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Something Special

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We’re all fans of this universe…obviously or you wouldn’t be reading and I, not writing…as for me…‘Alien’ culminates a life lived in love of the movies, more pictures than I could ever list from every era and genre. That picture though, that one, captured my mind ages ago, latched on as no film before or since has…..and that’s of particular note, considering I somehow managed to watch the trilogy, at that time a trilogy, in reverse—from end to beginning. ‘Alien 3’, ‘Aliens’ and finally……’Alien’. As with many of you, I was stunned, captivated, astonished and fascinated….in some ways, with what, I wasn’t exactly sure… …but as I’ve pondered over the years, [i]collated[/i], if you will, I’ve happened upon something simple...something rather special in what fascinates us…. What I speak of, it similarly repulses and yet, here we are, ready to consume the horror Ridley is preparing to feast upon our eager little sets of eyeballs. It is a concept that at first sounds ludicrous, yet gains momentum the more I consider it. If one were to ask who the star of ‘Alien’ is, well, anyone of us would lead with Ripley. That would seem obvious…but to me it’s a bit more muddled than that…and far more interesting. Honestly…Ripley isn’t clearly the lead until, roughly, the last half hour, forty minutes of the film…after Dallas’ disappearance when she takes command and rather commandingly, I must say. Prior to that, the film comes off as an ensemble piece with competing personalities, some more obvious than others. Which is why, as I poured over that film on countless viewings, I began to settle on something unconventional….the star or, better yet, the essence of ‘Alien’ isn’t Ripley, any one individual or even the alien itself….it’s the concept of “the alien” and I don’t mean the xenomorph...It’s the concept of that which lies outside human conception, that which is entirely foreign to human thinking, comprehension or configuration….what is Alien to us. And I am aware that Giger’s art is, of course, inspired of human imagination, but he somehow manages to produce what comes off as inconceivable. That is a tremendous accomplishment and talent of his. And, as a result, I believe he and ‘Alien’ give us what we’d never before seen in cinema… …never before had the alien been so completely alien, thus terrifying in a way that was itself new, peculiar, deeply troubling and entirely engrossing. And I take that last bit directly from pages 75-76 of Alan Dean Foster’s novelization of ‘Alien’ as Dallas considers the derelict as he and his shipmates survey its exterior. This excerpt describes in detail the aesthetic I speak of. Dallas thinks to himself: “It was exciting and Intellectually gratifying to speculate on what might lie in the black gulfs when one was behind the business end of a telescope, quite another to do so isolated on an unpleasant little speck of a world such as this, confronted by a ship of nonhuman manufacture that uncomfortably resembled a growth instead of a familiar device for manipulating and overcoming the neat laws of physics. “That, he admitted to himself, was what troubled him most about the derelict. Had it conformed to the familiar in its outlines and composition, then its nonhuman origin would not have seemed so threatening. He did not put his feelings down to simple xenophobia. Basically, he hadn’t expected the alien to be so completely [i]alien[/i].” What makes ‘Alien’ so special to those of us consumed by it is what’s makes it so mysterious…that which is alien in this film is exactly that, alien or foreign to us in a way we find difficult to accept, in a way the mind has difficulty registering. What the human mind truly cannot grasp or understand, it fears in ways that grip the emotional and mental framework of its consciousness that can shake it and, ultimately, us to a point of total and complete collapse. What excites me for ‘Prometheus’ is that I believe one director in this entire franchise ever fully understood that….and he, of course, is Ridley Scott. Considering all of this…I have total faith in the artistic prowess of what we will see this summer….truly, something special to behold. Maybe all of that comes off as a rant, but I’m passionate about this idea and I hope it illuminates the way some of you look at both ‘Alien’ and ‘Prometheus’.
29 Replies


"DITTO" ! It's the only word I can think of that can really some up how I feel after reading what you wrote so well...


^ Yeah what he said


Thanks means a lot.




