept arts that confirms, on my mind, that they wanted to be this thing to be organic :
Well... I think they planned a lot more for this green crystal but for some reasons they cut off all this part of exploration. My theroy is that this living thing could be an entity the Engineers found somewhere on a mysterious planet. This entity is jailed in a rock prison, floating in a kind of liquid keeping it alive. Then the crew, after some tests, found there is a living thing jailed here and tried to free it. And then who know what is happening ? I think this living thing is able to give the Engineers the base material to create the goo. This is why some of the concept show this thing in a big room filled with some green/black water. This could be the non-raffined goo extracted from this living entity. Then this "primal goo" is raffined with a complex processus that explain the whole structure of the pyramid. This concept art could explain this process :
As we have a shit load of canisters full of goo, in only one juggernauth (and they are many on LV-223), we should supposed that the goo has been produced in industrial quantity.
What do you think of this theory ? I think it has been discussed in the past as well, sorry for if so.

MemberDeaconJan-22-2018 9:10 AMWell i have to ask where did those concepts come from?
I have never ever seen those thanks for the share ;)
If these are Legit concepts then its interesting, because the Source claimed the Engineers Power/Forbidden Fire came from a Dark Obelisk that was neither Rock/Metal and it was kind of growing from the ground (with roots) and at the Center it glowed Green... They alluded to the Engineers Stealing a Shard/Shards of this.
Those concepts certainly would appear to add up to this. They also did say Paradise has some Giger Aesthetic but a lot of the buildings were like Ancient Egypt Monuments and Babylonian Ziggurat's but some also had a Ancient Rome and Jerusalem look to them. The Obelisk i remember they claimed was about 20-25 Meters Tall.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

King Goo
MemberOvomorphJan-22-2018 9:18 AMyou can find them on the avpgalaxy.net website, in the prometheus section for concept arts :
Here is also one of the artist that provide them :
I don't have found yet all the artists pages but will update this thread if I will.
You will find on the avp concept art page some interesting concept, like a real cathedral where the juggernaut is under the pyramid, or various vues for the pyramid entrance. etc. Many are not in the Prometheus art book.

