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Prometheus 2 plot synopsis

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Al Dumas

MemberOvomorphAug-21-2013 1:39 PM
Overview Premise Engineers have DNA matches humans not because humans come from Engineers. Engineers come from humans. Shaw & David discover that Earth Humans came from the Paradise Planet Humans. Where the Humans there engineered the Engineers. Although they do A.I., Paradise Planet Humans are not into robots and automation. They use Engineers more for that. Bred and bred for higher specialized intelligence and physicality….. enthralled by intellect and physique the PP Humans overlooked conscience. Engineers do not reproduce. Because the elements needed to allow them to do so is hidden. Engineers are not happy about that. “We are conscious and self aware and yet because you fear us you don’t allow us to reproduce”…. Engineers would be rid of the yoke of the Paradise Planet Humans but they must keep them safe for now. So they continue in a drone like role specialized to do certain things. Engineers dont inherently hate humans. But they have to protect the Paradise Planet Humans from what the Earth Humans carry. Engineers encounter Earth Humans while on earth WITHOUT killing them. The message the left was misinterpreted (by Shaw and the likes) as invitations. Close inspection of the cave paintings (and a willingness to step away from one initial interpretation) it can be seen that the Engineers Are presenting to the Earth Humans the “Tree of good and evil” in the garden that is the Milky Way galaxy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surprise!!!! TOXOPLASMOSIS !!!!! Aliens Goddess Queen infected Paradise Humans FIRST!!! To….. breed Engineers! All Humans and Engineers are fascinated with ‘origins’ and what the Alien Goddess Queen means to their constructs of origins. This fascination is reminiscent like toxo cat lady's and toxo mice are fascinated with cats. one to their pleasure (PP Humans) and the other case to their eventual pain (Earth Humans). Paradise Planet Humans send colonies here and there and Alien Goddess Queen while not intellectually smart enough to build flying machines and or do DNA engineering, has a galaxy hive where her children will be fed humans seed populated by humans and her offspring placed there by drone-like Engineers. David explains to Shaw this is why you are so drawn to “know why”. David is something between the mechanical menace of HAL 9000 and a minstrel of the King Lear’s type. Engineers neither built humans nor aliens. AGQ used one to build the other. Otherness causes tension and separation.... as she requires. All 3 parties are intrigued enthralled enslaved by her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AVP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< --------------- just to tidy things up ----------------- Predators are really under contract to protect their Earth Humans from what was sure to be a mere temporary solution of putting Earth Humans far away. Earth Humans were put on this “reservation” with a pictorial warning to never return to where the pictorial figure was pointing to. lost in the translation. Predators are interested in sport and honor not conquest. Heck they even let pregnant women go unharmed. Whereas whoever put them there Engineers or Paradise Humans are not interested in making sure they survive long term. MOVIE ARCH Part 1:4 David is menacing in the way that only a machine can. David is something between a mechanical menace of HAL 9000 and a minstrel of the King Lear’s type. A reliable resource as long as Shaw stays on the true path. Shaw (unsure of Davids fidelity and motives) reminds herself that Davids facade is just that, a facade. Other than that he has no other goal but to stretch this thing out as long as he can and provide info to the next ship from the company to arrive there. David informs Shaw that the trip will take 3 yrs. Shaw says she doesn't have enough food. David suggests the cryo-bed (Shaw retorts – says the spider to the fly). Shaw realizes that he's up to something. She realizes that she has the weakest hand. Out of all the other characters, neither David nor the Engineers (nor the stow away Alien) needs O2. Engineer breath through their skin, do not require O2 and do not produce CO2… not in the amount humans do. She also realizes she is at the mercy of David because she can be in the cryo-bed and he could cut off her O2. She has no choice but to risk it. Along with that when she awakes David could allow her to awake at an in opportune time. In a weak attempt to mitigate this Shaw insist that David's head will be in the cryo-bed with her. His body can have camera & mikes. David "wants" to see her face when she gets to Paradise. So he goes along with it and doesn’t have a “desire” to endanger her. She is a “useful idiot” as far as he is concerned. Besides if he wanted her dead he could have just let the first Engineer kill her. David chides Shaw a bit about being wrong on the interpreting things ie "invitation". and perhaps she could be wrong about that cross... One