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Weyland-Yutani Corporate Timeline

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MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 11:07 AM
I have seen lately that a lot of fellow forumers have been getting their corporate timeline mixed up regards the infamous Weyland-Yutani Corporation. So to educate those that don't know, and confirm to those that think they do, here is the corporate timeline of the "Company" as seen in the movies... 2004 - Weyland Industries founder and CEO Charles Bishop Weyland, recognised by Scientific American magazine as a "Pioneer of Modern Robotics" dies during and expedition to Bouvet Island, Antarctica. Weyland Industries endeavours included robotics, satelite communications and weaponry, with its CEO frequently funding archelogical digs and expeditions. 2004 - Ms Yutani (presumably founder and CEO of the Yutani Corporation) acquires advanced alien technology from the American O.W.L.F. (Other World Life Form) task force, the intention being to reverse engineer the technology to advance hum an technological advancement in the field of space travel. 2012 - Peter Weyland, at the age of 22, founds the Weyland Corporation. Weyland Corporation grand endeavours include AI synthetics, FLT deep-space travel, security, medical, terraforming and colonization. 2023 - Peter Weyland makes an appearance at the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference, with grand claims of his companies abilities, history teaches us that his claims became fact... 209? - Weyland Corporations Project Prometheus - details forthcoming 2122 - Contact is lost with the Weyland-Yutani vessel the USCSS Nostromo. Computer systems onboard the Nostromo were so old the navigational displays incorrectly read out the name of "the company" as Weylan-Yutani. 2179 - The weyland-Yutani Corporation holds seats on the ICC (Interstellar Commerce Comission) and the ESCA (Extra-Solar Colonial Administration), as well as co-funding colonization endeavours and manufacturing ESCA Atmosphere Processors. Furthermore, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation also holds contracts with the USMC (United States Marine Corps), manufacturing their weapon systems and spacecraft. Finally Weyland-Yutani developed synthetics are common place aboard all vessels, both civilian and military. 233? - The Weyland-Yutani brand and name are sold to Walmart, with all Weyland-Yutani assets becoming property of the USM (United Systems Military). ...Also The name Weyland-Yutani was coined by by Ron Cobb. Weyland was in reference to the British lorry maker Leyland Motors, with Yutani being the surname of one of Ron Cobb's neighbour. Originally, Ron Cobb, viewed the company name as a double barrelled name showing the coming together of the east and the west, not as a merger of two large companies that had previously been in competition with one another. Although many fans thought this it wasn't confirmed until the appearance of Weyland Insudtries in AVP, supported by the appearance of Ms Yutani in AVPR and concreted by the corporate timeline of Weyland Corp on the website

57 Replies


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 11:27 AM
the AVP movies are not canon, so the beginning of your timeline doesn't exist.

Ripley Clone 8

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 11:29 AM
Thanks Snorky!!


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 11:30 AM
@ colonelangus - explain the website then


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 11:33 AM
[b]@Snorkelbottom[/b] There's no mention of Ms Yutani on the actual Weyland site.


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 11:38 AM
@ Mentos... Same as there is no mention of Charles Bishop Weyland, the references are in the address of the site and the name "Weyland Industries".


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 11:43 AM
Stop mixing non cannon items into the mix preying that it will happen, it is not going to happen, it will never happen


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 12:02 PM
it already has!


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 12:04 PM
Let it go Snorky, just let it go brotha it's embarrassing. It simply will not be cannon, maybe when it's done right but right now Ridley pretty much said it the AvP movies are horrible... Let it go I know it hurts but just let it go it's better that way.


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 12:10 PM
Let what go, like I've said before I don't care whether its considered canon or not, and that's not what this thread is about but let me put it simple for those that don't see it... Q. What is the company called that funds the expedition in AVP? A. Weyland industries. Q. What is the company called that funds the expedition in Prometheus? A. Weyland Corp. Q. So if I google Weyland Industries I'll get a website related to AVP? A. No you get a website related to Prometheus. WEYLAND INDUSTRIES = AVP WEYLAND = Prometheus


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 12:18 PM
I'm confused. The weyland site says the company was incorporated In 2012 by Peter Weyland. Where does Bishop Weyland fit into it in 2004 if the company wasn't recognised as a legal entity until 2012


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 12:20 PM
It is safe to say Scoot has redefined the timeline and made his very own, thus excluding what previous writers and directors have created. This is his story now and I guess has the right to change things. I am okay with that.


