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MemberOvomorph01/17/2012I had a thought last night while looking at the Prometheus trailer again. Perhaps Noomi Rapace (Shaw) becomes impregnated by the SJ's, either accidentally or deliberately and through an accelerated pregnancy gives birth to either a small Xenomorph egg, which grows on board the SJ's ship, impregnates an SJ, the ship crash lands on LV426 and is then found by the Nostromo crew. This would mean that the perpetrator of the whole Alien universe would be a Human Woman!
50 Replies

Alejandro Perez Acosta
MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Brilliant deduction!. Those E.T.s are a bunch of perverts....

Posts: 26
brego ›
Posted 01/17/2012
I had a thought last night while looking at the Prometheus trailer again. Perhaps Noomi Rapace (Shaw) becomes impregnated by the SJ's, either accidentally or deliberately and through an accelerated pregnancy gives birth to either a small Xenomorph egg, which grows on board the SJ's ship, impregnates an SJ, the ship crash lands on LV426 and is then found by the Nostromo crew. This would mean that the perpetrator of the whole Alien universe would be a Human Woman![/quote]
I have just ONE question about what you wrote...
Why are YOU, and so very many others doing this to themselves, you are 100% ruining this film for yourself and maybe for others as well.
In the end, What the heck does it matter?
Why not get involved in some of the already created and intelligent even fantastic thread discussions that have already begun here instead of dreaming up new things which have absolutely no bearing on any of what this film is INTENDED to represent and or be?

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Oh right well he could be onto something he says the same about the royal family

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012But inside tje derelict in Alien, there were
hundreds of eggs at least. If there is
no queen, and in ridley scotts alien there
Never was the idea of a queen,
who could reproduce the eggs.
i rather think that the eggs were
created as bio weapons in the first place, either
By the SJ or by humans through experiments.
and then it got out of control.
So it was so wrong to play with the goo,
That might contain the dna needed to
create the xenomorph alien.

Ripley Clone 8
MemberOvomorph01/17/2012huh? idk...we can only assume at this point in time.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Thanks Spartacus for your query. We are pondering this because we want to....
I didnt realise that anyone was forced to either read or respond to a post that they don t want to be involved in.......

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012no, your right, you did not, because no one is or has. & with all due respect you missed my point. You are constantly speculating, and nothing else, that means that you seem as if you have no belief in nor understanding of Ridley Scott or H R Giger...or anyone else involved in the conception and creation of this extra ordinary film project. Bonus; If it turns out you are wrong in this particular piece of speculating, will you be disappointed?
Better yet, if it turns out you are right, will you be proud of yourself? Will you feel triumphant somehow? Bonus #2; If you decided to just let the film happen for you and chose not to speculate at all but rather enjoy the experience on this magical, IMO at least, day we all {except Frantz} have coming June 8th, 2012...for what it turns out to be "with a glad heart", would that make what I am saying make a little more sense?

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012No Spartacus you miss my point. Why if your so offended by the post are you involving yourself?
I actually have been studying the film series, graphic novels etc etc for many years and have great respect for the original creators of Alien. I am a huge Giger fan as well. Who are you to lecture me or anyone else on this site...
And to answer your question, no I wont be dissapointed should my suspicion of what the genesis story line is is incorrect. In fact I hope I am wrong as I would love a great surprise.
This as with all other fan sites are an oportunity for we fans to prospect and discuss canon and lore as well as to speculate.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012what part of the world are you in frantz how come you get it 8 days before just interested maybe worth a day trip if its europe lol

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012lets run these stupid theories through the logic and aesthetics filter next time shall we? unless you lack either of those components then i just feel sorry for you.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012I just checked the release dates
France 30 May 2012
Netherlands 30 May 2012
Switzerland 30 May 2012 (French speaking region)
Azerbaijan 31 May 2012
Belarus 31 May 2012
Israel 31 May 2012
Kazakhstan 31 May 2012
Russia 31 May 2012
Finland 1 June 2012
Norway 1 June 2012
Sweden 1 June 2012
Turkey 1 June 2012
UK 1 June 2012
Australia 7 June 2012
Hong Kong 7 June 2012
Portugal 7 June 2012
Singapore 7 June 2012
Brazil 8 June 2012
Canada 8 June 2012
Chile 8 June 2012
Lithuania 8 June 2012
Poland 8 June 2012
Spain 8 June 2012
USA 8 June 2012
Germany 9 August 2012
Switzerland 9 August 2012 (German speaking region)
Italy 14 September 2012
Switzerland 14 September 2012

MemberOvomorph01/18/2012Well either we DO see some kinda xenomorph queen in this movie or the one that bursts outta SJ in the derelict prior to Alien was a queen chestburster, as proven by the dozens of eggs located in it. . .

MemberOvomorph01/22/2012Really looking forward to finding out! No matter what happens, and Ill repeat Im sure Ridley wont serve up anything that we expect, its gonna be a great ride.

Ripley Clone 8
MemberOvomorph01/22/2012Oh i'm sure! Ridley will exceed our expectations!

MemberOvomorphMar-25-2012 3:50 PMGee just revisiting this oldie...... I guess this is why good discussion makes a good blog site. Take note Staff-
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