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A King has his reign, and then he dies

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MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 12:25 AM
Hi all, In this thread I will refer to the phrase: "A King has his reign, and then he dies"... [img][/img] I think it's quite possible that the Space Jockeys are just suits and technology. then: 1) The Creators of technology are extinct and the only thing left is a plague, this dangerous biological arsenal that would transform the crew of the Prometheus in mutants or monsters. 2) The creators of the technology are really ethereal and supernatural gods. My point is that they need to terraform by physical processes, then created this whole terraforming technology to an engineer (human or android) make use of this to insert life on planets. But the Gods are willing to do anything to satisfy their whims and plans, the result will be a human or android mutated and controlled by the biomechanical suit. This entity is directed mutated to Earth with a single purpose: Destroy the human race to insert a new way of life. Obviously everything will end with a suicide attack against the ship of the Space Jockey. And so it has always happened, are only laboratory rats, some poor guinea pigs. IMHO obviously...
15 Replies


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 12:34 AM
and then a queen has her reign...


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 12:40 AM
and then milli vanilli blame it on the reign...


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 12:48 AM
singing in the reign or royal purple reign?


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 1:21 AM
ive got some funny theorys im gonna let out my brain...! I think the king line is in reference to Peter Weyland wanting to live forever and not have his reign end. I dunno if hes human or some sort of alien or time traveller, but i also think the clip in the trailer with the waterfall is Weyland and that hes been on earth for a very long time, my other theory is that the Space Jockey has inside Peter Wayland. Im thinking with Lindolfs obsession with alternate timeline/time travel storylines, its somehow going to play a part in Weylands story. anys hoep that makes sense, haha!


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 1:30 AM
another detail i think is that Weyland was one of the engineers and at some point was distanced from the other engineers mabey because he tampered too much and wanted to be the ruler and things went to hell from there, you know how hollywood likes those religious alergorys and all, the fall of Satan.. i think the stone face is Weylands face to be worshipped.


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 1:51 AM
"Like tears in reign....time to die."


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 2:08 AM
It's the Key Introduction, yet no one else explores this context... What is a King? How does this play? Why does Ridley care? Just basic questions people.

Mark Cawley

MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 2:42 AM
I could be all about Terraforming planets. Perhaps we were a succesful experiment....but then the engineers tried it again somewhere else (LV-426) but it went horribly wrong. We know somebody travelled to earth because of the cave paintings all over the world dont we. OR perhaps they tried to copy a natural birth of our planet so hence the film title. Anyway i just realised......the U.S. only has 73 days to wait.....but us over here in blighty probably have a further 2 months to wait, just like with The THING. Ill still come on here for answers when you guys are talking about what you thought of the movie lol.


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 2:55 AM
Guess we're lucky, here the theater website says it comes 30/05/2012

Mark Cawley

MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 3:06 AM
Perhaps the King is the human race. Remember everything we discover is eventually developed into a weapon......the human race is destined to self detruct remember.....A king has his reign and then he dies.


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 3:41 AM
I think Vickers' monologue is meant to be a play on the hubris of immortality. All Egyptian motifs in this movie points to a reference to Pharaoh's desire to be immortal with their vital organs preserved in canonic jars, or the ampules in the godhead room. The preservation of their bodily essence is used for their own future resurrection.


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 7:25 AM
weyland as a engineer/SJ i think is totally out of the realms of the film, and purely fanfic territory, the goal of the company in the films was always to get bioweapons but i wonder if this is something that happened later. In Alien the crew are essentially tricked to go to LV-426 by the company, maybe it was a secret follow up mission to prometheus (because it ended badly) in aliens they are after them as a weopon maybe there is conflict on earth because of the company being so controlling, and it cant control the other worlds. I dont think weyalnd knows what hes searching for when he sends prometheus off, but he puts a droid (david) with them to ensure something comes back (like a black box in an aircraft) I agree that the king line may refer to weyland, but surely it refers to the SJ/engineers, as in the engineers of the human race....they are the kings of the universe, the holders of all technology, and the humans/weyland/the company want that power, to end the kings reign.


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 7:53 AM
""Like tears in reign....time to die."" Seriously?


MemberOvomorphMar-27-2012 9:56 AM
[quote]""Like tears in reign....time to die."" Seriously?[/quote] I thought it was kinda funny. Plus, they both want the same thing, more life.


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 12:24 AM
I think the line "A King has his reign, and then he dies. It's the natural order of things." was lifted, word for word, from the stage play "Exit the King" by Eugene Ionesco.
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