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MemberOvomorph02/6/2012 Who is the GREATEST PARSITE SPECIES ever, Xenomorphs, or The Flood? YOU DECIDE!!!!
4 Replies
MemberOvomorph02/6/2012The greatest parasite ever will be whatever is growing in the moisture between my butt-cheeks while I sit here waiting for the film to come out. LOL!
MemberOvomorph02/6/2012xenokiller3... I think you are in the wrong place, wrong forum... no offence
SSgt Fett
MemberOvomorph02/6/2012Humans are the greatest parasitic species....we adapt and kill whatever host(area) we move into until all resources are depleted and the host either conforms to our needs or dies.
MemberOvomorphMar-25-2012 11:23 PMThere's a great book about all different kinds of parasites called [url=]Parasite Rex[/url] by Carl Zimmer that I highly recommend.
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