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WE are bio-weapons?

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This was an idea from an old fan-fic of mine, but given the "revelation" hinted at by Idris Elba, I've considered it again; could the big reveal be that Humanity was originally created as bio-weapons (how many species have we endangered or wiped out? how many of each other have we decimated?), but got out of hand, attacked our creators, and the aliens were created to protect the Space Jockeys/Engineers from US? Humanity was exiled to a backwater planet (Earth), which had been created to breed the ultimate bio-weapon. Perhaps the Engineers feel that we only have two modes - killing, and reproducing so we can kill again, (remind you of a certain Gigeresque something? :P) and fear that the Human "infestation" has spread this far from Earth, so prepare to return and wipe out our contrast, Shaw feels that despite our nature and initial programming, Humanity has many elements which emerged without the Engineers influence (love, art, beauty, compassion, science, philosophy, culture ETC), which make us worthy of existence. This "creations becoming more than their original programming" could also play out on a microcosmic level with David the android striving to be accepted by a human crew...? I don't know, just a thought...(although this may be too close to the "Mankind sucks" approach of Avatar...:P
3 Replies

Alien DNA

I don't think you need the ? at the end there. I think it's hard to argue that we can't be considered bio-weapons with everything we've done to ourselves and our planet throughout history. Just look at all of the genocide that's been committed and the Atlantic Garbage Patch for just a few real life examples. The analogy made by Smith in Matrix about us being like a virus doesn't seem too far from the truth. I do believe we are like a double edged sword with the atrocities we are capable of on one side and our compassion and morals on the other. I wouldn't categorize your idea with Avatar though, that seemed too much like a familiar situation on a different planet, or as you could put in other words "Same shit; Different day". That pretty much summarizes Avatar for me. (Sorry fans)


Thanks, well said, and I agree, obviously! ;) I also agree that the idea has been touched on before with Agent Smith's monologue, and that Prom would be well served by staying far away from Avatar's "Earth on another planet" approach...hoping for something truly "Alien", literary and figurative, from Ridly... :)

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 8:16 AM
If humans are 'bio weapons'..we didn't do a good job with all of the attacks from the 'aliens' in Prometheus and Alien movies.and Shaw the last living human in this Universe.. However if the Creators..the occupants of the next world David/Shaw visit..are so sure they are the Creators...a slight infection from Shaw could wipe them out.. Zeno's then rule..
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