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MemberOvomorph01/11/2012It appears that a woman (Shaw?) is standing just outside the lab when she buckles to her knees in the trailer. And she has a lot of blood on her, but the majority is on her inner thighs. Quite a bit of it!!! Thinking maybe acted "uncivilized" with her....any thoughts?
17 Replies

MemberOvomorph01/11/2012Maybe that's why the scouting crew which leaves the human ship is racing back to their ship in the trailer too.

MemberOvomorph01/12/2012I do agree with you. I think it is Shaw screaming please!! in the trailer and every since it came out i was wondering what could be happening to her. I thought maybe she was giving birth to an alien but now that i think about it the scene at 0.42 when she falls to the floor. I really do think she gets raped!

MemberOvomorph01/12/2012There was a link in one of the other threads to an earlier draft of the eventual official trailer (added either by Theusprom, Snorkelbottom, Spartacus, or Biomechanic) . And in that version there are 2 clips that didn't make the final cut but were tantalising. The first involved some thing bursting out of something else - similar to a facehugger bursting out of an egg but it's difficult to make out in the pirate copy what. The other clip is more clear: it's of a human stomach which seems to inflate in real time to what seems like a pregnant state. This for me is conclusive that there is some kind of impregnation and "birth" that will be depicted in the film.
EDIT: found the link! Again, credit goes to one of the other guys, I'm just a messenger....

Wow, thanks, man. This is very revealing. This looks more like the bio-mechanical nightmare from the first ALIEN.

MemberOvomorph01/12/2012I'm thinking there is a lot more in the sand storm scene, it looks as is one APV is left behind possibly when someone is injured (the acid burnt helmet). I'm thinking Shaw is swept up by the wind after the injured crew member is returned, she is taken back to the temple and impregnated then makes her way back in the second APV. What she gives birth to is anyones guess....... An early version of xeno / an Engineer???? Must be a good weight for all that blood.................. glad to be a man :)

MemberTrilobite01/12/2012I don't think Shaw does get raped. I base my opinion not on the possibilities in Prometheus' plot, but in the actress herself. Noomi Rapace is well known for starring in the original Girl With A Dragon Tattoo trilogy, in which I think she plays a rape victim (or similar), so I think herself as an actress and Ridley Scott as a director would want to avoid typecasting. I say this because it seems the rest of the cast are playing roles they've never really played before.

MemberOvomorph01/12/2012I won't be surprised if there are scenes of implied (or explicit) violations of some sort in the new movie. Look at all these insane images done by Giger. And Ridley did mention "uncivilized behavior"

MemberOvomorph01/12/2012I have my doubts on the whole rape/forced impregnation myself.
We are pretty sure shaw becomes pregnant. The early leaked trailer shows an abdomen distending, and there was a picture from the leaked comic con footage showing a control screen with a figure of a woman and the word "ABDOMINAL" on the screen. I've also seen a picture of shaw on an exam table.
We know something happens to Holloway in the movie. He gets infected/exposed at some point. It might even be him who becomes the mutating guy.
We know that Shaw and Holloway have a relationship in the movie.
My theory is Shaw and Holloway have a consensual encounter after his initial exposure, and she becomes pregnant from that.

MemberFacehugger01/12/2012An impregnation theory (if true) would be a HUGE part of the story. Then, whether it is by rape or consensual would also be a HUGE part of the story because, as we can all agree, rape is a horrible, violent act and would drastically shape how the audience feels about the impregnation in comparison to how they would feel if it were consensual.
With that in mind, I think the rating discussion is something to consider...
There was talk of Fox wanting a PG-13 rating and Scott said he has a responsibility to the studio, but he always makes sure to have two options and the decision on which one to show in theaters would be made later. A PG-13 rating will most likely not have a rape scene (or even an allusion to one) whereas an R rating could. Making two different versions (rape vs. consensual) which would change the feel so much... well, I'm not so sure Scott would want that. In other words, I think the impregnation (again, if this assumption is correct) is a part of Prometheus, then you pick the option that allows for PG-13 or R, so as not to change the feel/narrative between a theatrical release and a director's cut.
But then again, in Blade Runner, when Dekkard's voice-over was removed for Scott's cut, it changed the feel/narrative of that movie drastically as well (for the better, in my opinion).
Haujobb - Membrane / Acretongue Remix

MemberOvomorph01/12/2012remember this is a pg 13 movie, it may happen but we wont see it thank proper deity. they may show some of the birth maybe, but even then i doubt it will be mutch

MemberOvomorph01/12/2012[quote]A PG-13 rating will most likely not have a rape scene (or even an allusion to one) [/quote]
Why not? Sucker Punch had obvious rape/prostitution scenes with under age girls alluded to in it and it had a PG-13 rating.

MemberFacehugger01/12/2012Never saw Sucker Punch, Rakkasan.
Haujobb - Membrane / Acretongue Remix

MemberOvomorph01/12/2012You don't need to see it to understand that if other movies have already been down this road with a PG-13 rating then why would Prometheus have an R rating for the same topic.

MemberOvomorph01/12/2012[quote]So if Shaw is pregnant - wtf does she give birth to?[/quote]
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