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New Theory..... We are Gods

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Ok this sounds strange but just thinking as evidently there is nothing else to do until it comes out. What if the Jockeys worship us. They leave some kind of map for us on earth, we find it as they want us to come to them like gods and be their saviors. We get there and we are somewhat welcomed eventually but cautiously. But what we didn't know is that they are an extremely advanced peaceful civilization who are becoming extinct. Like other posts suggested, maybe they created us to help them breed and carry on and in return for that sacrifice they worship us like gods as they see us a beautiful pure creatures ironically. Hence the Giant Head, like a shrine to us and the urns an offering. As for the reason we assume what is inside the urns to be bad, i don't know ... maybe they were contaminated, maybe they need time to mature and be ready.... really i cant figure that one out fully, maybe they are weapons but not intended for us. But to cap it all off, They worship us but they are quite nomadic in nature as something they have created in the past is hunting them down and we get caught in the middle when we arrive. By trying to help them we only make things worse and then someone decides to steal an urn and screw up everything for everyone just for some bucks. At some point the jockeys will turn against us and decide that the children they created must be exterminated as there was obviously a mistake. Maybe that is where the urns come into it, as a kind of back up plan for them...... I don't know where i am going with this but just some random thinking that is very much open to other people putting in their thoughts. I am not coming up with a plot say, just some ideas. I really think the blue guy might be a jockey but there is something else in this movie, something that must have killed some jockeys before we got there judging by the bodies.... oh God, or Gods lol i cant wait.
28 Replies

The High Priest

I like where you were going with your theory at the start. They worship us, we arrive, but our greed lets everyone and everything down as we steal an urn and manipulate it to our own selfish ends. The Gods become angry and dissapointed. I do however believe that a SJ steal the urn for us, and reveals "secrets". Then this SJ is punished along with the crew of the prometheus who are hunted and destroyed.


This is what i like, minds coming together. I pitched an idea and you have come up with more plot ideas, and good ones at that. A SJ helping us to steal an urn, nice thinking. A traitor to his own kind , like i said in a similar post before. Maybe there is a kind of civil war between the jockeys. one side are hell bent on destroying worlds and pillaging resources and species to turn into weapons etc... and obviously the other side are the opposite, they want to manage the universe and preserve life at all costs. I really like this idea and think it may not be that too far off. What do you think? Maybe the blue guy is a jockey on our side who is helping us as he needs our help.


Yeah I think the SJ we saw dead in the Derelict ship was a kinda rogue SJ, who was helping us against the rest of his race. . .


@ Lyle... But if the Derelict we see in the trailer is the same one as in Alien (which it most likely is), and the SJ pilot was helping us why do we crash into him, causing him to crash.


But who says we crash into it, there is nothing really to prove that, maybe there is something else that crashes into it, maybe it has a malfunction, maybe there was a bomb on board as it was trying to take off with something it shouldn't have and go to a place we didn't want it to go. Good question though.


Well, most people assume that the Prometheus/Magellan crashes into the Derelict to stop it taking the eggs to Earth, as evidenced not only by the explosion but human wreckage on the ground while the Derelict is rolling towards Shaw and Vickers, there are quite a few threads about it in the prometheus section.


I take your point and i noticed that to be fair. God the supense is getting to me, not long now lol


I like the idea that humans are the cause of death of benevolent alien, only to get infected by malevolent alien years later (Nostromo). Karma, baby?


Good thinking, i like it

The High Priest

I like the fact that we crash into the derelect to stop it going on its Earth alien infestation death mission, however it is palusible that it explodes due to the "chestburster" on the SJ, looses control, crashes into prometheus....who knows! If its either of these theories we are in for a cool ride!


@ Snorkelbottom Just because most people assume it and it has been discussed elsewhere does not make it true. I kinda like the thought of the SJs being nice because it goes against what everyone else is saying. No matter what I love all the different ideas. I also like The High Priests idea of the derelict crashing into Prometheus. Again just sparking different ideas other than the usual dogma. What if it crashed into Prometheus to prevent us from transporting something back? There has been a lot of supposition that we are trying to stop the SJs from doing something bad, but what if they are actually protecting all mankind by preventing us from doing something bad?


