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facehugger pic?

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MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 8:12 PM
I have searched around but didn't see anything on this...has anyone else noticed this in the trailer? maybe some sort of facehugger? [img][/img]
13 Replies


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 8:18 PM
I've heard she's supposed to somehow give birth to an alien, somehow in this scene.


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 8:24 PM
She happily welcome her croissant in the bed btw is not a facehugger our beloved chestsquid


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 8:31 PM
This has been brought up before. It appears to be some kind of squid looking creature she may have given birth too, and not the same creature we saw in the Alien films. It may still have the same instincts as facehuggers to impregnate living creatures through the mouth, making it a facehugger for a different alien species(??)....


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 8:39 PM
Her last meal before Cryo sleep could have been some under cooked pork and its just an enormous tape worm. On the other hand ridley did say he had to redesign the face huggers ?....I don't really know but i'm looking forward to finding out.


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 8:50 PM
Could be a dream sequence, or rather, a nightmare. Just hope it isnt an infant Jar Jar

Ripley Clone 8

MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 9:05 PM
Baby Shaw :)


MemberOvomorphMar-29-2012 10:58 PM
This is what I think, it’s the birth of a sj. I was talking to my ex about it. He likes the idea of evolution, and it got me thinking. What if it’s a sj? These connections come to mind with the ampules. Inside there’s some kind of liquid / organism. There are a lot of ideas floating around of what it is. I think that it has the some kind of alien DNA in it with sj DNA as well. But I think that each one has different DNA. We know that some of the crew gets infected. Which in turn changes them into different beings. We know that Hollway gets infected and has sex with Shaw. To me there’s a difference between an organism in the blood vs. in the womb. This is where evolution comes into play. The theory is that we came from organism that then grew to what we are now. To me the sj race died and left what remained of them in the ampules waiting for some life form to come. I think of this like inbreeding. Their DNA became weak causing deaths and possible deformities. The few that where left had pure DNA mixed in the ampules in hopes that should a life form come they would be able to recreate them. But over the years of no one coming, the DNA started to grow and mutate with the other DNA that was in it. Some of it was able to get out and become some kind of parasite. The parasite is able to infect some of the crew. When it is introduced to the human blood stream it is muting with something that already reached the end of it’s evolution. David finds out about the two different DNA strands that reside in the ampules and in some way is able to separate the two. In the case of Hollway and Shaw, with the act of sex, the parasite / organism is brought into the womb. With women they share their very life, their being with the child as it grows in the body. As the organism grows in her it takes the basic human DNA. Which ties into the sj DNA that was in the ampules. Finding the missing link in her to be able to be reborn. So when she takes it out of her, I see the beginning of human evolution mixed with sj DNA. I would think that it gets loose and beings to grown through its’ evolutions becoming a sj. Sorry if it’s confusing, but it’s just what I think. I’m looking outside the box, and not trying to jump to the idea of it being a facehugger.

Mark Cawley

MemberOvomorphMar-30-2012 2:05 AM
Theres another scene in a different trailer that is shot towards the can see this persons knees as the an empty grapple zooms off down there presumeably to pick up whatever THAT thing is.......heres some other pics of that in front of her face. [img][/img] [img][/img]

Capt. David

MemberOvomorphApr-05-2012 1:55 PM
This is not a "birth" scene. This is where David 8 is trying to get the Alien facehugger to attach to her.


MemberOvomorphApr-05-2012 2:00 PM
big things have small beginnings does he mean space jockeys or life in general.?


MemberOvomorphApr-09-2012 4:03 AM
But the "Chest squid" makes the Facehugger sound from AVP 2010 game.!


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2012 5:50 PM
Other clips show her with a distended stomach. She realises whatever it is growing in her is bad news and uses the automated surgical pod to cut it out. There is no need for anyone else to be around because the pod is automated and, according to the Weyland site, approved for home use. The reason she is thrashing around is because she wants to get away from that worm thing. So much so, she doesn't wait for the pod to sew her up. Instead, she gets out and staples her incision closed as she's going down the hall. You can see the stapler in her hand.


MemberOvomorphApr-15-2012 1:10 PM
I look at the picture and im sorry but it dosen't appear like it's on her face but moreover..either a reflection of something inside the medical stretcher/unit..or something on the glass above just seen at a wierd angle.
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