Alien Movie Universe

What David8 is made of and what he can do. Confirmed: He has no organic componan

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AdminPraetorianApr-18-2012 3:56 PM
(Took this off the Weyland site) INTRODUCING DAVID 8 He has been reimagined, reengineered and brought to life with better technological, intellectual, physical and emotional performance than ever before. Welcome to the eighth generation of cybernetic advancement. Brought to you by Weyland Industries. With his new 99% emotional sensitivity level, David 8 can enter seamlessly into any environment and carry out an authentic human interaction. David 8 can understand and respond appropriately to even the most intricate emotional cues or subtly stated verbal commands. David 8 has valuable skills in manufacturing, finance, earth sciences and medicine, and he can become instantly competent in almost any other field. He is polished, practiced, and efficient, by far the most advanced and human-like cybernetic individual on the market today. David 8 is guaranteed to surprise you. He is extremely versatile, endlessly useful and his database of unique functionality is limitless. Unlike human counterparts, David 8 is willing to perform any task that he is assigned, without question or resistance. He will not flinch at even the most disturbing or seemingly irregular assignment, and he will dutifully persevere until reaching his final objective. Discover, explore and Build Better Worlds with the new David 8. Real Emotion Output Display Module Download Neutral David 8 can be programmed to enter a default neutral state, devoid of emotional engagement. In this state, David 8 reacts to his surroundings using only his logic actuators and does not access his facial mapping sensors or other advanced emotion-response pathways. His Motivation Sequences are bypassed in favor of a simplified rational response. This state can be useful for applications where traditional non-feeling cybernetic behavior is required. T.I.P.E. OVERVIEW TECHNOLOGICAL: David 8 is a perfect confluence of technologies. His advanced cybernetic vision has been further improved to include focus-adjust in low light conditions. And a new global location mapping algorithm identifies David 8’s coordinates and returns him to a pre-programmed rendezvous point. David 8’s Pursuance Protocol ensures quality performance: given a project to complete, David 8 will see it done. INTELLECTUAL: With a fluid intelligence on the order of 1012 neurons or 200 petaflops, David 8 exhibits twice the neural net capacity of humans. The new sensory-data processor in David 8 combines perfect human reasoning with the most advanced cybernetic computing power. Owing to such technology, David 8 can function autonomously in any human environment, displaying complex human intellectual traits such as curiosity and self-motivation towards a final objective. PHYSICAL: An advanced polyurethane coating replicates the biological properties of human skin to exact texture, pliability and tensile strength. With a cadmium alloy endoskeleton, David 8’s frame can withstand over 1,000 pounds of compression force. Micro-distributed accelerometers provide ultra-keen kinesthetic awareness. And as a new design feature, David 8 has been programmed in several common sports modes; he now enjoys basketball, cycling, golf and more. EMOTIONAL: For David 8, Weyland’s emotional encoding software has been redesigned to include recognition of thousands more facial expressions than previous models. Proprietary expression mapping sensors allow David 8 to interpret critical human emotional states. The evaluation process happens at synaptic speed, instantly sending thousands of micro-facial movements into effect, giving David 8 a remarkably natural, human response. David 8’s unlimited memory capacity makes storing data from even the most complex models such as the one pictured possible. Additionally, with double the neural net capacity of humans, David 8 can memorize, store and retrieve data faster than ever before. SPECIFICATIONS: Dimensions: Height :1.87 meters Weight :86 kg Size: David 8 wears WI standard uniform (accepts model sizes 6-8. Frame and Design: David 8 uses a micro-pressurized hydraulic actuator system along with frictionless joints to achieve maximum reflexive mobility. His cadmium endoskeleton is guaranteed for the life of the product. Additional feature specs: Multi-degree range of motion greater than human capacity Micro-distributed accelerometers 30x visual magnification with increased depth of field Low-light auto-adapting feature (with assisted low-light focusing) Non-reactive Polyurethane coating 700-lb lifting capacity Polymer-encased brain stem component Communication: David 8 is fluent in all known languages through a dialectic implant and can infer the linguistic components of entirely new languages if encountered. Communication between humans and David 8 should feel entirely fluid and natural. He instantly recognizes the tone and timbre of a new voice and will register it with his database. Operation: David 8 is easy to operate and enters seamlessly into human environments. Just speak a command in your normal tone of voice. Customizable vocational or goal-objective programming is available on some models. Mind and Memory Fluid intelligence equivalent of 1012 neurons (200 petaflops) 3D kinematics guidance center Fear center safety program (can be disabled) Advanced emotional encoding Facial recognition via proprietary expression mapping Unlimited memory Heart and Soul: David 8 can record, process, understand and express many complex emotions, but he will never know true human feelings such as love, grief and compassion. Maintenance: Unlike previous models, David 8 can conduct all of his own maintenance procedures. He constantly monitors the degradation of his high-turbidity hydraulic fluid and will replenish at regular intervals (bi-monthly approximate for most mixed-use applications). His zero-loss lithium ion cells are guaranteed for the life of the product. Major repairs or physical damage must be addressed through an authorized Weyland Cybernetics facility.
29 Replies