MemberDeaconJan-22-2018 9:22 AMRegarding the Engineers who knows what RS is on about, he can contradict a bit.
*He often referred to the Engineers as Fallen Angels, is this just the LV-223 ones? Are they Fallen because they are Malevolent/Wicked beings, or because they had Rebelled or got Expelled from the rest of their Race?
*He claimed he did not want to meet GOD in the first movie, regarding the removal of the Elders, so the Engineers in Prometheus are not GOD, but this does not mean the Gods are similar to the Engineers like say Egyptian Pharaohs or that the Tribal Elders are the Gods.
*He said David and Shaw would find Paradise, and those beings and they are Far From Benevolent and are not Gods in the Traditional Sense.
*He latter when Alien Paradise Lost was announced, mentioned that if the Engineers are the Forerunners to Mankind, then what makes Worlds be able to sustain Life in the first place... where is the Big Guy. Also asking is the Big Bang a Accident?
*At the same time he said you have ONE Guy who is Handsome, gets all the girls and goes to all the parties while another Guy is not so handsome and basically stays at home being boring.
*He has said a few times prior that the Fallen Angels seem to have the most fun in the Paradise Lost Poem.
*With Alien Covenant released, he calls those Planet 4 Engineers the ORIGINAL Engineers.
*The Hall of Heads is referred to the Hierarchy, the Wise Men, the Apostles and Superior Beings (to who, Mankind? The other Engineers in Prometheus, or those on Planet 4?)
*Ridley Scott suggested also that while there are many versions of Man, why cant it be the same with the Engineers, and he also said the Engineers ARE-NOT a Race but a CIVILIZATION.
When i look back at the Source comments regarding Mankind and Engineers, i think they kind of add up to what RS has said months after the Source passed this information on... So its interesting to ponder what this relationship is.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconJan-22-2018 9:57 AMCheers, some i have seen before but some i never came across like the ones you linked ;)
There certainly is a lot of Mysteries that we cant come up with a definite answer for, i have always interpreted (prior to Alien Covenant) that LV-223 was just a Way-Station, if these Engineers played some role in our Creation/Evolution and Visited Ancient man from time to time, leaving those Star Maps as far back as 35'000 years ago.. I had a massive Problem with this place being a Bio-Weapons Facility from the Get Go!
Why create a Outpost for Bio-Weapons, and give clues to where it is to Mankind going back as far as 35'000 years, and come to visit us and no doubt teach us knowledge, until 2000 years ago they decide to Destroy us? Why would they use this place a Bio-Weapon Facility and manage to control/contain these Bio-Weapons for over 33'000 years until the Outbreak and why only around the Time they decide to use the Bio-Weapon on us do they suffer a Outbreak? Maybe Sabotage?
Nope to me, if these are Genetic Gardeners then surely they would want to Experiment/Evolve Lifeforms and it would make more sense to carry this out on a different location, you would not want to experiment/hybridize Crop, Plants and Fruit in any Garden/Plots of Land in case of the having a effect on what you already have planted right?
So it makes sense that LV-223 was a Green-house/Nursery where they could experiment on their Creations and when pleased, they can then Plant them to Earth and other Worlds... I think this explains why the Outpost was Terra-formed to support Human Life, as those LV-223 Engineers could survive out on the surface of LV-223 at least for some time.
This is my theory on LV-223, so these beings are the Watchers so to speak. This is there Way-Station to keep watch over us and evolve us and other life on.
After Alien Covenant by stance has not really changed on LV-223
Why would the Engineers welcome the Juggernaught? A returning War Hero Welcome? Maybe, so to welcome their kind back from War, but then do they know this ship has come from LV-223, is it not odd that those ships had not returned for Thousands of Years? But then RS said the Engineers Return time to time and will once again, so they also go elsewhere in the Galaxy, so on other War Missions?
This is at odds with the Process to Create Mankind...
Looking at the City, i see the Hanger and around it are Statues very much like the Buddha Offering Statues, they are holding a Bowl/Cup that is maybe like the Sacrificial Cup, so do these Statues represent the Sacrificial Scene? Then we see those Pillars with Statues of Various Engineers? I actually think that Planet 4 is where the Engineers get their Sacrifices from, and that being Chosen is a Great Honor. Now and again these Juggernaughts return to take Chosen Sacrifices which is a great Moment in their Culture, the Chosen are done so because they are Symbol of Perfect Specimens, and from their Sacrifice they will CREATE Life, and as Reward they also get Statues Erected in their Honor.
If we look at it like this, then this would explain how they Welcomed the Juggernaught, with no Fear for the Cargo at all, until it was unleashed...
WHY? Well if we look at the Sacrificial Scene... a Ancient Ship drops off a Engineer who consumes the Sacrificial Goo and his broken down Material is the basis/catalyst that creates basic life or Evolves Basic Life. Its not exactly the most Perfect Method.... a Evolution of this could be to Sacrifice the Engineers on the Ships or LV-223 or even some other Safe Place. If a Engineer drinks the Sacrificial Goo but he is standing inside of a container, the broken down material would be contained... if this is siphoned off into Ampoules and these then placed in those URNS would not Dropping Canisters of Engineer DNA Urns not be more efficient than the Sacrificial Scene?
So i propose those Juggernaughts were intended as a Evolution to the Seeding Ship, hence no Weapons or Defense Mechanisms and hence no Fear from those Engineers.
But as we can see the Sacrificial Goo can break down the DNA of a Organism so its DNA can be spread onto a World to Evolve Life it comes into contact with, at some point the LV-223 Engineers at very least (maybe ordered from some place else or not?) had came into contact with something that turned one into gestating a Organism and so they experimented on this over and over until the Deacon, then they chose its DNA to be used to Seed worlds.
Turning a Seeding Ship, into one that would Seed Worlds with Xeno-DNA.... "Sometimes to Create, One must First Destroy"
Thats just my TWO Cents on Planet 4 and LV-223.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-08-2018 2:23 PMhttp://www.scified.com/member/10112/topics/
my old profile : oduodu