should really be careful of believing in something so strongly without deep consideration and checking to see if you interpreted it correctly. Part 2:4 After inspecting his head in the cryo-bed David body encounters a hologram from Engineers log. Along the way proximity triggers awaken three Engineers.. David is also growing aware of the stowaway Alien. Having gained insight into the Engineers David in a clever move one Engineer in a face hugger room. And traps the other two in a room with the stowaway Alien. They fight the Alien. They loose… Seeing the image of the AQG image and stone and realizing its trapped the Alien curls up and hibernates. David puts the other Engineer back into HER cryo-bed, face huger and all. Part 2:4b. Shaw is awaken because they are arriving but she doesn't know about the sequesters stowaway. Audience still can't tell David's intent. On entry to the atmosphere David explains that the Engineers don’t do DNA Engineering, they simply DNA manipulate. They simply scoop this stuff up and jar it. As they arrive at the Paradise Planet, David drops the bomb of the origins of the Engineers as Shaw encounters the Paradise Planet Human David chides Shaw about being wrong again about her origins and the engineers origins. Part 3:4 joe blow paradise humans don't know the secret that earth humans are food. David encounters an equivalent A.I. After some puzzle and riddle games and language processing etc... they size each other up. Paradise Planet A.I. gives David a riddle he’s been working on... David solves the puzzle just as David presents the solution. Paradise A.I. presents his solution.... The characteristics of the puzzle needs to be of the following (mensa puzzle – solved by understanding the attributes of primes and natural numbers (?)) A teacher says to two students: I’m thinking of two natural numbers greater than 1. Can you guess what they are? One student knows the products of the two numbers while the other student knows their sum. 1st Student: I don’t know their sum. 2nd Student: I knew that. Their sum is less than 14. 1st Student: I knew that. Because Of what you said I now know the two numbers. 2nd Student: Because you know, now I also know. The mensa puzzle asks the reader what were the two numbers? In the case of David and the PP A.I. are student 1 and 2. They both realize Paradise humans, Earth Humans, Engineers and Aliens are all suffering a sort of toxoplasmosis originating from the Alien Goddess Queen. realizing a full on frontal presentation of this would cause a less than desirable reaction and his “interest” in watching her go through what he has gone through. David gets Shaw to think about the question... “Do you know why you believe?..... you believe and then you rationalize”. You think you believe from your own will and a mass of understood facts. But maybe you believe because you want to believe and that you want to believe because you are programmed to believe. David chides her again for being wrong yet again! For being so weak throwing up her hands saying in effect “I believe just because….” Don’t blame the Alien Goddess Queen --- its just evolution. She is not acting out of malice. Part 4:4 Paradise Humans are put against Earth Human. They will not alter their plan to drop their payload on Earth. At the final moments David tells shaw --- if she wants he can open the incubation chamber where the two Engineers died. Shaw has to choose earth or paradise earth. She knows her track record of being wrong. She thinks that David knows the correct (he's says there is no correct just bad and good and best -- so wrong again). In agony she asks David for the answer... David goads her again for abdicating responsibility. Look around here dr shaw. while earth was fascinated with automatons this place only have factory robots -- robots where. no decisions are made by them. they at least learned to owned their decisions. Stuck between the horns of the dilemma… Shaw again confesses that she was sooooo wrong…. Shaw insists on asking David… What should I do ---- either way it's going to hurt billions of self aware beings... David reminds Shaw “the trick is not minding that it hurts”. Shaw confesses that she had projected values and morals onto David where there were no morals or values. His developers didn't believe in such things... David tells Shaw to know right and wrong you’d have to know everything. In her case there is only bad, good and better decisions. her decision is given but all we hear are David's Last words are David... "interesting choice Dr Shaw.... " and whirring.... cld b engines cld b incubation doors. We learn that Shaw has decided to leave it alone. David however leaves the matter of the face hugged Engineer unmentioned. When Shaw realizes that one cryo-bed was still occupied and is now not she asks David what happened. David recounts the entire truth. Wryly lecturing Shaw about being “economical with the truth”. Paradise Planet is indeed infected and that the best move for Dr Shaw was to go back to the planet and disable all the other ships…. And crew….and yes you will need to be face hugged.
