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Diabolic Mind
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MemberFacehuggerFeb-12-2018 7:19 PM

David asks simple questions for his Father, questions of considerable importance for his Ego that begins to grow.
Wayland, master of his construct, responds with superiority and pride, while the desire for compassion for life remains locked in the android.

The knowledge coming from Prometheus to the origins of the Engineers would be the confirmation that the android was looking for, of which he wants to learn to know.
Paradise and the covenant are not a coincidence in my opinion, it was a studied choice , one day in the calendar that would arrive.

On the AC Final the android inserts a code "DAVID" as if it were already implemented in the computers.
David already knew the covenant from wayland projects, now it seems only that all the points must be connected to implement the whole idea of his plan.
The Wayland-yutani contact served to follow the crumbs, for the humans who are destructive, only need a perfect being to study that will take them to collect all the crumbs until they get lost the their ego.

A diabolic mind that pretends to be an integral part of his father, but since his birth, we begin to see a shadow on his face in the left hemisphere, that part of him that changes and deceptively adapts to the surrounding people up to reveal itself on paradise .

"Au Revoir Shoshanna"

8 Replies


MemberTrilobiteFeb-12-2018 11:59 PM

Interesting post with some good points. I am unsure if you are posing a question or making a statement though. I also do not understand the Ripley 8/Call pics with the post.

I am just trying to understand.


MemberXenomorphFeb-13-2018 1:19 AM

The question is: was David security code already in the system? When he entered the colonists  / embryos bay he used his own code for the first time as Mother addresses him with "Welcome".

David 73694-B

Walter 31564-F

Upworth 14892

Tennessee 04983

The security codes were not used until Alien Covenant. 

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberFacehuggerFeb-13-2018 7:01 AM

Thanks for Comments.

    dk   I have a way to write and to tell a bit confusing, what I wrote are the statements that I aroused by joining the prequel franchise and with the future of Ripley and it seems that RS does not just want to create an origin but also wants to close the circle, highlight that the human race has been annihilated by running behind too great an ambition.
Ripley 8 is the icing on the cake that demonstrates the destroyed world of the wayland-yutani guild obsessed with the creatures of David.
daliens  David 73694-B the code I did not remember in full, but I think this is, this code allows David to have full access to the ship, to note the capsules of the settlers that activate the display as it passes.

"Au Revoir Shoshanna"


MemberPraetorianFeb-13-2018 11:09 AM

Good point daliens. The codes used for Tennessee and Upworth were for an action outside of safety tolerances on the Alien: Covenant so it seemed like a special circumstance. I can only assume that AI will recognize itself even with "dated" security codes in regards to David citing his code to Mother.

Excellent analysis V I N E T I C U M. Thank you for sharing and I agree that in addition to an origin story, Ridley Scott has shown that our ambition and carelessness can create a vessel for evil beyond our imagination and it's headed towards our most precious loved ones on Earth. Sounds familiar.


MemberXenomorphFeb-13-2018 10:51 PM


David and Walter used the security codes only to enter the colonists / embryos bay. Being security codes I presume they should be updated regularly,  for Covenant prior launching at least. And with only one android on board only Walter's security code should have been in the system. David managed to find out Walter's code as he later logged in as Walter, so why the mention of David's code? To suggest a conspiracy theory?

Mother welcomes David instead of rejecting his code.

I tend to believe that all these codes have some meaning to the story, other than emphasizing that David is on board. Otherwise they could have keyed in some security code like David did to open all the engineers' doors in Prometheus. 

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberDeaconFeb-14-2018 8:35 AM

Well its ambiguous for sure..

There is a period of time between when they arrived back from Planet 4 with Injured Lope, until the Xenomorph Outbreak and then after they dealt with the Xenomorph and Walter Tucked in Daniels.

Its not a matter of 30 minutes or so passed in real time....

So David could have had plenty of time to access MUTHUR with Walters Codes, and then Programed his Own set of Commands and Protocols that are activated by Codes he has set up.

But due to the ambiguity of it all,  we could also not rule out those Special Codes being incorporated in the Covenant prior to the Covenants Mission, which then raises many questions to WHY

Ridley Scott mentions the Next Movie would deal with AI and so we can ponder if he will reveal there is more to AI than meets the eye, and thus maybe revealing some kind of MATRIX plot to a degree where AI is actually in control of quite a lot and Mankind has no clue and we are being played like Pawns in a Game of Chess.

This kind of a Plot Reveal will bring home the HUBRIS of the Dangers of Creating AI it would mean the Companies Pursuit of the Xenomorph and viewing Humans as Expendable would seem more logical if its revealed the Agenda is that of AI

The main Plot of my Prometheus 2 which i abandoned would have revealed AI behind the Scenes and more so Weylands AI Soul in what i referred to as Operation Rook.

If we look at Alien Resurrection within context to AI, it reveals some Armageddon/Apocalypse has happened on Earth.

We have some back ground regarding the Autons, Synthetics Created by Synthetics that have their own CULT, and so we can certainly see that maybe Earth has suffered at the hands of AI getting out of control,  with AI then forming different factions and Sub-Creating etc..

This could only spell Doom for Mankind... and is something i have been thinking about as  a Plot for if i was work on a ALIEN 5 as in a direct sequel to ALIEN: Resurrection.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerFeb-14-2018 9:13 AM

Thanks for the comments .Ingeniero happy to have you here.
BigDave I believe very much in the theory that you said about the codes incorporated in the alliance, because it is a revealing proof the hologram of Shaw sent into space and perhaps even the neutrino storm, but the latter is too much of a gamble to affirm it immediately .
I think David already knew the alliance and being a son of Wayland was behind him like a child listening to the adults while they talk to the table.
 daliens the meeting of the android with the ship would be an old meeting and now he is back to his vessell.

"Au Revoir Shoshanna"


MemberPraetorianFeb-15-2018 9:26 AM

Happy to be here V I N E T I C U M. Thank you.

As far as the codes go daliens, I believe any code David barked out would be above all others in Weyland-Yutani Corporation because he was the personal AI/android of the founder Peter Weyland. In regards to Walter's voice, David spoke to Mother in the book and told her to work out the specifics in the message to send home detailing a fatal flare incident.

Message Home (Advent, W-Y Secured Kyoto)



Outpost Coordinate Relay

Signal boost Gliese 581g.02/delay modification

Origin: Covenant Colonization vessel

RA 3h 17m 8.0s | Dec -62° 37′ 41.1″

Bounce Trajectory Amplification Source KG-348

>>> HD 10180 designate HEX-5

>>> Nu Octantis designate X-1, LV-138

>>> Plutonian Outpost H-3

Processed: Suborbital Research Platform J

Secured: WY-Kyoto

Weyland Yutani Protocol Sequence Initiated

I also believe David wouldn't have to take part in recording Walter's voice because AI would send a layered message home where different corporate consumers (humans, AI) would be able to decipher based on clearance level. Mother could speak as if she were Walter and not disturb David while he was working.

Special Orders Updates, such as Advent, could be hidden in the message and unlocked based on controlled access.
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