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 12:22 PM
The site says Weyland Corp was incorporated in 2012 by Peter Weyland. Thats Weyland Corp, not Weyland Industries. like I said... Q. What is the company called that funds the expedition in AVP? A. Weyland industries. Q. What is the company called that funds the expedition in Prometheus? A. Weyland Corp. Q. So if I google Weyland Industries I'll get a website related to AVP? A. No you get a website related to Prometheus. WEYLAND INDUSTRIES = AVP WEYLAND = Prometheus


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 12:32 PM
The about us page says. [i]At Weyland Industries we apply science, technology and our unparalleled global network of resources to the pursuit of Building Better Worlds[/i]. And goes on to say [i]Fifty years ago, our founder Sir Peter Weyland set out to change the world. Now, the company he created so many years ago works tirelessly with the same unlimited ambition to improve the world he changed.[/i] No mention at all of Bishop or a Weyland Corp


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 12:38 PM
@Snorkelbottom I don't know how old you are, but you have to understand that a FAN you yourself can consider what ever you want cannon in your heart BUT As far as PROMETHEUS...the MOVIE...goes, AVP is NOT cannon and never happened within the realm of this movie


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 12:44 PM
Okay let me try this another way... Q. What company is this logo from... [img][/img] A. Weyland Corp(oration) Q. What is the URL for this company? A. Q. Weyland Industries, where have I heard that before? A. AVP


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 12:48 PM
@ Grindolf - I'm 33, therefore not a kid, I am not a fan of the AVP games or comics, and the films were 1) politely - a missed opportunity or 2) honestly - sh*t. And as I have said many times I do not care whether those two films are canon or not. I am not trying to make AVP canon, I am trying to show that Prometheus has already made it canon.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 12:48 PM
Ok now you are just retarded...seriously...horrifically...retarded, or a troll...I don't care anymore...just enjoy your fantasies and smoke some weed


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 12:50 PM
They are not cannon, to some people they may be, and yes Prometheus does have the same company...but that does not mean that AVP is cannon because that is up to Ridley and the Writers, if you want it to be cannon please e-mail Ridley Scott at and ask him there


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 12:51 PM
@ grindolf - I am showing facts and evidence, not personal opinion. Whats the problem, just because they are canon doesn't mean you have to like them does it.


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 12:56 PM
AVP and AVPR being Canon within the Alien universe has absolutely NOTHING to do with Ridley Scott or Scott Free productions. It doesn't even have anything to do with Brandywine Productions. The decision stands with, and only with 20th Century Fox, and when you look at the commercial success and merchandising of those two films and the URL for the viral marketing for the upcoming Prometheus it is plain to see that Fox have decided to make the two AVP films canon within both the Predator and Alien universes.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 1:05 PM
Snorkelbottom. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. clearly says that the company was founded by Peter Weyland in several places and makes no reference to Bishop Weyland. If you use as the official source and find Bishop mentioned on there then you might persuade me otherwise.


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 1:10 PM
What is so hard to understand... [url=]HERE[/url] it states "Lance Henriksen as Charles Bishop Weyland, the billionaire head of Weyland Industries." and... [url=]HERE[/url] it states "Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland: Founder and head of Weyland Corp." Or to put it another way....


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 1:13 PM
As I see it, Snorkelbottom is not trying to infer that AvP is canon, but simply putting together all the facts that are not blatantly in contrast with the Weyland timeline. There are some things that haven't been confirmed, nor denied, therefore we don't know yet if they are true or not. My high hope is that all the AvP drivel is ruled out once and for all, but until we see something official we cannot exclude those facts that seem to be consistent. It's happened with the stuff from Aliens (I was pleased by it, but many others were disappointed), so it could happen for AvP as well (pleasenopleasenopleasenopleaseno...)
Ridley Scott will eventually tell us how the Queen was born. Right now we have the Deacon; coming soon the Mercury, the May and the Taylor.


