Riffing on a pic- a weekend throw away thread!

MemberTrilobiteJan-20-2018 9:28 PMThanks to Ati for the pic! Let's riff on it.
Protomorph to Neomorph in a valley girl voice- "Seriously? You killed and ate THAT? EWW girlfriend! Look at her clothes- you need some standards honey!"
Maybe this could be Weekend throw away thread 1. Just do silly stuff on weekends that don't quite fit into existing threads? Anything goes as long as Forum terms are not violated.

MemberTrilobiteJan-20-2018 10:32 PMLOL! That is pretty out there! Maybe a free form thread every weekend could be fun.

MemberPraetorianJan-21-2018 2:49 PMdk - I like that xeno-neo image very much, they look like a married couple. :/
Is the xeno taking a selfie? lol