Sir Ridley Scott tweets

MemberXenomorphMar-24-2018 1:21 AMDon't know if it was already discussed, but I found some interesting old tweets on Sir Ridley Scott's Twitter. Please see below:
Sir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Jun 23, 2016Hello Twitter! #myfirstTweet
Sir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Jun 23, 2016Read news about me making it up as I go on #AlienCovenant. Actors laughed until I pretended the twist now is they were replicants all alongk
Sir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Jun 29, 2016I'm ok, forklift and all. Christ those go fast. Nearly lifted Fassbender's ego to new heights, we laughed #AlienCovenant. Then cried #Brexit
Sir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Jul 1, 2016Thirty minutes of the film will have no computer generated FX whatsoever in #AlienCovenant computers are doing my head in ATM to be honest
Sir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Aug 6, 2016If you thought an alien queen was clever then wait until you see the fever dream existing within #AlienCovenant. Ants, for fuck's sake James
Sir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Aug 6, 2016OH. Done. I shot thirty seven hours of film somehow. Edits for bloody ages now. Shots all basically loud screaming and rubbing cello strings
Sir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Aug 6, 2016Also ants are rubbish. Sorry JC mate, hah. Talk about it next week mate. Fasser's typing this he's hammered Mayfair
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberDeaconMar-24-2018 5:13 AMRamblings of Man overworked and on the Booze ;)
Bless Him ;)
To be fair some interesting things, and Ridley Scott does not mince his words, straight to the point and speaks his mind and you have to take your hat off to him for that.
Reading into the Queen/Ants comment i think its him having a bit of Banter with Cameron.... however if we get the impression and take it too literally that the Queen and Ants/Hive ideas are something he is not a FAN of, and certainly not what he would have intended.
Then we have to wonder what concoction he has in mind for the Thousands of Eggs, i cant see him having the Colonist all Egg Morphed. But you cant help wondering if RS has some more bizarre, disturbing method of creating thousands of Eggs.
Regarding the Hive Mind... i would say this fits more with a AI actually, as in Aliens you could get the impression the Xenomorph Colony was working as ONE Hive Mind, for a Greater Cause. If RS goes the more AI route with the Xenomorph, then some kind of Communication between a collection of Xenomorph Nodes would not be far off the Aliens Hive Mind.
Ant Bashing aside, the Neomorph and Xenomorph in Alien Covenant are simply shown as Aggressive Parasitic Organisms intend on merely hunting down its prey/victims. No other objective apart from seek and destroy.
which is what Alien shows us too, its only the DC version with the Egg Morph that really gets us to take a different look at Alien and the Xenomorph Agenda/Objective..... and also the ideas RS had but never used as far as the Xenomorph killing Ripley and then faking the voice of Crew Members to Lure in a Trap for any rescuers.
Sadly either of these kinds of Psychological Traits/Objectives are not seen in Alien Covenants Xenomorph... it really is a case of placing a few Fire Ants in a dish with some normal ants or other small insects and then watch as the Fire Ants simply attack and kill the other insects.
The Replicants remark is interesting too..
Maybe RS will throw a Curveball in that actually a lot of Humans are not Humans at all, but are AI as in Replicants but they are not aware of it... so quite a lot similar with the Matrix where we are controlled by AI that we created, that now rules over us and we live out our lives not knowing its a Matrix... But with RS comments it could appear that many Humans may not know they are a Replicant too... Maybe a Curveball that these are created by Synthetics?
This would match RS comments about the next movie is more AI than Xenomorph.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphMar-24-2018 11:11 AMGreat points, BigDave
I wonder what happened to the 37 hours of film he shot for Alien Covenant.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberDeaconMar-24-2018 5:19 PMI cant even believe he shot that much,i would think someone like Ridley Scott gets his work done Right nearly first time, its what he prides himself on and often states he can get movies shot in much less time than most because he knows what he wants and only needs a few takes.
So its a Question of did he really shoot a extra 35 hours worth of shots?
Its likely this time included the Set-Up/Lighting etc and not 35 hours of footage that ended on the Cutting Floor... Maybe a question someone should pose to him.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianMar-24-2018 6:24 PMMy favorite:
"Sir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Jun 23, 2016Read news about me making it up as I go on #AlienCovenant. Actors laughed until I pretended the twist now is they were replicants all alongk"
He did reference "K" at the end...oh, the possibilities.
Yes, some Tweets seem like he wrote them while he had been drinking on his yacht and had wifi access at the same moment.
Awesome topic daliens.

