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Image: Hieroglyphic Structure Observation

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MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 7:34 AM

Ok ... what about the Hieroglyphics then ... could this mean multiple species in the different silos, therefore different DNA in each of the silo goo pods? ...

But then who owns those pods, which have different markings to the Engineers hieroglyphics? ...

Hieroglyphic Structure Observation:

18 Replies


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 7:39 AM
Great job!!! Gotta love your devotion. BTW, that forgotten scene in the tunnel you posted earlier - the one people assumed had dead jockeys in it. I think it might not have any also has hieroglyphs and I think a statute or statue head? I think it must be in the tunnel outside the ship, before they get inside??


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 7:47 AM
Man, you're insane...


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 7:51 AM
Ampoules Glyphs.... look like Predator writing? :P


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 7:53 AM
Nice :o


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 8:03 AM
That is f#cking awesome! I will go as far, as to say that's proof of two types of intelligent life ... plus us, of course :) Nice work!


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 9:40 AM
Love it. Safe to say there will be more than one intelligent race encountered in that alien planet system. Perhaps they are warring over what to do with us humans next... That's pure speculation. But as far as more than one intelligence, I think we could build a case for that.


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 12:26 PM
Hahahaha... Keefus I had joked about something like that on another site, as they do sort of look that way. So the secret is out then... That its a big PREDATOR self destruct mechanism and that explains what happens to the Planet. The kids were right after all! Its an Alien vs. Predator movie! GET TO DAH CHOPPA !


MemberDeaconMar-29-2012 4:12 PM
"Ampoules Glyphs.... look like Predator writing? :P" Very much so, some of them do look identical. We just dont know for sure what the explanation for that is.... Maybe Ridley is having us all along? lol To be honest i know its not going to be, but if the story is done correct then maybe it could explain that Two Races are at War over this Technology... the Space Jockeys and Predators. It could explain a lot and a link to the whole Franchises (forgetting the disapointing AVP Films). Many years ago after Alien Resurection, there was rumours that they was going to make a Movie that would Tie in the Aliens and Predators and help to explain the Space Jockey and Alien Skulls in Predator 2. Nothing came of this, and rumours went on to a Predator 3 that would link Aliens, as well as a Alien 5. Nothing came of those rumours and we then got the AVP Game Franchises etc. So i dont think this film will have anything to do with Predator, but i do think if left open and done right a connection could work out well. But i dont think Ridley Scott has that intentions and thus i dont think those different Glyphs are suposed to be Predator... but what or whows are they.. i doubt we will ever know. The Pod/Canister Glyph could be this movies unanswered version of what the Space Jockey and its Ship was in the Original Alien.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 9:10 PM
I've been working on what those symbols mean.. and I've come to the conclusion that they state: "Do Not Open"

Mark Cawley

MemberOvomorphMar-30-2012 3:44 AM
Until Christmas lol


MemberOvomorphMar-30-2012 4:23 AM
[quote]I've been working on what those symbols mean.. and I've come to the conclusion that they state: "Do Not Open"[/quote] lolz! [quote]The kids were right after all! Its an Alien vs. Predator movie![/quote] TBH the games have had better story-lines than any of the movies. the AvP universe and the alien one are so rich, i really hope SRS doesn't Kill them.


MemberOvomorphApr-03-2012 6:36 AM
danrald, lmao


MemberOvomorphApr-03-2012 8:55 PM
These may be call Cyrus Clinders in Iran. Hehe. [img][/img] [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-03-2012 8:58 PM
The hieroglyphics on some of the SJ structures look quite Sumerian. Sumerian is the world's first language (I think), but I think it's also extinct, and as such we still don't know a whole lot as to what they mean, apart from how various symbols mean different things, that there's no alphabet either.


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 12:54 PM
The hieroglyphics in this film that I've analyzed as the Engineer's "standard orthography" are most evocative on Sumerian cuneiform, but not very similar to it structurally from all I can tell. They're more like a hybrid between cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphics. And, it seems most likely to me that the writing is alphabetic. For example, using a certain amount of assumptions about the glyphs being "featural" (that is, positional variations, dots constantly providing palatalization, etc.) it is possible to map the writing (logically) to an alphabetic system. The glyphs repeat often enough to do this. I am NOT saying that what you see below in this image is likely HOW the sound actually map, but in this theoretical exercise, I've come to believe that this is probably a lightly mixed system in which MOST of the glyphs are alphabetic or at least syllabic. It COULD work this way and not be too far fetched. This system is NOT like Sumerian in the way it WORKs. There are not enough glyphs for that. It may more closely mirror Egyptian, but I think it most likely that it's simply "gibberish" created by the art department. In this mapping the apostrophe ( ’ ) is theorized as an epenthetic schwa, commonly written as an upside down "e". [img][/img] Both Sumerian and Egyptian are fairly well understood in Academia at this point. Online dictionaries for both are readily available to the public. The writing on the urns is completely different and that leads me to believe that it may be conceived in the film as "alien" to the Engineers or at least from a subset of the Engineer culture.

Forever War

MemberOvomorphMay-07-2012 1:21 AM
Nice work sukkai


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphMay-07-2012 1:36 AM


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 4:06 AM
Sukkal, this thread can't die - I wanna hear more about THE ENGINEERS who 'clearly' taught their language to early Sumerian-type tribes, the “sudden civilization” that appeared in full swing in Mesopotamia over 4,000 years ago.
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