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Alejandro Perez Acosta
Given the changing Geopolitics protagonized by the BRICS (Brazil,Russia,India and China) would be accurate to state that in the near future the predominant surnames changes also. Besides Vickers and Shaw among others we could have surnames like DoSantos, Prasaad, Yuchenko or Li):
To support my "hypothesis" check the articles below:
1) Asian space race is heating up, US policy expert warns
2) Brazil overtakes UK as sixth biggest economy as Britain falls behind a South American nation for the first time
5 Replies
MemberOvomorph01/11/2012we dont know the geopolitical alliances in that far future :) an alliance between USA and EUROPE ( maybe with russia ) can control the world economy for centuries ...but i prefer to think that everyone will live happy ,fishing and not caring about "economical power" ..everyone fishing and the Weyland getting fun making space expeditions :p
MemberOvomorph01/11/2012I think you should look at the names as complementary device to aid storytelling not a geopolitical commentary. David is obviously Biblical. And with all the Egyptian references in this movie, this is not too out of place. It also helps that David is an incredibly common name. What is Ridley saying we are all "Davids?"
Elizabeth is derived from Eliza, sounds Hebrew to you, yes? Elizabeth means "Oath of God"
Google "elizabeth etymology"
Meredith is Celtic for "Guardian of Sea" or "Great Chief" That's why she is presumably the Chief Operating Officer on Prometheus. The "guardian" meaning is interesting too. Guardian of what? The Alien artifact? The knowledge?
Holloway is most likely derived from the word "hollow." This character has been rumored to death as being taken over by alien virus, leaving him nothing but an empty shell of biological construct: Hollow Man.
Janek is a Polish name, meaning "God is gracious." Derivative of John with the same meaning.
Ravel is also a character in the movie. So you may expect this character either get physically tangled, "raveled" (with all the alien organisms expected to wreak havoc), or mentally tangled (ie. confused or gone mad, typical in the hard scifi genre).
Alejandro Perez Acosta
MemberOvomorph01/12/2012@Engr101 › Hi, your answer was awesome!. Currently I am maintaining a blog with all this themes. Do you mind if I go deep on the post you made and I will give you credit?
The blog is
@Frantz › Hi, Probably this calm you mentioned came from the fact the future is envised with just only power being or not corporate OMHO as a projection of the current United Nations. In fact in Alien 4 it was called Unted System Military.
Alejandro Perez Acosta
MemberOvomorph01/13/2012@Engr101 Hi, would you like me to post your entire name, some personal web site you have or barely your nickname on this forum when I will post you as reference of the next "Article".?
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