I also think there is another element to that fear you mentioned.... After seeing one just once and seeing what they do, that would make me even more afraid of seeing one ever again. Physical abilities The adult Xenomorph is a living weapon, noted for its ferocity and deadliness in any condition. Once fully matured, they have great physical strength and agility. They are masters of stealth; a favored method of acquiring prey is to wait in a dormant state until an appropriate victim strays near, and then drop down silently from behind. The prey is generally blind to the fact that a xenomorph is present, due to its propensity to camouflage itself within its nest walls or the surrounding artificial environment given it's biomechanical appearance. Xenomorphs are shown to be able to take extreme amounts of physical damage that would kill any Earth lifeform. An example of this is the Queen in Aliens survived a multi ton exo-suit falling on her from 30+ feet. Xenomorphs are capable of surviving with limbs shot off as seen in AVP3 the game and Aliens. Even stabbings and shots through the head(though total decapitation kills them)as seen in Alien vs Predator and its sequel dont kill Xenos. Adult xenomorphs are quick and agile, and can run along ceilings and walls, a skill they exhibit freely whether they are evading others, attacking, or hunting. They can survive in extreme temperatures, are well-adapted to swimming, can respirate in harsh atmospheres, and can survive in vacuum for short lengths of time. Their movement tends to be silent, and they do not radiate heat as their exoskeletal temperature matches the ambient temperature. They also salivate profusely. This saliva is not acidic, though some xenomorphs do have the ability to spit acid, which may come from their stomachs or a special gland somewhere in their throats. This can be used to blind victims, much like a spitting cobra. The creatures possess no visible eyes; Giger mandated this in his original design, because he felt that it made the creatures much more frightening if one could not tell they were looking at them. In the original Alien film, the top of the creature's head was semi-transparent, with empty eye sockets of human appearance visible within. This element was dropped in later movies, but reused for the Predalien design, on the front portion of its skull. In Aliens, the adult creatures are lacking the smooth carapace covering their heads. In the commentary for Aliens, it was speculated that this was part of the maturation of the creatures, as they had been alive far longer than the original xenomorph. This maturation process involves the now adult xenomorph shedding the smooth dome-like plate covering its head, leaving the skin underneith to be exposed. In Alien³, a fisheye lens (which creates a perspective similar to that of a peephole) was used to depict the Xenomorph's sight. Whether this can be considered sight or just a filmed representation of the creatures' sensory perception is unknown. However, in the novelization of the movie Alien, the creature is held mesmerized by a spinning green light for several minutes. Due to the absence of clearly visible eyes, it is possible that the creature uses echolocation to see its environment, much like bats. It may be for this reason that Xenomorphs hiss almost constantly. Though it may have the ability to see through an unknown structure, as they evolved differently from life on Earth. In the 2010 Alien vs. Predator game, it is mentioned on one of the Marine audio tapes that Xenomorphs have vision. [b]Xenomorphs may be able to detect their 'prey' through electro-reception. This is the method sharks use to detect even the most hidden prey. Creatures with the electro-reception sense can detect the electromagnetic field all animals produce allowing them to detect the creatures heart beat. This would explain how xenomorphs always know where the humans are.[/b] [b]And as depicted in the Aliens vs. Predator games, the Xenomorphs can detect their prey using pheromones.[/b] Xenomorphs can also produce a thick, strong resin, which they use to build their hives and cocoon victims. Much like termites, they mix their viscous saliva with solids. It shows amazing heat and moisture-retaining qualities.

Ripley Clone 8

Me third..


as bishop stated, they are the perfect organism. hell hicks didnt even want to nerve gas them because he didnt know if that would even affect them. it seems the only thing that deters them is fire.


damn, dr pepper needs to kick in, i mean as ash stated lol


"dr pepper" ROL


Ridley's Alien is still really unknown. It's scary conceptually. It's smarter, and has unknown motivation. Cameron's Alien is more animal, still scary. I still argue the Xeno creature is not perfect, and not impossible to kill, but they are for sure in either vision, scary. They have scared me for years. They are very tough, but franky fall to well placed small arms fire... At least in Cameron's vision. Because of that I still think there is something worse, much worse. Something deeper than the Xeno creature we are used to, if it is somehow utilized as a weapon as is also described in Ridley commentary. If you remember in some of the Alien commentary by Ridley, an alternate ending was the alien killing Ripley and then using her voice on the com. I don't believe that was a better choice, but it does show, Ridley did not think of the Alien as an animal or bug. To the original poster - I agree.


Exactly ArchEtech...What I'm getting at here, and I approached it in other threads I started, is that Ridley understands all of what I've put down here and he's got something up his sleeve, something hidden between the lines encompassing that aesthetic that I believe will be beyond anything we can speculate here....something that will hopefully widen our eyes and broaden our smiles in exactly the same way.


[quote]If you remember in some of the Alien commentary by Ridley, an alternate ending was the alien killing Ripley and then using her voice on the com. I don't believe that was a better choice, but it does show, Ridley did not think of the Alien as an animal or bug. To the original poster - I agree.[/quote] Not Just Killing her... Attacking her in some sort of perverted way Then Biting her head off and then sitting down in her pilot seat and communicating with Earth in Her voice.


Well said craigamore, well said. I have been truely mesmerized by Alien since before I even saw it. I was born May 31, 1979 and that in it's own was a misfortune to not be able to see that movie when it came out; but I do conisder it an honour to have been born the year this movie was made. I remember the first time Alien entered my mind. I was 13 or 14 sitting in my parents basement, pouring over a stack of old National Geographics that my Grandfather had given us. In one was an artical about the filming and production of Alien. I was transfixed by what I read and the visuals they included with the story. I was in awe of the Space Jockey sitting in it's chair dead. I wish to this day that I had taken that particular magazine and kept it, cause it is long gone. I later that day tried to rent the film, but I was not old enough. I remember asking them (the movie store) if it would be alright to call my parents and get permission from thier phone, they agreed. With my parents giving them permission to rent it to me, I rode home on my bike excited to watch it. I got home and ran to the basement, turned on the TV and VCR and was in awe from start to finish. And from that day on I have been a fan. There is so much more to this story with the rental of Aliens and Alien 3, but I feel that maybe I will just save it for another day. But after reading craigamore's original post here, my obsession made total sence! So thanks for writing that. Spartacus thanks for your contirubution too, it sends shivers up my spine to read the list of traits and qualities that the Alien has. Absolutley fasinating and terrifying at the same time.