@Rakkasan, Interesting! What if the SJs are benevolent, only that benevolence means (in their eyes) mutating humans to a higher level, despite the results? If you are some creator-being, you might look at evolution as merely moving forward--as natural, and a good thing--all the while those being mutated, and those affected by the mutants, wouldn't see it that way. For them, the horror of it all would mask that "benevolence".
Fall down seven times, get up eight.


@ rakkasan, regardless it looks like the evidence points the idea in favour, either way we find out in 5 months


@Jones [i]If you are some creator-being, you might look at evolution as merely moving forward--as natural, and a good thing--all the while those being mutated, and those affected by the mutants, wouldn't see it that way. For them, the horror of it all would mask that "benevolence".[/i] I really like this idea,


Just an idea, mind you... Weyland Corp. (humans) terraform planets. Before you can terraform you have to remove all existing life. The SJ 'gun' fires those constructed ampules into the pre-terraformed planet to start the process. Whatever is inside the ampule is 'engineereed' to become the planet's worse nightmare and will leave no life behind. (R. Scott has said that the 'derelict' was full of weapons). An alien race very much like ours developed this technology. (Giant head). We helped them to use it to expand our own race. But man, in his hubris before the 'gods', stole the 'fire of life' and upset the balance of the plan / nature. The SJ suits are huge. The SJ is huge. A human has to be 'sacrificed' (turned into a SJ size) in order to terraform the planet / fire the SJ gun. 'Sacrifice' occurs because the human chosen has accepted being a host to the seeds inside the ampule. Far out - huh? Who remembers ' The 'It's not nice to fool Mother Nature' commercial? Having man as the architect of his own demise is much more powerful than having an 'evil' alien to which we have no connection. What did Oppenheimer say after the first bomb was dropped? "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."


@ Snorkelbottom I am not sure I understand your statement. What evidence are you referring to, and what idea is it pointing in favor of?


@ Rakkasan - You said you would like the Space Jockeys to be portrayed as nice, benign. What I was referring to is that it seems in Prometheus that the opposite is what we see, evidenced by mutations, instant pregnancies a derelict supposedly on course for Earth. Its possible that in Prometheus the SJ's start out as benign but our actions and motives tip their mood in the opposite direction, thus unleashing their wrath.


Actually I said I like the idea of them being nice, only because it's an idea that had not been discussed previously. Not because I think that it's true. I would hardly consider the little spoonfulls of information we currently have to go off of as evidence. I have seen numerous movies that were nothing like the previews. Heck we don't even have a script to go off of. You make the assumption that instant pregnancies (no clear proof that it's instant in what we have seen) mutation, and the derelict on course for Earth (again no proof of that) could all be caused by humans. There is nothing in the trailer or anything else we have seen that it's all the SJs doing it. After all the cast does mention mercenaries. I know this for certain, you don't spend money on mercenaries unless you plan to use them. Of course I am making the assumption that they're human mercenaries and not SJ mercenaries. Could I be right or you? Hard to say, but the evidence as you have pointed out supports both our cases, and I like to think that old Ridley will throw us a curve ball we never even considered.


@ Rakkasan... You originally said you'd like the idea of the jockeys being nice, which I refered to saying "[i]You said you would like the Space Jockeys to be portrayed as nice, benign[/i]" and then you correct me by saying [b]Actually I said I like the idea of them being nice[/b].... why are you correcting me????????????????? 1. The pregnancy looks pretty instant in the leaked trailer (like a balloon attached to a hosepipe) 2. The Mutant guy doesn't look to friendly to me, but if you wanna play with go right ahead. 3. So if the Derelicts not a threat why do make it crash again? 4. No evidence SJ's doing bad stuff against us - The Derelict for one, are all them eggs for Easter. 5. Human Mercenaries as in part of the crew, SJ Mercenaries there has been no such mention of the thing.


