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NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 3:40 PM
Over the last 40 years, here are my picks, not in any order except for THE ENTERPRISE
Enterprise, All of them, except the new one that J. J. Abrams screwed up
Land of the Giants...Spindrift
Plant of the Apes, "Icarus
Space 1999 …Eagle lunar
Alien …narcissus
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea….. Sea view (NOT A SPACE CRAFT, BUT STILL A COOL DESIGN)
2001……..XD-1 USSC Discovery,
Silent Running,,,, Valley Forge
Alien………… the Nostromo
And Now………………. Prometheus
75 Replies

MemberDeaconApr-02-2012 3:48 PMI am still a big fan of the a Klingon Bird of Prey ;)
I also remember when i was a kid that the Liberator from Blake 7 impressed me.
Draconia 1 from Buck Rodgers i liked aswell. Oh and Commander Makara's Cruiser from Star Fleet X Bomber
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 3:56 PMMy favourite sci-fi TV series was Babylon 5 and for me, this show to this day still had the most realistic depiction of what OUR vessels would actually look like if we ever really went out there.. ie: Big ungainly things that required rotating sections in order to create fake gravity.
Here is one of the cruisers... Pay attention to its name.. may be a little chuckle for this board if you know what I mean...
Also, the Babylon 5 STAR FURY is probably the most realistic earth space "fighter" craft ever envisioned. Even NASA asked the shows creators for detailed models and renderings of it cuz it really flipped them out!!!
But after these, I agree that the utilitarian EAGLES from Space 1999 were very good... again because they depicted a very realistic concept that we could probably achieve.

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:00 PM^^^^^
Sorry the resizing makes the name on the side fo the cruiser unreadable, but its...

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:02 PMHay BigDave
, Love the Bird of Prey , Built two of them over the years
One as is , the other one added LED lights

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:02 PMfor me its:
Narcissus (ALIEN)
Eagle (Space 1999)
Jupiter 2 (Lost In Space 1999)
Viper Mark II (BSG 2004TV series)
Prometheus (PROMETHEUS)
Dark Star
Blockade Runner (Star Wars)
Super Star Destroyer (The Empire Strikes Back)
Malevolence (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
Spinner (Blade Runner - not really a starship though)
random order here...

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:04 PMNot in any order
Space Battleship Yamato AKA: Argo
Starship Voyager
Battlestar Pegasus (New Version)
USS Daedalus
The Event Horizon
Imperial Super Star Destroyer
USS Defiant

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:05 PM Hay CanadaPhi
,,,How about THE STARLOST ......
Big TV Sci-fi for us Canadians

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:05 PMCylon Basestar (redesigned BSG)
BSG Pegasus (redesigned BSG)
The Spacing Guild Heighliner (David Lynch's version)
Cylon Raider (original BSG)
Barbarella's ship
Slave I
The Nostromo
Marvin The Martian's Rocket
The Dalek Space Saucer
The Swinetrek

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:08 PMstar bug was always a fav but also the ship from flight of the navigator
or yes the liberator from blake seven what was the name of the ship that took over after the liberator was eaten away ?

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:09 PMHahahaha!.. The STAR LOST...
that was really similar to the ships in Silent Running sort of.
PS: How did that line go?? " MAY I BE OF ASSISTANCE? ""

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:22 PM[url=][/url]
Interesting veiwing if you a few minutes

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:21 PMoh wow, awesome question. !!DISCLAIMER!!! if I'm all joe-joe the duck with the craft names, go easy people. my brother's the sci-fi ninja. Ok, to do proper justice here....
1) Milleneum Falcon(robot chicken.."whats an aluminum falcon?")
3)Last starfighter(name escapes me)
4)Aliens Dropship(righteous)
5)Tie Interceptor(not shown enough)
6)Battlestar Galactica(whatever apollo flew)
7)Klingon Bird of Prey
8) the Enterprise(need I say more)
9)Robotech Valkries(I know cartoon, but still bitchin)
10)Super star destroyer(aka Palpatine's limo)

