Alien Movie Universe

How Many "Queens"?

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So I have just been thinking about something. In Alien, the alien looked a certain way. Smooth head and tall. In Aliens, they looked a little different. Rigid head and to me, looked a little shorter. I know that the alien adapts to the host but they all looked the same from different humans. I know the alien in Alien 3 was from a dog and that the aliens in Alien R. were engineered. So this is my question, How many different "queens" from different hosts from different species were in the derelict space ship? Kane and Newts dad both went to the same ship but had different types of aliens. I know or at least think that one queen could lay all those eggs but thousands? And at of just curiosity, where did they go if they where still on the ship in Alien? I am interested in hearing what everyone has to say. Maybe I am just way off on this. What do you think?
13 Replies


of course this thread is related to the alien saga ..not with prometheus ....

Ripley Clone 8

1. "How many different "queens" from different hosts from different species were in the derelict space ship? Kane and Newts dad both went to the same ship but had different types of aliens." First and foremost, you have to remember that technically the scene where Newt's father enter's the derelict ship was a deleted scene. So if you want to be really technical that scene wouldn't be canon and the Aliens are the same species just designed slightly different. Cameron wanted to really enhance the environment the marines were in by altering the design of the Alien. Also Cameron was having problems with the durability of the original suit from the first Alien. He wanted a design that was slightly more menacing and also would be able to handle the wear and tear during the production of the film. Additionally you have to recognize the different species of Aliens, such as the Drones and Warriors and their different purposes designed for the life and longevity of the nest. Drones: have a smooth head with no ridges and are the "worker bees" of an Alien hive and are loyal servants to the Xenomorph Queen. They are responsible for collecting hosts, further building the hive, and caring for the Queen's eggs. Appearances: (Alien, Alien 3 (Although in Alien 3 that was a dog drone) and Alien Resurrection) [img][/img] Warriors: have a ridges along their skull and protect the hive from any kind of harm. They are killing machines and will sacrifice themselves for the life of the Queen and her nest. They are the guardians and protectors. Appearances: Aliens [img][/img] 2. "I know or at least think that one queen could lay all those eggs but thousands?" In every hive, the Queen is the largest and most intelligent female. She is usually the mother of every Drone and Warrior in the hive, since she is the only one to lay eggs. Every Queen regulates the entire hive, and it is possible that the hive cannot survive without her. They can fight outside the Xenomorph hive. They are usually nestled deep within the hive, protected by Warrior guards, like an ant queen, who never leaves the nursery chamber of an ant colony. Another well-known feature is the immense ovipositor in the Queen's lower torso, which is responsible for creating eggs (similar to a queen termite). She is able to detach from the ovipositor in an emergency, and will regenerate a new one when the danger is over. Queens also have a higher ability to relate cause and effect, and to make observations and deductions, allowing them a rudimentary understanding of technology in the same way as some primates. [img][/img] Queens are much larger than Drones and Warriors. They stand approximately fifteen to twenty feet tall. They have twin sets of arms and are built more similarly to a large theropod dinosaur than a humanoid. They also have a much larger braincase than the average adult Xenomorph, protected by a large crest above their heads. They also have a slightly stronger tail, which can be used as a weapon, along with their limbs and inner jaw, as shown in the climactic battle with Ripley in Aliens. Due to their immense size, they are extremely strong. [img][/img] 3. "And at of just curiosity, where did they go if they where still on the ship in Alien?" The Colonists on Hadley's Hope must have discovered the derelict ship and were facehugged in the process, giving birth to an Alien Queen and additional Aliens.


i wish at some point if this film reboots the franchise to see someone try and replicate the original design that giger's necronomicon portrays the necronomicon 4 image with the huge eyes and forgive the phrase penis shaped head for me its never been better or captured quite right. Bring back life form All other priorities rescinded.....


@Ripley Clone 8. Ok great explination. Thanks! Also, great picture of the warrior!

Ripley Clone 8

No problem anytime man! :D


I think I have a problem. My wife says I am glued to this website. LOL Whats that saying,...first step is saying you have a problem LOL.

Ripley Clone 8

haha your addicted to the right site.


Sorry if I come across as an a**hole here but I feel I need to correct you on some of your facts in you explanations there Ripley Clone 8... Everything about the Queen is spot on except the height, they can reach 25 feet in height. Now... Both Drones and Warriors are responsible for all the responsibilities within a hive, including protecting the Queen. For Drones see Alien Resurrection and AVP, for Warriors see Aliens and AVPR. Both classes (not breeds) are the workers of the hive. Whereas the killing machines whom risk themselves are actually the Drones as evidenced in Alien and Alien 3. It is also commonly believed that Drones can become Warriors by shedding their dome.

Ripley Clone 8

haha, The information concerning the queen and the 25 feet high content was written by xenopedia. I didn't mention that but yes I see your corrections.

Ripley Clone 8

@ snorkelbottom Also I agree with you on the belief that Drones could become warriors by shedding their domes. Its noticable that under that dome that they have the same ridges as the Warriors do which I thought was interesting. Also the 25 feet high thing for the queen didn't seem right lol. I guess my source was wrong which makes sense because they were basing some of the science of AVP which is bullshit but yeah thanks for correcting me on that man.


have any of you seen the alien 3 queen facehugger, man that thing is evil looking

Engineer Prototype - Model GAJ84

@ Deadcell, are you reffering to this? [url][/url] Or this [url][/url]


Yeah the Royal Facehugger, we only see it in one scene with the dead ox, so it doesn't fit in continuity wise

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