I am correcting you because there is a significant difference between saying I like something and I like an idea. Personally if the movie was nice SJs and evil humans it would be preachy (like Avatar). However, the IDEA is cool because it forces us to think in different ways. 1. Yes it does, but no proof it was caused by the SJs. 2. Again mutant guy doesn't look friendly, but we don't know if the crew did that to him. Remember in Alien Ash was protecting the Alien. What if one of the androids was doing something similar here. 3. Who said we were forcing it to crash? We see 2 ships crashing into eachother, but we do not know the motive. What if the mercenaries or rogue android took control of the derelict and that's why? 4. Again where's the evidence the SJs put them there? We know in Alien at least on SJ was a victim of a chestburster. Its quite possible that whatever put all those eggs in the ship came from that SJ. 5. That was my point. There is not mention of SJ mercenaries so they must be human. I never heard of mercenaries doing humanitarian work so I must assume they do bad things. Which leads me to the main point of POSSIBLY the humans are evil and the SJs are not. It's just a theory.


@Snorkelbottom, I'd suggest that #3 depends on the motive of who crashes the ship. And #4 is a bloody good point. But how do the eggs even survive the crash? Then there's the premise of the sequel. It's going to be a very short trip sending humans to a planet full of hostiles...


@ Rakkasan... So let me get this straight, we travel god knows how far to a distant planet to learn the truth of our origins. We get there and meet a nice race of elephant/blue men that extend us every courtesy. In return we force one of our own crew to become inflated like a whoopee cushion, turn another of our crew into a mutant, infect our nice aliens with our own developed secret weapon the facehugger, and in the process kill most of our own crew. Yeah Okay. BTW mercenaries are not necessarily bad, they are hired guns - they do what they are paid to do. Which can be killing, but can also be protection. Have you not seen Man On Fire.


Glad to read some new theories, and I agree we havn't gotten enough info to be sure of much yet. Ridley did say he wanted to explore the story of the space Jockey. He titled the movie Prometheus, which is the name of the Greek God who tried to help mankind. So, I'm inclined to think the jockey is a good guy - otherwise he might have named the movie after another Greek god, "Polyphemus, the terrible Cyclops who imprisons men and eats them alive."


I subscribe to the school of thought that a human dons the SJ suit and melds into the cockpit in order to disengage the Derelict from auto-pilot and crash it, thereby stopping it from reaching Earth, before succumbing to a chestburster. How we get to this point, I've yet to formulate myself. But the SJ suit and human being do not fit together!, I hear you proclaim. However, perhaps the suit is like a magic glove: one-size fits all. In otherwords, the suit grows to fit around the occupant. Why not?


@ Snorkelbottom, Your obvious Disney-esque analogy aside I would say yes. Would you not agree that Weyland plays a key role in this movie (the company not the person)? We see the logo everywhere. Well we know in Alien they went there on company orders, Ash was working for the company to protect it. Although not canan, but in the Dean Foster book, Dallas confronts Ash after Kane's death and accuses him of knowing the facehugger left something in his body. You see it in the MRI/Xray. To which Ash responds that yes he knew that something was left in Kane, but not what it would do. In Aliens, Burke who worked for the company sent them to the derelict and didn't even warn them. Alien3 the company did everything they could to get a hold of Ripley or the specimen, killing one of the prisoners that got in the way. Alien Resurrection used Ripley DNA and made numerous clones without regard for human life, and paid MERCENARIES to highjack a civilian transport to use as hosts. Even in AVP Charles Bishop had to stake his claim at all costs, even his health. All I am saying is there is plenty of examples in the other movies where humans are portrayed as the real monsters "at least you don't see them fucking eachother over for a percentage". As for Man on Fire, do the ends justify the means? Yes he was looking for the girl, but putting a timed explosive up a mans ass seems a little extreme to me.


I'm sorry I dont buy it. IMO the Jockeys are neither good nor evil, their indifferent, selfish, arrogant, vain etc. A species that supposedly created life on earth or helped mankinds development is what we've been told. Gods, in biomechanical elephant suits. Who gave them right to do such things, why do they do such things, why create us and then leave instructions on where to find them, what do they want, what is their agenda. Evil belies evil, and I think we can all agree the Alien is evil. Yeah I agree the humans will be shown in a bad light, as usual, but Space Jockeys are far, far, far away from being nice.


MemberOvomorphMar-10-2022 11:31 AM


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