MemberOvomorph01/19/2012 and I, each in our own unique way, had pretty much the same journey and I'm glad I could impart those ideas for you. Thanks to everyone else as well...Spartacus, Rick, Ripley Clone 8, deadcell, ArchEtech and anyone else who happens to join us...glad I could share all of that with you.


I love this community..


Well I remember being 9 years old and seeing the trailer. (I was 9 when Alien was released). My older brother saw it the week it was released and told me the whole story. I was so excited by the story it even overtook my enthusiasm for Star Wars (just 2 years prior). When I finally saw it a few days later, I cannot even describe the feelings I had. This film changed my life at such a young age that I lost interest in Star Wars and by the time Return of the Jedi came out, I didn't even care about it anymore. This universe created by the film and the creature that inhabited it felt like the same world that "Space Oddity" was written about. That was my favorite song at the time. This film assaulted everything I knew (and lets face it, how much could a 9 year old really know?) at that time and formulated my future expectations of films. This movie had overt sexual overtones, grisly atmosphere , claustrophobic sets and a cold un-emotional cast. This film set the standard by which I judged everything that came after for me. I think we all connect with it because of the way it was realized. The feel, tonality, atmosphere, tension, unbearable darkness and grime all added to the most realistic view of how we can perceive the future and space travel. In closing, it wasn't so much the creature that scared was the overall feeling of being alone in my tin can like Major Tom.


fail. brevity is the soul of wit. furthermore, i could condense that whole long winded verbal fart into one or two paragraphs.


Never read Dostoevsky, eh? And I think you meant long-winded.
Fall down seven times, get up eight.

The High Priest

seams to me "walterhiller" you ARE a long winded verbal fart! Word of advice - try and pull yourself out of your own A-Hole - you are dug in there REAL deep. Get over yourself ego boy.


Wow sorry my impassioned take on this was so difficult for you to handle. Sure, brevity is the soul of whit....but who said I was trying to be a wise-ass anyway? That was all meant as a tribute to something I love for those who share the same appreciation, take it or leave it...all the best my friend.


guys, Please take it easy on each other. We all care about sensibilities here so let's try, all of us, including myself, to be more respectful of each other. If something someone says doesn't sit right with any of us, let's try to phrase any responses in such a respectable manner so as to stand out in a positive way rather than a negative one. I myself have been known to fly way way off the handle from time to time and i have realized that I have to be as careful as anyone else. That said, and in my new found responsibility here to all of you, it is my duty to let you all know that from now on personal attacks of any kind are not going to be tolerated. And That said, there are other ways to politely address any conflict that can make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside rather than crappy and aggravated all when we go to our own bag of "special tools" in what any of us might think is an any emergency situation as they say, let's all try to pull back a bit first, think about it all, so when we do go to that bag of "special tools" we go to those warm and fuzzy generating "special tools" first!


[quote]Spartacus thanks for your contirubution too, it sends shivers up my spine to read the list of traits and qualities that the Alien has. Absolutley fasinating and terrifying at the same time.[/quote] you are Most welcome Shadowcaster. I feel the exact same way.


Thank you Spartacus...for your conributions and for the sense to kick us all in the head like that...There's no reason we can't be civil about all of this. We're a fan community, not a bunch of knuckle headed idiots ready to rip each other least we shouldn't be.


well said man, I agree. and for what it is worth, your very welcome


@jones, @The High Priest.....Thanks guys


MemberOvomorphApr-06-2012 10:48 PM
Wow craigamore... Simply awesome post. I suppose I can sum up my passion for the franchise by mentioning the full-size original alien (xeno) costume I made in 79 immediately following my viewing in the theater. I remember how difficult it was to find images and/or models to work from back then. I finally got my hands on a big boy and it took me nearly 3 months to make the costume from chicken wire and paper mache'. 10 years later I made an 11 ft. Queen for Disney World's theater premiere of Alien 3. And now another decade plus later, I'm making an 8 ft. SJ costume. My way of showing tribute I guess. But you're right, it's the totally and truly mysterious "alien" feel of this whole franchise that attracted me in the first place. "we are drawn to where we came from."


MemberOvomorphApr-06-2012 11:07 PM
Exactly db...thanks also and I get the feeling 'Prometheus' is entirely cut from the same cloth......


MemberOvomorphApr-06-2012 11:12 PM
Excellent post craigamore! Captures my feelings exactly. Especially the part about the lead role. So many times have I tried to explain to others that the important aspect of the film is not the heroine, the ships, or the creature. It's what all those things represent and how it's all brilliantly captured not only in the film, but in its simple yet ever complex title...ALIEN.


MemberOvomorphJan-04-2014 11:41 AM

Wow....I hadn't looked at this thread in a long while, but it made me smile,'s a bump for reminiscense sake.

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