3 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2013 2:20 AM
as wild and lovely as all this sounds STARGATE SG1: the TV series, covered all this before. All of Prometheus belong to Stargate SG1. :)
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Al Dumas

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2013 9:32 AM
Whuuuuu? Oooooh man. Didn't you find anything in there redeeming? I thought I did nice work tiding up some of the gaps in the story. ie.... how is it that Engineers can do a DNA ceremony at the beginning of the movie and run the 200 meters from his crashed ship to the lifepod where Shaw was and work in the "nursery"/"incubation" room without the changing the atmosphere like humans do --- because they don’t need O2 nor produce CO2 like humans I didnt have a world class geologist getting turnabout in minor spelunking track nor a world class biologist/zoologist when encountering a new life form thinking that a smart thing to do right off the bat was to put his hand in its mouth. I thought I did a better job than that? I thought I moved the story to less visual and to more bouncing between visceral and cerebral. I did away with the need to flood scenes with eye popping robots and such and to get the audience to both be in awe of David and mild disgust with Shaw and the "scientificism" part of her. I thought I gave candy to the DP ie.... this is up to the DP to portray but..... cut to scene where the 3 Engineers have already woken up. the 1 goes off to do his thing. We’ve learned that the Engineers find it repulsive to speak to humans… so they draw pictures or dont speak or at least avoid it. (that cleans up the scene where they don’t verbally respond to Weylan) The other two Engineers needing to be together because whatever they are about to do requires two party authentication. At first although they see the Headless David walking around but are in a hurry. Once the perceive that he is malicious they have no choice but to give chase. After an hour and a half they are clearly winded… (and producing enough CO2 to arouse the Xeno – Davids head smiles) they have been in cryo-sleep some time. Continuing to follow Headless David they see him go in to the incubation room. After looking at each other they go in. They see the stowaway Xeno. They now know that headless David tricked them. The first thing the Engineer 1 does is dose herself in the black goo on the floor (tidied that up that mystery, you’re welcome and gives eye candy in the slightly sensualized female form, think Ripley and that lovel lovely panty scene -- ;-) but more starla, xena) This does not render her invisible but, it is ph balanced against the acid. Just before the second Engineer can get himself covered the melee ensues. Forget 2D (axis) fight scenes… Neither Headless David nor the Xeno think nor move on two axis’s… The Engineers can think but cant move like David nor the Xeno… Cover your eyes kids cause for the next 3 minutes the DP is gonna put the audience in phone both with two tigers, a large bag of acid, Anderson Silva, a gorcery bag of loose razor blades and hypodermic needles --- and he’s going to super glue the phone booth door. Nobody’s talking because cuz Headless David cant, Xeno dont and Engineers wont. The last scene Headless David is cornered by the last Engineer (thinking that she has incapacitated the Xeno – at the expense of the younger Engineer)…. The only clue that he has check mated her is that she winces in pain as the “base” goo is worn off at the shoulder and some Xeno drool is on her. Tears welling up in her eyes just as her head and finally her eyes makes the turn to face off with the injured Xeno it over…. Cut away…. Back to some other scene… Cut back… now it’s just Headless David and the wounded Xeno…. Headless David being non CO2 producing inorganic BUT not knowing that the Xeno is not completely mindless has to make his way to the door open it, get out and then close it…. See…? See……..? Isnt that better than Shaw basically having a C – section and then immediately running a decathlon…? I give eye candy…. I clean up loose ends…. I give emotional tension --- to actually care about the characters…. I put the audience in a room with their belief systems……. I made a way for Ripley to come along (or not)….. Cant I get a little love….?


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2013 10:33 AM
@Al Dumas I enjoyed reading it! I particularly enjoyed Dr. Shaw's epistemological quandries and how she relied on David's input to help her make vital decisions. I think the one lesson to be learned here is to, not only have faith in whatever religion you believe in, but to also have faith in yourself. In this day and age, it's extremely difficult to have a completely original story idea, especially in the sci-fi genre. Even [b]Alien[/b] wasn't an original concept, since Dan O'Bannon borrowed ideas from several different sci-fi films from the 50's and 60's. I think you made an excellent effort here and I appreciate the contribution you made to this forum. BTW, if you are so inclined, I have written a script for Prometheus 2. Here is the link to the forum if you're interested in reading it: [url=][/url]
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