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MemberOvomorphMar-09-2012 10:28 AMSorry if this has already been discussed but here goes....
The picure on the right is the space jockey in it's final resting place from ALIEN right... But we know the chair goes up and down levels because we see it in the prometheus trailer. But it cannot go down from here as thats the egg chamber.
so is the star map room (pictured left) above the room in alien if you think up that leads to the sky dome... you never see the sky dome in alien so it's above this room? In Alien they only saw the way down because of the hole in the floor made by the acid blood... If you go up a level you would find the star map room simple as that... And the chair has elevator properties or multi-level function.
Here it is rising up into the room on the left...what say you?
7 Replies
MemberOvomorphMar-09-2012 12:06 PMNeat idea stacking the two rooms. Ridley talked (ALIEN directors cut bonus features) about the circular Medlab and Kitchen maybe being stacked on the Nostromo too, even though the set was layed out as one continuous level. I suspect he was deliberately vague about the internal layout of the Derelict to begin with given the set construction cutbacks he had to deal with as filming began.
MemberOvomorphMar-09-2012 12:25 PMJust thinking about this -
I don't know if the chair is located directly over the egg chamber. If you think about it, they lowered Kane down from the edge of the 'chair room'. When he went down, there was a wall. I'm thinking the 'chair room' was located on the other side of that wall so that would allow another room to be right under the chair - which would be next to the egg-chamber.
Follow me? :)
MemberOvomorphMar-09-2012 12:51 PMyes I do and I had thought about it but there is no way we can see to access a room below it and it is more or less directly below on the plate that has an acid melted hole where the cockpit sits.
So I choose to remain factual that we see the chair rising into the new room from below in prometheus and rising vertically so I felt that it could come from this chamber in ALIEN and go to that new one in PROMETHEUS.
If entities / lifeforms are created upstairs with whatever elements they would choose to mix together in the star map room then it would make sense that it comes to the lower level to do somthing else such as distribute or infuse the ampules at the lower level.. Linking it to the holding / cargo bay before releaseing the new life / bio weapon / what ever they create upstairs near the skydome atleast thats my take
MemberOvomorphMar-09-2012 1:43 PMI always assumed the chair was "stored" under the Star Map/Chair room. But it seems like a waste of space to have the long, phallic end of the chair stored in an upright position. Unless, as Ronster suggests, the chair is used in different levels of the Space Jockey ship. That would seem like the only practical explanation. On the other hand, look how big the chair room is anyway. Why all the empty space? Maybe the Space Jockey ships don't "fly" with propulsion, instead they use anti-gravity and wormholes for travel.
I like that this community of fans is questioning what they see.
MemberOvomorphMar-09-2012 3:14 PMWe don't yet know the use of the phallic part of the chair but somthing phallic (male) rising up throgh the hole (female) = Creation room or womb to me then after this process the eggs will be laid after fertilization infused by the SJ in the chair
new lifeform created.
MemberOvomorphMar-09-2012 3:17 PM@Ronster
Yes, I really like how you articulated the visual concept for ALIEN. It is a dark, nightmarish version of procreation. I always have this idea that the Space Jockey chamber is a giant Birthing Room. Humans are the next Space Jockey in a perverse genetic experiment. In space, there is no law that can touch Weyland Corp. Hence the tag line of the original, In Space No One Can Hear You Scream (as They Implant Crazy-Ass Alien Lifeform in Your Womb). Also that's why only the women in the Teaser are running away from the Derelict. It's a hard idea to sell to mass audience if they make this gory & explicit. I don't want to see ALIEN RESURRECTION Part Deux. Then again, this movie may be about something else.
MemberOvomorphMar-09-2012 3:37 PMCheck this thread by db to find out how I got here
[url=]Are we missing somthing Obvious[/url]
I'm quite proud of my work so far on this
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