AdminPraetorianApr-18-2012 5:40 PM
@belladonna; Owning 2 David8's is perfectly reasonable for any womans "needs"! Also, he can lift 700 pounds if you ever decide to become a shut in. XD


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 4:42 PM
It does confirm though that there are NO organic components at all. He is pure machine. With only synthetic & hydraulic fluids... Does not sound like he can "pretend to eat" like Ash.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 5:33 PM
TECHNOLOGICAL: David 8 is a perfect confluence...etc, ..... And a new global location mapping algorithm identifies David 8’s coordinates and returns him to a pre-programmed rendezvous point. -this could mean something huge if he is called to "return"
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MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 5:34 PM
thats REALLY nice to know his frame can withstand over 1,000 pounds of compression force and his range of motion is greater than human capacity. maybe i wont need to order 2 of them after all, i think one would be good enough for what i need him for..... ^_^ ah hell, i still want 2.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 5:46 PM
@belladonna, just go for it and get 3 just incase you break one lol
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MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 5:46 PM
David 8 is powered by Verizon. Does that mean that there are times stops working due to signal loss? Good thing he wasn't a collaborative effort with Microsoft. He'd be trying to sell you cheap pharmaceuticals or rebooting often.


AdminPraetorianApr-18-2012 4:39 PM
I laughed at the part where it says David8 enjoys Golf. XD As for language, he translates the alien writing doesn't he?? In one scene someone says to him "I hope you can translate/read that" David8 seems to be a very basic android, Ash is leaps and bounds ahead of him. Imagine the others? 100 years or more after David was created, they must be amazing.


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 5:45 PM
If David is the only one who can translate the cuneiform writing, it [i]could[/i] provide him with a significant edge, should he desire one.......but I think he's probably closer to "AI"'s David, than fact, it wouldn't surprise me, if that name is ( in part ) a deliberate nod to the movie.


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 4:36 PM
well i had the feel that he is a "machine" ...well different from the Bladerunner replicants . Yes from the face he do in a trailer when asked if he can read the symbols i think he can read SJ's writings .


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 4:36 PM
Ahh... So THAT is the reason for the patent in the timeline then.. Its built into David.. Not people. So then David is like C3PO then.. Hahaha... Does that make him a gay butler too... fluent in 6 million forms of communication?


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 4:32 PM
"David 8 is fluent in all known languages through a dialectic implant and can infer the linguistic components of entirely new languages if encountered." Hmmm. Does that include new languages of new species as well?


AdminPraetorianApr-18-2012 5:47 PM
He does enjoy sports. *wink wink* :P


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 5:48 PM
lol Svanya, i am a bit of a shut in anyway.... good to know i can let myself go and eat all of the hotpockets i want and david wont leave me! well he better not, ill turn that bastard off if he heads for the door. i can still use him in off mode im sure hehehehe. if not, then he would make an interesting coat stand.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


AdminPraetorianApr-18-2012 6:57 PM
@Belladonna; LOL! A very expensive coatstand!


MemberFacehuggerApr-18-2012 7:48 PM
Depending on your view of Canon, Ash was not a weyland droid. In Aliens Burke says Ash was a hyperdyne systems model.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 7:59 PM
@bella @svanya...... You two are sickos. Something the three of us have in common :-D Love it :-P
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 8:05 PM
i could get one David as a ,,,sit in for me to keep the wife happy if thats possible ( keeping the wife happy )


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 8:39 PM
@Cypher hey all women love robots.....but the david has more functions than the mechanical item we ladies have in the nightstand ~_^ as someone meantioned earlier i think i probably should buy 3.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 8:55 PM
that was me Bella, you should buy 3 incase one breaks!
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MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 8:58 PM
thats the best idea ive heard in a long time ^_^
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphApr-18-2012 9:20 PM
David 8 T.I.P.E. (Cue soothing music, start low horns, stocatto strings, Alien 'Woooooooo'...) [img][/img]


AdminPraetorianApr-18-2012 9:50 PM
@Nephilim_LV426; I laughed so hard I spit tea all over the keyboard!


AdminPraetorianApr-19-2012 1:23 PM
@Myrddin365; Yes true, Ash was a Hyperdine model.


MemberOvomorphApr-19-2012 1:38 PM
Can he play Ice Hockey?...Cause my EGO tells me I bet I could Skate circles around him. LMFAO. [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-19-2012 1:45 PM
I could see David beating pre-divorce Tiger Woods (if he did it now, it wouldn't even be a challenge) in a round of golf. But... If David watched Wayne Gretzky score a wraparound goal and tried to perfect that move, it'd fry his circuitry. It'd be like setting off an EMP in his little android brain. Humans FTW!
Fall down seven times, get up eight.


MemberOvomorphApr-19-2012 1:52 PM
[quote]I could see David beating pre-divorce Tiger Woods (if he did it now, it wouldn't even be a challenge) in a round of golf. But... If David watched Wayne Gretzky score a wraparound goal and tried to perfect that move, it'd fry his circuitry. It'd be like setting off an EMP in his little android brain. Humans FTW![/quote] [b] THE POST OF THE MONTH FOLKS !!![/b] [img][/img]

Forever War

MemberOvomorphMay-03-2012 8:59 PM
Thanks for getting us close in the past Great One...this year we're gonna do it ourselves
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