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MemberOvomorph12/24/2011U know i would not be surprised if I am the only gay man here (Statistically their should be more!)...not like I am really bothered....but i am curious....are their any females on these forums.... their must be?....surely something as big as this can not just attract male interest? any ladies here?
46 Replies

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011Juxtapose, you're not the only gay man here! Now there's two of us!

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011cool.....i bet their is others out there....but for now it looks like it is just me and you.....just the 2 of

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011oh so we got one lady as well.....i'm actually rather surprised!.....c'mon their must be more!

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011....snorkel....if u cant stand the heat then get out of the kitchen....nah i'm joking...u can watch!...;)

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011I find when it comes to the subject of ALIEN and Hans R. Giger, your pretty much talking to males. Both are considered too intense, and requires a very open mind to appreciate. As sir Riddley said with all the questionable sequels and spin-offs the xeno has been delegated to being a theme park joke. I admire people who can appreciate the art for it's purity and originality. Ladies where art thou?!

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011yes...i'm checking....and look i even found a girl....lurking i am doing the community a mean it's nice to know who u actually talking to!

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011@ what are u implying...?....I am innocently inviting members to introduce an innocent an curious child i scan for information........he he he

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011since this is such a free thinking thread
Attention any Lesbians or bi-sexual females that have pretty feet, like high heels, do not eat okra and like men too...
my g-mail is

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011 @ alien so u don't trust my innocence?.....i am deeply hurt now....i am being victimized with false accusations...he he he

MemberOvomorph12/24/2011behave yourself sparky!.....such depravity will not be tolerated on my thread ! thread was created so i can take young gay and bi men out of the confinements of the closet space and nurture them under my protective wing....oh and to.....uh (what was it again?) oh yes.....welcome females into our loving community as u come and cheapen things up.;) is okra?

MemberOvomorph12/25/2011some cheap and dirty vegetable that I cannot stand the smell of when it's frying !!!

MemberOvomorph12/26/2011so that it then ???.....2 sexual deviants (not counting sparky)...and one female....thats depressing!

MemberOvomorph12/26/2011Sexual deviants . . . ??!! I'll have you know I'm completely normal!! Normally gay, that is !!

MemberOvomorph12/26/2011....oh god sorry... I dunno why I even used the words sexual deviants...maybe because we such a minority....i felt so very lonely....but i really shouldn't....cause i got u babe!...;)

The Girl With The Giger Tattoo (AKA Li)
MemberOvomorph01/4/2012Hello Boys…any room for a Lady on this website?

Tine Rip
MemberOvomorph01/5/2012for a while i was actully worried i was the only female around these forums XD
(Joined when we had a bit over 700 members, so ive been here a few months ^^')

MemberOvomorph01/5/2012Not really sure why sexual orientation is suddenly relevant to this community, but since we are sharing - I´m also gay.

MemberOvomorph01/5/2012Not sure if anybody noticed me on this board, but I can count myself as a female too. : D

MemberOvomorph01/5/2012Well, allow me to represent what is apparently a minority on this thread: I am a straight male!
But I have to admit that mentioning being a huge Alien fan has typically not been a good idea with the ladies on a first date haha...

MemberOvomorph01/5/2012[quote]But I have to admit that mentioning being a huge Alien fan has typically not been a good idea with the ladies on a first date haha...[/quote]
Lol, why not? : D
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