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Shaw and Holloway sex...

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MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 4:52 PM
I really can't understand why Shaw and Holloway would have sex after something terrible happened to some of the members of the crew... I mean if I would find an alien life form which doesn't turns out to be a nice one I wouldn't be quite in the mood for some lovemaking...
29 Replies


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 5:03 PM
You can confirm this because you've seen the movie? There's more than one way for a scene to play out. Don't judge the circumstances until you see it. Maybe Shaw wants to find a safe place to be and doesn't want to be alone so she crawls into someone else's bed for a (false) sense of security? Maybe Holloway came into his room and found her curled up under his sheets because she didn't feel safe elsewhere? Just because they're in bed together doesn't mean sex.


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 5:09 PM
in the second tv spot you can see Shaw and Holloway kiss very passionate i'm assuming this will lead to sex especially knowing that Shaw gives birth to the squid thing... you can see it here at the 20 second mark:


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 5:13 PM
Yeah, it definitely is leading up to sex and when in the movie is that? Is this before, during, or after when everything goes crazy? How do you know? There's no context to the scene.


MemberDeaconApr-17-2012 5:24 PM
Well thats based on the mutral sex... We do not know how many times the crew go down to the surface, we do not know if we see Fifield get attacked by that Worm, before that scene. Maybe after that scene? In Alien once the Face Hugger came off, everyone thought Kane was back to normal. We dont know how serious the condition of Fifield is once he gets onboard the Prometheus, he could just have a burn to his face we dont know. Many things could overwhelm Shaw she would be going through so many emotions and that maybe leads to her needing the company of Holloway. The only other explaination for her getting Pregnant is by some other Organism/Mutant later in the movie... maybe Holloway how knows.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 5:25 PM
I really have to agree with everything @Xenotron said. On top of which, even if Hollaway and Shaw are an item, [which it seems fair to say they may be something more than professional, judging by the hand-holding they do in the trailer], how do you know when the deed was done? Furthermore, something horrible happening to some of the crew, may have been exactly what pushed them to seek some closeness with each other out of stress and fear, rather than turned them off.. You seem to have made some assumptions.

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 5:28 PM
many things to do before you die


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 5:33 PM
in the spirit of hypothesizing about what we've seen in the trailers... Holloway gets infected by something in that citadel, (much like Kane in ALIEN) he seems to be fine after a while not wanting to alarm the rest of the crew, Holloway realizes he may not be "alright" after all (see the scene where he possibly hallucinates seeing a micro tentacle inside his cornea) Holloway under the influence of said unknown bio-entity is compelled to mate with Shaw, and thus impregnating Shaw with what we see extracted from her while she is in the medical bays automated surgical pod the scene where Holloway is aggressively kissing Shaw suggests to me that he is under the influence of something more than his own human desires, he needs to mate just my own take on what i've seen in the trailers


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 5:41 PM
Grief can be a powerful aphrodisiac.


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 5:41 PM
I'd have to say I think Shaw and Halloway do have a bedroom frollick. I'm just going to a bit of deduction but Shaw does have something removed from her. If she was infected some other way I'd assume she'd be turned like the other guys are turned so you wouldn't see her unchanged in so many shots in the trailer. The only other way she'd get something put inside her is for someone to put something inside her which it appears is Halloway. I mean yeah people do kiss passionately, in a darkened room, alone, after years of sleep, and probably don't always get down but I think they do in this case.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 6:03 PM
if they have sex, it's probably right out of cryo to celebrate being in deep space, if you will.... lol
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MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 8:14 PM
@Freeze Him! Oh, no you didn't!..


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 8:16 PM
@allinamberclad. i so did.
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MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 8:25 PM
@Freeze Him! LOL!!


MemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 8:46 PM
In my opinion, the most likely scenario is that it's celebratory sex; they just discovered alien life and everything they had hoped for was true. This is just before the s*** hits the fan and everything goes to pot.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-17-2012 8:56 PM
@xenotron, exactly what I meant, until allinamberclad's mind went to the gutter lol
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MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 3:41 AM
They have sex because they are a couple. You see them holding hands at the beginning of the international trailer. And it was also quoted in a press release somewhere, although I don't have the source to hand.


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 6:07 AM
Nothing better than survivor sex!


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 6:52 AM
who wouldn't want to have sex with Holloway? He's hot!


