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Alien: Chief Engineer Dennis Parker 2080-2122
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MemberPraetorianApr-13-2017 10:21 AM

Chief Engineer Dennis Parker (ID 313/54-08M) 2080-2122

"Captured and held by rebels at GR-161 on Torin Prime in 2107; escaped during liberation of Torin Prime in 2108 in an emergency evacuation vehicle (EEV) that he constructed himself from scrap."

Weyland-Yutani Report

Last known action on the Nostromo: Parker was looking at a xenomorph mouth from an inch away and he was yelling to Navigator Joan Lambert to leave the room.

When facing certain death, Chief Engineer Parker was concerned for someone else's safety.

USCSS Nostromo Crew: Captain Arthur Dallas, Executive Officer Gilbert Ward "Thomas" Kane, Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley, Chief Engineer Dennis Parker, Navigator Joan Lambert, and Assistant Engineer Samuel Brett.

Artificial Intelligence: David 8, Walter, Science Officer Ash
6 Replies


MemberPraetorianMay-17-2017 9:43 AM

Below is an another example of the events upon the Nostromo getting on Chief Engineer Dennis Parker's nerves.


MemberPraetorianDec-03-2017 6:43 AM


[pout redacted]


MemberPraetorianDec-03-2017 8:44 AM


I hope you'll be able to solve the posting problems because I miss your topics and comments. :)


MemberPraetorianDec-03-2017 8:47 AM

"Captured and held by rebels at GR-161 on Torin Prime in 2107; escaped during liberation of Torin Prime in 2108 in an emergency evacuation vehicle (EEV) that he constructed himself from scrap."

Such a skillful character, such a rich universe. He deserves a spin-off. :D


MemberPraetorianDec-03-2017 6:23 PM

Thank you Ati, I was able to post now. 

That bit of information on Parker is great. He was finished waiting and built his own ship to "check you later" Torin Prime.


MemberPraetorianDec-06-2017 1:50 PM

Ingeniero - No doubt, we deserve some AU spin-offs with Alien characters.

For example: 'Early Adventures of Ash'...

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