MemberPraetorianMar-24-2018 6:29 PM"Sir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Aug 6, 2016OH. Done. I shot thirty seven hours of film somehow. Edits for bloody ages now. Shots all basically loud screaming and rubbing cello strings"
I knew it.
..he had to shoot more with the sets identical to many events in the Alien: Covenant Origins book. The extra footage (37 hours total) may be unrelated but I don't think so. Can get two movies out of thirty seven hours of footage filmed for approximately two hours of Alien: Covenant, Advent, and Phobos.
I'm looking forward to the announcement on April 26, 2018.

MemberXenomorphMar-25-2018 12:07 AMThank you Ingeniero
I know he needed many takes to get the David / Walter scenes right, but up to 37 hours?
It was said that Noomi Rapace and Hames Franco, who merely appeared in flashbacks in the final film, have stayed on the sets longer and filmed more.
Shouldn't we have had more deleted scenes? For Alien Covenant they are a lot less than for Alien 3.
I think Ridley Scott saved something for later.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberDeaconMar-25-2018 11:53 PMIndeed i think it depends on if RS is actually being honest with those 37 hours.
I think something that could contribute to it would be multiple angels.. If say a Scene thats 5 minutes was shot with 3 different cameras, this gives us 15 minutes of footage and allows RS to Mix/Edit these different camera views into footage he feels is ideal... which in this case could mean 10 mins of different angel footage is cut.
Regarding Noomi Rappace what i read into the Shooting was she did a Weeks worth of shooting... aka 7 days, this does not mean it has to be a lot of footage because typically a 2-2.5 hour movie could be shot in 12 weeks or less. But still this could mean Rappace shot about 10-15 minutes of footage, but who knows how much are retakes or got cut.
I would suspect her role was for the Crossing only.... but its still fun to speculate if there was any more footage shot. Franco appears to be someone RS just called in to do a few Cameos and then the Last Supper Prologue.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphMar-26-2018 2:21 AMI think a lot of hours were needed for the David / Walter scenes, especially the fighting scenes, so you are right BigDave , a lot must have been lost theough editing. But still I like to believe there are at least some 30 minutes saved for later.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberDeaconMar-26-2018 4:23 AMI think its possible and likely we have had alternative and longer scenes that we have not maybe seen in the Extras too..
Prometheus had a number of scenes we never saw even in the Extras.
These for certain included.
*Even Longer Sacrificial Engineers Scene with TWO way Dialog.
*Scenes of the Engineer getting up from the Crashed Juggernaught and making his way to the Lifeboat.
*Scene of him taking a look at some books in the Lifeboat.
*Potentially longer still Engineer Speaks Scene
*Potentially alternative Trilobite Attack (the now you see it, now you dont and now you do Face Burn).
*Potential Longer Engineer Pilot Room Hologram Scene
Never mind maybe other stuff that got cut/never even made the extras
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianMar-26-2018 9:45 AMSir Ridley Scott@Sir_RidleyScott·Aug 6, 2016OH. Done. I shot thirty seven hours of film somehow. Edits for bloody ages now. Shots all basically loud screaming and rubbing cello strings
Below, Dane Hallett's facebook page references string instruments.
Could one scene we have yet to see include David performing a string piece while others are screaming?

MemberNeomorphMar-28-2018 7:53 AMIt seems that he has some problems with the Cameron version of the Xeno. Maybe that meas that he feels that he could have handled it better than Cameron if he would have done the sequel.
37 seven hours of film seems interesting. I guess that there is a lot of extra material that could be interesting to watch if that is what he means but then he has said that he often get things to on the first take so I am not sure.
@ Ingeniero: That might be interesting for those that care about the David story but to me I just don't care about his fluting or some instrument extras. I don't consider those that care about the AI thing to be idiots I simply see that we have different interests about this franchise. To me that is just overkill so I will pass to read about that.

MemberPraetorianApr-26-2018 9:30 AM"I don't consider those that care about the AI thing to be idiots I simply see that we have different interests about this franchise. To me that is just overkill so I will pass to read about that."
Thank you for clarifying that you don't think I'm an idiot Thoughts_Dreams because I like the AI aspects of the story. I totally support how Ridley Scott described the mechanics of space travel...hypersleep for humans while AI runs the ship.
Non-AI Interstellar Travel
Below is an example of how I imagine the Covenant ship command room would look without AI:
Without AI and the AI sensory extension of the synthetics, such as David and Walter, the first generations of colonists running the valves would die from arthritis because of the lack of computers running the functions for them during the trip.
You can certainly pass on reading my comment on a David connection above in Ridley Scott's tweets Thoughts_Dreams.
I have also wrote about the xenomorph from tooth to tail (hindquarters) should that be suitable for your non-flute interests offered by the franchise.