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New trailer for Alien
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MemberXenomorphMar-22-2018 11:53 PM

The Alien FB page posted a new video with the caption, "We're excited to debut a brand new trailer for the 1979 classic, Alien! Why? Because we can and it's awesome. Enjoy!"

Which one do you prefer: the new one or the original?

I hope you did not think this post was about a new alien film, only a new trailer for the classic 1979 one.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

12 Replies


MemberTrilobiteMar-23-2018 12:09 AM

Thanks for posting- but Hell No! That goes for the Aliens trailer too. The original Alien trailer was basically just the egg with short cuts and no dialogue while showing no monsters and the new one shows too much like Prometheus and AC did.  


MemberNeomorphMar-23-2018 12:30 AM

agree with dk completely. the original trailer gave nothing away. weeks before AC premiered the folks on here had at least 80% of the film mapped out. there were discussions on who did what exactly but the plot and outcome we had down to a T because the trailers gave the whole film away. they shouldn't have shown us the backburster in the trailer. they shouldn't have shown us the face hugger scene in the trailer. they shouldn't have revealed Walter etc etc etc


MemberTrilobiteMar-23-2018 1:06 AM

A3 had a good trailer. AR gave up a bit more but not the movie story- I can give it a pass considering that movie was not even really supposed to happen. 


MemberXenomorphMar-23-2018 1:39 AM

I prefer the original, I find it more intense without giving away too much, except for the terror and the hostile environment. 

It is good though they at least did something new, like an anticipation for the next film. It would be perfect if we'd be hit one day with a new teaser, out of nowhere. 

C'mon Disney,  people are waiting!

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberPraetorianMar-23-2018 1:48 AM

Agree with dk. This new clip highlights everything wrong with modern trailers. It is a just a "best bits" clip that spoon feeds you the premise before you see it.

Rather than something compelling and captivating that makes you think "I must see that film now to see what this is about!" 


MemberDeaconMar-23-2018 9:31 AM

I guess this would be kind of what a Alien Trailer would be like if the movie was made in recent years, i agree it would give too much away.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianMar-23-2018 12:52 PM

Yeah, gives practically everything away. I don't like the music either.

Now compare it with one of the original trailers, with the ultra creepy music. Still gives me goosebumps!


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberTrilobiteMar-23-2018 4:29 PM

dk reviews the new Alien and Aliens trailers ;)





MemberDeaconMar-24-2018 6:12 AM

Love the Old Trailers...

I also love how the Prometheus ones adopted the same sounds.

Oh and the Egg... WTF people may say.... but i have Plans for that Egg in my Alien Franchise ideas for Movies ;)

Lets just say it is one of the greatest tools of those above the Engineers...   Ridley Scott once mentioned in relation to a Sequel to Prometheus...    he questioned about the Big Bang, was it a Accident?

Nope..... and i have a idea how to explain this... Revealing Multiple Creation Tools, the Goo not being the Top of these... But related to the Egg as in the Trailer/Poster one is ;)

Also what David uses to Destroy LV-223 in my Alien: Absolution idea (Sequel to Alien: Ascension   which is the sequel to Alien Covenant).

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterMar-24-2018 3:33 PM

yes the new Alien and Aliens trailers suck.

I would have loved to see the original Alien trailer on TV back in 1979!!

I bet it would be just as awesome as the Prometheus trailer in 2012.  I loved the Prometheus trailer!

I guess the new Alien and Aliens trailers are cool if you've already seen the movie, which everyone who watches them have.  Maybe that was the motivation behind making them how they did.  If not, that person NEEDS to be fired forever from the Alien franchise.


MemberPraetorianMar-25-2018 6:53 AM

I believe we are on the same page regarding Prometheus I Moon Girl. I loved the trailers and the movie might be my favorite of the franchise.

The new Alien and Aliens trailers produced may be in relation to the VR experience myth we heard about last year.

Great catch daliens!


MemberNeomorphMar-28-2018 7:56 AM

It gave the most important things away and the music was wrong. The sound in the original was more like classical music while this was more like some rock or what ever. Do you agree with this Lone? Classical music seems to fit better with the mood that we are supposed to get from horror movies, it works better for me at least. The original was better in the way that it did not show a lot of what would happen.

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