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Ted talk analysis

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MemberOvomorphMar-03-2012 12:16 AM
An interesting analysis for your scrutiny... personally i don't see the irony as ted talks have been growing in popularity from the onset . A interesting theory none the less. The ted talks are clearly designed to induce debate. A closer look – from charlie black a friend of mine asked me to blog about this ad. it’s for the brilliant director ridley scott on his upcoming master piece prometheus. i first reacted to the fact scott used TED to not only promote his film in a fresh way but did it mocking the very media he used in doing it. beautiful irony. he is a master. the hilarious thing is, TED allowed it and i doubt they understand the irony. but i all ready blogged on that. this is my new blog on the content of Mr. Weyland’s speech. if you’ll indulge me. I had some time to get past my issues with TED, SXSW and social media and am ready to focus on the message. Mr. Weyland starts off quoting T.E. Lawrence, as in Lawrence of Arabia (real), who was asked by his colleague William Potter why he favored putting out a match by pinching it with his fingers and what trick he used dealing with the pain and Lawrence revealed the trick is not minding it hurts. In other words, fool the world (the sheep) with a lie. Teach them that the fire (which by nature consumes destructively until there is only ashes and nothing left to feed on)…does not hurt…nor is it dangerous…nor should it be feared. All in one simple illustration of putting out a match by pinching it between your fingers and hiding the truth that it hurt and caused pain. Then Mr. Weyland goes on to twist the metaphor into a glorious illustration of GOOD, when in fact the lesson should have been caught as an evil deception of pain. Fire was a gift from the titan Prometheus, Mr. Weyland goes on to say. Stolen from gods. Again…stolen, that’s good right? Prometheus was then unjustly punished by overreacting gods by being tied to a rock and an eagle pecked, ripped and tore open his flesh and guts to eat his liver over, over and over, day after day. See the subtle set up of the guilty thief being portrayed as the hero who gave humanity the wonderful gift when in fact he stole it – it wasn’t his to give. Mr. Weyland then launches into how the first gift of technology of fire given to the hero Prometheus launches humanity on this glorious path to ultimately become…GODS! * note – i added world populations for perspective bc he gave humans fire – the first piece of technology 100,000 bc – stone tools (estimated world population under .015 million) 4,000 bc – the wheel (estimated world population 20,000,000) notice the time transition to A.D. and the nod to “our Lord” in the speech 9th century – 800s - add gun powder – game changer (estimated world population 160,000,000) 19th century – 1800s – eureka light bulb (estimated world population 978,000,000) 20th century – 1900s – automobile, tv, internet, nuclear weapons, space craft (estimated world population 570,000,000,000 – yes billions) 21st century - 2000s – bio tech, nano tech, artificial intelligence, fusion, infusion, m theory (an extension of string theory to include 11 dimensions superseding superstring theory) (2012 current population is about 7,000,000,000,000 estimated world population end of year 2100 - 1.200,000,000,000 - yes trillion) on the way – cybernetic individuals, we are the gods now “those who know me you will be aware by now that my ambition is unlimited. you know that i will settle for nothing short of greatness or i will die trying. for those of you who do not yet know me, allow me to introduce myself, my name is _____ and if you’ll indulge me, i’ld like to change the world.” Does anyone catch what’s going on here? Is the metaphor not blatantly obvious? Anyone read Genesis lately. It’s the age old story of the arch angel Lucifer. Through wanting to be the best, through ambition, he wanted to not only change the world for himself, he wanted to be God. Anyone who is a student of history will also recognize another repeated epic theme repeated in song, story and civilizations. A country will chase technology, become dependent on that technology, out grow it’s ability to sustain that technology, start to fail in economically supporting it’s civilization depending on that technology, start the decay of that civilization leading to the ultimate take over (war), self destruction by citizens (war, riots, coupé) or collapse, then the reset and rebuilding process. Examples: in no particular order (I’m referring to peak of there empires/civilizations/dynasties/dictorial rule/monarchies) – Greeks, Assyrians, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Japanese, Chinese, Ming Dynasties, Korea, Russia, Germany, Romans, Spain Just remember the Middle Ages after the glory of Rome – I know, I know, it could never happen now…we’re different now. We’re to advanced.
5 Replies


MemberOvomorphMar-03-2012 11:20 AM
Weyland as Lucifer (unconsciously?) incarnate, a commercial demagogue holding a Godless, technologically-obsessed elite in thrall with promises of more "progress", ever-greater vainglorious achievement to define themselves by, seeking to further separate themselves from the rest of Creation in the process, only to find the 'off' switch won't work when they need it to. Plausible.

F--- it - lets go for it!

MemberOvomorphMar-03-2012 4:22 PM
excellent analysis, can we sign this guy up?

Perfect Lifeform

MemberOvomorphMar-05-2012 1:58 PM
interesting. At the risk of sounding like an idiot. What the hell is TED? Has this been explained anywhere? Interesting that M Theory is brought up. Perhaps there isn't time travel but parallel universe jumping.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-06-2012 1:30 PM
TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design(thanks to wiki) I didn't know myself and needed to google.. This is a dynamic presentation that is played out in our movie, Weyland is obsessed at this early age explore and dominate the worlds a outside of Earth. It is no wonder he didn't care for Vickers: She doesn't help him to advance to his immortality goals. David helps him Vickers doesn't. I thought his speach and demeaner was similar to Gekko in the movie 'Wall Street',,even down to the hair style.. Maybe Weyland, like David, watched a favorite movie and copied Gekko's style..even hair.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


AdminPraetorianDec-06-2012 2:00 PM
This is the "TED Talks" viral video that Ridley Scott made and that relates to the movie. I do love how it ties in with the regular Ted Talks videos. [url=]Peter Weyland TED Talk 2023 (Prometheus Viral)[/url] It is Weyland when he was young giving a speech.
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