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 1:21 PM
FOX - Hey Ridley how can I help you? RS - I wanna make a film about the Space Jockey. FOX - Cool. Will it have the "Alien" in it? RS - Probably not, I want this to be a film about everything, a Sci-Fi epic! FOX - Very cool. But it will be related to the Alien franchise then? RS - Of course, it will be set in the same universe, but that is all. FOX - So Weyland-Yutani will be involved? RS - No, Weyland Corp. The Weyland half of the company before they merged. FOX - Er, you mean Weyland Industries, from AVP don't you? RS - I don't think so, those films were crap beyond compare. FOX - Maybe, but they made a nice financial turnover, and JC said he thought PA's AVP was the third best film in the franchise. RS - What? Your telling me they're canon. FOX - Afraid so RS, you still wanna make that film then? about the Space Jockey? RS - Yeah, but I'm not having no predators in it! FOX - Of course, but could we at least reference the company from AVP? RS - I suppose, but nothing more...

Alien DNA

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 1:42 PM
So, how does Ridley saying that AVP is horrible make it not canon? Had he added that he was going to write them out of the storyline then you could use his quote as a point that defines the films as not canon. I believe he said only Alien was going to relate and was going to ignore all sequels. Now we have references to Colonial Marines, Power Loaders and Pulse Rifles. As well as references to Alien 3 on the timeline, so now everybody takes that as a reference to these two sequels, right? Unless featured or mentioned in the movie then these references still don't definitively say that they are a part of Prometheus's universe, they were only mentioned or referenced on the website. So, what I think Snorkelbottom is saying is that there are clear references to AVP, which in the same sense does not prove it nor does it disprove it as canon, but is clearly referring to AVP all the same, which nobody here wants to even admit.


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 1:59 PM
The problem I think is you are hung up on the naming of Corp & Industries. If you incorporate a company you are Limited in the UK and Corp in the US. Its a legal requirement to show your company status. Weyland Industries would refer to the group of companies owned by Weyland Corp. Weyland Corp would be the legal entity not Weyland Industries. You would not be able to have a company called Weyland Industries, it would have to be called Weyland Industries Corp or Weyland Industries Limited


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 2:15 PM
@ TNLV426 - Your post is bewildering. You claim that I am hung up on the business names before bringing up the legalities, going further than I ever have. As I have stated Weyland Industries = AVP, has done since 2004, until appearing as a URL to promote Prometheus. Let me try the reverse logic... If Ridley did not want the AVP's as canon he could have... 1. Demanded the websites address be, or similar, thus eliminating any reference to Weyland Industries. 2. Dated Peter Weyland's birth after July 2005 to avoid any possibility of CB Weyland being Peters father. 3. Stated that Yutani was the oriental branch of Weyland, making the double barrel name closer to Ron Cobb's original intention and away from the merger idea first embodied in AVP and AVPR. ...but he hasn't, he could have and it would not have affected Prometheus or the Alien Franchise, therefore AVP is more canon than the naysayers would want.

Alien DNA

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 2:34 PM
BTW, whether Weyland Industries is inc., llc, or whatever it may be. There is no legal binding saying this has to be included in the company name wherever they use it, ie. logos, marketing, even just general use. You would find this used more so on checks, taxes and legal type stuff. They could use it on the logo and such, but it's not required. The timeline having the Weyland Corp. incorporated in 2012 does not disprove the AVP arguement, sorry.

gameover man

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 2:36 PM
but snorkel, just because its used in the AVP movies doesnt make it "canon". its RS's story, and he had nothing to do with Predator, so he certainly didnt intend for the technology for Weyland-Yutani to come from a back story that he had no part in, and that didnt even exist at the time. Scott came out and said that as far as he was concerned, the only other movie that he would even consider to be in the realm of the original storyline was Aliens. other directors pay for the rights to use names and words from Scott's universe, but they certainly arent his ideas.


MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 2:42 PM
its not RS's story its FOX's

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