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 8:49 AM
I agree. He [i]is[/i] hot lol. But even if they do have sex, who's to say he's even the one who impregnates her with anything? It could be an experiment of the SJ. Or maybe he does impregnate her and the SJ experiment on the fetus and turn it into something else. I guess we'll all know when we see the movie. Which I know is eating away at all of us lol. I had a dream I saw it the other night, but of course I couldn't remember anything that I saw when I woke up. >.<


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 8:58 AM
Holloway has to have sex with Shaw after the discovery of the planet because he has to impregnate her after his infection with the worm in the eye. But thats just my opinion I could be completely wrong we shall see soon! Thanks for all your opinions btw ;)


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 9:04 AM
Hey guys do anyone know the reviews of the Prometheus Premiere at Paris?? How about the audience's feeling about the film ? why just so quite now...


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 9:29 AM
There was no premiere... I think you mean the showing of the 15 minute preview in Paris from a couple of days ago... Prometheus won't come out until 31 may where I live...


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 9:48 AM
i think it is possible that Shaw was already pregnant by holloway and somehow once holloway is infected they consumate again and the intoduction of the alien dna to Shaw creates or mutates the fetus to what we see on screen and have been referencing as the squid thing. or we all can be wrong i seriously think there is a possiblity that the sceen in the medi chamber is being read wrong by us....doesnt really look like the thing came out of shaw as much as someone trying to place it in her......cant tell but it looks like someone or something is by her head where the machine is holding that squid thing....then there are the sceens where shaw attacks some guys in cant wait to see whats what....trailers are meant to be misleading!!!!


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 11:16 AM
@ fanboy79 and when do you think Shaw got pregnant? Before they went into space? I don't think anybody would go into hypersleep for 2,5 years while being pregnant and I don't think anybody would allow a pregnant woman on a space ship... And it seems highly unlikely that after 2,5 years of travelling to an alien world that Shaw and Holloway would have sex before going onto the planet


AdminPraetorianApr-18-2012 11:21 AM
@Logan3; What fanboy is talking about is an old discussion we had here (one of many), about who and what got infected from the urns and possible ways Shaw may have gotten pregnant with an organism. There are many post with pictures of Shaw with a huge belly inflating and her in a medpod getting what looks to be a C-section. There are a few great pictures and gifs. I will post a couple; :) Here is one such link; Click here-->[url=]Shaw and Holloway - parents to the alien race??? Let's hope not.[/url] Here is another with great pictures (Gifs posted by Biomechanic) of Shaw in the medpod with a huge expanding belly and the "baby squidly" : Click here--> [url=]Shaw's "impregnation"[/url]


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 11:29 AM
Oh I see thank you svanya that could be really cool too! I just can't predict where this movie is going and I love that there are so many great ideas I just hope Ridley got something good for us but i bet he has


AdminPraetorianApr-18-2012 11:33 AM
@Logan3; Yeah I know it must be hard to keep up if you are new here because we have been discussing all sorts of themes for a long time, some have been here almost a year! I post links when I can. The best way to go about it is to look up old posts, I spent a week reading nothing but the old stuff when I got here. :D

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-07-2012 4:02 PM
"..the scene where Holloway is aggressively kissing Shaw suggests to me that he is under the influence of something more than his own human desires, he needs to mate.." While warching the scene with Holloway/Shaw kissing it struck me that this was quite a change for Holloway. A bit earlier when the head explodes he is portrayed drinking as he observes the electrifying of the Engineer's head.. Sometimes Charlie exhibits a bit more interest in the examination..but mostly just drinks and watches the procedings, When the rose scene occurs it is clear he is on the prowl,,and why not with Dr. Shaw?(He really doesn't have many options). He thinks he is sweet talking her. When Shaw tells him about the DNA comparisons matching he sort of reacts,,,but not nearly enough for this revelation. But with Shaw's sudden change because she can't have kids,,Halloway becomes a consoling partner,,caring manner,,and then to seal the deal, starts some serious foreplay. It is just the sudden change from drunken observer to caring lover,,is kind of wide ranging, for Holloway, considering his expectations to meet the Creaters has been squashed. It has been mentioned on this thread that Holloway was under the influence of someone.something else,,to motivate to have relations with Shaw,,a s soon as possible,, I sort of go along with that, David's goo experiment may have taken over Holloway's libido and forced him on Shaw. What would have happenned if Holloway had relations with another.. Ford/ Vickers? The resultant Xeno might have been quite a bit different
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