MemberDeaconAug-21-2021 6:22 AMThis does-not go and Surprise me.... ive said since the Disney take over that its LIKELY we would see a AVP Reboot before seeing any Alien V or Alien Covenant 2 etc.
Disney like their POPCORN.....
And the AVP Franchise is just that Action Horror Popcorn.. the Problem with the AVP Movies was the Setting..... and then Execution...
The AVP Universe should be SET in the Time-Line of like 2150-2250. And IF they do that and do it RIGHT then i think this could be a MONEY MAKER for Disney.
I think as long as they Show it as a Alternative Reality then it can Work....

MemberDeaconAug-21-2021 6:30 AMI think that YEAH they are better off to make AVP as NOT any way Canon.... as in the AVP Movie and AVPR.
The Advantage with AVP is that you can MESS with the Canon and Lore of the Franchises and BEND them a bit...
Do they even Explore some Elements of the Prequels as in the Engineers? With Prometheus it had OPENED the Door to a Expanded Universe of Races/Worlds.... Plenty of Places to go HUNTING!
The Problem with the AVP Franchise we had, was to SET IT on Earth in the Early 21st Century..
The Next Time we see the Xenomorph could again be in the 21st Century on Earth (TV Series) which i think would be a MISTAKE!
If they Reboot the AVP Franchise and do-not make the same Mistake (SET ON EARTH, before say 2200) then i think MAYBE it could Work...

MemberXenomorphAug-21-2021 6:40 AMThis just dilutes and divides the franchise even more (IMHO). It's going to be Filmed with B-actors and directors. Straight to Video On Demand...Might as well be TV series.

MemberDeaconAug-22-2021 6:14 AMI think if its True then its Hard to Judge at the Moment it would Depend on the BUDGET as to WHO you can Cast.
A Cross-Over done right could MAKE them Money i think it has more Chance than a ALIEN Movie unless they will Re-Cast Miss Weaver but that doe-not mean you Guaranteed a Good Movie.
Because with the ALIEN Franchise its been so Fractured with what People want to see and HOW they Felt about the Prequels and even Last ALIEN Movies that to MAKE a ALIEN Movie that would get the Majority of ALIEN Fans go like "Yeah i Definitely going to see that"
There is a Risk that you make more of a Mockery of the Xenomorph as FAR as being that THREAT that it was.
But the same would be said IF we had another ALIENS like Fragfest... with Marines/Mercenaries kicking Xeno-Butt..... more so If a Old Age Ripley returns to kick Xeno-Butt.

MemberPraetorianAug-22-2021 5:29 PMI hope this AVP is better then AVP'04

MemberNeomorphAug-23-2021 8:39 AMNot too excited about this to be honest. It has always been about the human journey to me and even though AVP (2004) was alright as entertainment, most of the human characters weren't that good. Unfortunately, if we'll get another AVP I guess that it won't be that great unless they have really learned what didn't work with the two previous movies. The first one was popcorn entertainment, watchable but not very good, but the second one was vomit. Make it a one-off, that could work.
It seems to me that they need a decent script, characters that we care about (more than 2-3) and fairly good actors for it to work. Focus on the human journey, the monsters are there to support it. The prequels have shown us how to not make things.
Have it on some unknown planet, so it adds to the mystery. Usually designing the planets isn't the problem, the problem this far seems to be the characters, and you need a good story. If you get those two things right you seem more likely to get a good result and also don't cut character-scenes just for run-time because that trashes it (prequels).

John Lynn
MemberOvomorphJan-02-2022 10:40 AMI'm a huge AVP nerd but the crossover movies have been so bad, even cannon wreckers. Charles Weyland in modern times? Pathetic. I think the most awesome potential for a good movie would be to focus on a Yautja clan, no humans or humans as a plot device only. Make it a foreign language move. It's a risk but if done right, a worthy addition. Everyone involved in such an undertaking would need to be or become very familiar with the first 3 Alien movies, the first 2 Pedator movies, and Predator, plus some graphic novels and AVP PC games (Not YOU, Colonial Marines trash!). Gotta get the Yautja culture and way of thinking right.

John Lynn
MemberOvomorphJan-02-2022 10:42 AMNow from what I've heard, this new one will be set in the past, staring a female native American. That actually has excellent potential. Still, it would be nice to see a good one that doesn't rely on human perspective.

John Lynn
MemberOvomorphJan-02-2022 10:51 AM Oh um....it just occurred to me, a prequel to Aliens about the events at Hadley's Hope prior to the arrival of the Colonial Marines could be a masterpiece. It would definitely need to be rated R and be very depressing because so....much...carnage and not even a pinch of hope.

MemberPraetorianJan-03-2022 5:46 AMI just hope the new AVP movie is more like AVP2 (the 2001 video game, not Requiem) instead of AVP 2004