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Prometheus Crew origin of the "Warning" Transmission in Alien?

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L. Watkins

In "Alien" it's stated that the transmission emitting from the Derelict craft was "a warning". My theory (that is probably not unique) is that the warning transmitted by the Derelict craft was sent out by the Prometheus crew. Possibly the "Distress call" mentioned in "Alien" was sent out by the Prometheus crew before sending out the final "Warning" having realized the extent of their disastrous encounter and the motives surrounding the Company. . . The Company could have intercepted this transmission and relayed it back to the Nostromo to intercept. The vastness of space attributes to large time gaps in communication complimenting the "Alien Timeline". Without prior contact The Company wouldn't have knowledge of the Organism and its characteristics to be bio-weaponized. The Nostromo was not sent to initiate first contact but sent as a retrieval vessel. The sound byte at the beginning of the Prometheus trailer could be the Warning. Thoughts?
12 Replies


Hey Watkins! I can see why you think the signal could perhaps be the Prometheus crew. . . But I believe that IF it did originate from them, the crew must have transmitted it from a Space Jockey spaceship, as the signal needed translation via means of the Nostromo computer. I doubt it would've needed translation if the Promethus (a Humman vessel), transmitted it originally. Just a guess though. . . :)


Just fleshing-out the reply from Xenophobe... I too agree that there is a solid possibility that the original "warning" picked up in ALIEN is from one of the Prometheus crew-members who sends it from the derelict. Our english language then gets filtered through the SJ technology and therefore comes out on the other end as a jumble of sounds picked up by the Nostromo years later. (As a side-note: In the original script, I believe it's Dallas that finds a button on the fossilized SJ chair and it's Dallas that simply turns off the distress signal.)


I really don't think the Prometheus crew are going to be the ones responsible for the signal. I'm getting a vibe that this film is not going to end where the original Alien picked up. Maybe the next film might though.

L. Watkins

The 'Warning' theory could be the Alien tie in that people has been overspeculating about. Everyone is really preoccupied with the big Xenomorph question when it's frankly irrelevant. The Alien creature has been so bastardized over the years with variations that all mystery of it's behavior, appearance, life cycle, story role has been diminished. The Alien is no longer alien anymore. The classical elements of quality storytelling were lost in the later entries in favor of transforming the series into a Neo-exploitative-creature feature-slasher piece. If you make movies for "the fans" they typically blow, I.e Star Wars Prequels. "Fan Boys" should be excited about the mysterious nature of the territory. The xenomorph derelict egg chamber was one of many chambers holding unknown monstrosities. I hope they don't show anything about creature, until I'm in my chair donning big ass 3D shades getting my mind rocked. . .


interesting....its probable/ good find


I've always fancied the ideal the the Space Jockey had meant the warning for beings of his own species, alerting them that the ship was infected and not to approach/or land on the planet. Kinda like the modern day act of quarantining a city after a nuclear meltdown.


The transmission as heard in the cut scene from 'Alien' is a guttural, whooshing sound whose inhuman quality disturbs the cast. Dunno if it IS the SJ's last broadcast,or a degraded copy of Vickers' plea/mea culpa.


MemberOvomorphNov-01-2012 8:37 AM
The derelict was 'old' and more than likely predated Prometheus. So the warning signal was either: a. set by the dead engineer many years ago prior to his demise b. set by someone else visiting the derelict between the date of Prometheus and the date of Alien. I think!?

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphNov-01-2012 8:40 AM
@ andrew1211: Wouldn't a juggernaut that was underground on LV 223 for 2,000+ years look "old"? The one featured in the movie aside, this is quite possible.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 11:18 AM
Indeed this is a good observation.. With all of the action displayed in our movie(Juggernaut launching,,collision with Prometheus) there might have been an automated(or even a xmission from the Juggernaut pilot) Beacon as described in Alien. In any case it would be hard to believe that the other off Moon Engineers,,would not be alerted to the problems...unless they are all dead..or conquered. If alerted and then send vessels to meet David/Shaw,,then sent modern spaceships would be meeting Shaw/David..driving an outdated Juggernaut,, Our remaining crew members would be underdogs,,again.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 11:33 AM
there is a Arecibo signal in Prometheus, trasmision 4, I asked a cople days about it means, maybe same origin.


MemberOvomorphNov-07-2012 11:12 PM
I just rewatched Alien again and I think I have a solid theory that sums up alot of questions. First, the distress call the Nostromo recieves starts off with a garbled human female voice, then the computer kicks on and the transmission is no longer heard. I believe the Nostromo was purposly sent to the planet system by Weyland Yutani to recover the Alien and the company cyphered the transmission to cover that it was a warning, that is why the computer could translate it after some time. Second, and on a side note, the planet in Prometheus is Lv223 where it's Lv426 in Alien. My theory on that is if you look at both planets in both movies, they both have rings and multiple moons, moons that are what they land on in both movies. The Lv in both names to me signifies a planetary system, so the ship in Alien probably was on a different moon in the same planetary system. My guess is that it tried to escape Lv223 while aliens or protoaliens were wreaking havok on that moon and crashed shortly after on one of the other moons (Lv426) when the Engineer had the chestburster kill him. Just a theory, but it seems to work.
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