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:21 PMit was stolen off Silent running
and you got ,,,MAY I BE OF ASSISTANCE, i forgot about that , that guy looked like my uncle back in the day

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:25 PMGood stuff snapper , FEW MINUTES ,,,,,,,,,,, i got all night

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:39 PMi dont know a lot about space ships so i only have a couple faves. the enterprise of course (TNG), the defiant from deep space 9... numerous random star trek alien ships (like the klingon bird of prey meantioned before)
does a Gundam count as a space ship? lol if so i have some faves there.
i like numerous other anime ships i wont even get into that.
but gotta say [u]my fave is always going to be borg cubes and spheres.[/u]
resistance is futile!! you will be assimilated!

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:42 PMi wish my wife would say that last part more often

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:49 PMIn no particular order.
Eagle Transport (Space:1999)
Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)
Nostromo (Alien)
Tantive IV (Star Wars)
Battlestar Galactica (BSG New Series)
Sulaco (Aliens)
The TARDIS (Dr Who Original Series)
The Liberator (Blakes 7)
Earthship ARK (The Starlost) in principle. Updated technology would make it cool.
Leonov (2010)

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:57 PMnothing can beat serenity :D

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 4:58 PMalso, i like the look of the new enterprise, yeah the movie was kind of bad, but it was better then the TNG movies and the look is still great i think :D

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:02 PMThe ship that Blakes 7 "found" after the Liberator was destroyed was called Scorpio.
@canadaphil totally agree about B5- way ahead of it's time- you have to look past the wooden acting (esp season 1) and slightly dogdy effects but the story over 5 seasons is outstanding.....
Whitestar (B5)
Millennium Falcon
Minbari Cruiser (B5)
Liberator (Blakes 7)
B Wing (ROTJ)
Shadow vessel (B5)
Tie Fighter
Star Fury (B5)
Super Star destoyer Executer (ESB)

Jim Jimmer
MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:08 PMPoor Alex Rogan and Grig, I cant beleive no body has mentioned the Gunstar...

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:12 PMNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I mentioned the "gunstar". I just didnt call it that! Now please, give me my "props in Oaktown".

Jim Jimmer
MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:15 PM@shawn
what did you call it mate, I think I missed it?
I see it now, my mistake....

red hood
MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:18 PMThe Enterprise
1989 Batwing
The Bird of prey
2012 Batwing
The Apollo Capsule and Lunar Lander

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:27 PM@intothehive...
Oh hellz yeah... We need to show some B5 luv. Hahaha. The younger punks have probably never even seen that show??
After the more realistic Earth Force Cruisers, I also liked ALL of the Alien race vessels which of course could be as wild as they wanted, because the Aliens could have any freaky tech. imaginable..
Anyway there is one other favourite.. the NARN G'Quan Heavy Cruiser...

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:31 PMSuper star destroyer (star wars)
Pillar of autumn (halo)
Prometheus (prometheus)

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:46 PMgreat thread, ncc...I love ALL the TIE designs: especially the TIE interceptor, and the "Darth Vader" Version of it, as well as the TIE bombers...
the STar Trek I/II NCC1701 is awesome, IMHO...
Loved the Cylon starfighters in BG...dunno why...
I loved the B-Wing fighters and the Buck Rogers starfighters, the "Executor", and the X-Wing fighters..
never was a big Millenium falcon fan...too clunky and not, lol..
I'll post more when I think of 'em... man...great trip through memory lane!
So many of the ones you guys mentioned I raved about and just loved when I was a stuff!

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MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:52 PM1. Millenium Falcon
2. X-Wing Fighter
3. Nostromo
4. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)
5. Space Battleship Yamato
6. Battlestar (original series)
7. Slave I
8. Discovery One ( XD-1 )
9. Imperial Star Destroyer
10. Eagle Transporter

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 5:54 PMits cool the way alot of you are saying Prometheus , Myself, l`m really looking foward to see her coming in for a landing and get a view
, and if any body spots a pre order for the model Kit ,Get it posted HERE

DJ Kotto
MemberOvomorphApr-02-2012 6:16 PMRuet drops the Argo from star blazers on us. That's awesome. I totally agree.
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