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MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 11:07 AMI have seen lately that a lot of fellow forumers have been getting their corporate timeline mixed up regards the infamous Weyland-Yutani Corporation.
So to educate those that don't know, and confirm to those that think they do, here is the corporate timeline of the "Company" as seen in the movies...
2004 - Weyland Industries founder and CEO Charles Bishop Weyland, recognised by Scientific American magazine as a "Pioneer of Modern Robotics" dies during and expedition to Bouvet Island, Antarctica. Weyland Industries endeavours included robotics, satelite communications and weaponry, with its CEO frequently funding archelogical digs and expeditions.
2004 - Ms Yutani (presumably founder and CEO of the Yutani Corporation) acquires advanced alien technology from the American O.W.L.F. (Other World Life Form) task force, the intention being to reverse engineer the technology to advance hum an technological advancement in the field of space travel.
2012 - Peter Weyland, at the age of 22, founds the Weyland Corporation. Weyland Corporation grand endeavours include AI synthetics, FLT deep-space travel, security, medical, terraforming and colonization.
2023 - Peter Weyland makes an appearance at the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference, with grand claims of his companies abilities, history teaches us that his claims became fact...
209? - Weyland Corporations Project Prometheus - details forthcoming
2122 - Contact is lost with the Weyland-Yutani vessel the USCSS Nostromo. Computer systems onboard the Nostromo were so old the navigational displays incorrectly read out the name of "the company" as Weylan-Yutani.
2179 - The weyland-Yutani Corporation holds seats on the ICC (Interstellar Commerce Comission) and the ESCA (Extra-Solar Colonial Administration), as well as co-funding colonization endeavours and manufacturing ESCA Atmosphere Processors. Furthermore, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation also holds contracts with the USMC (United States Marine Corps), manufacturing their weapon systems and spacecraft. Finally Weyland-Yutani developed synthetics are common place aboard all vessels, both civilian and military.
233? - The Weyland-Yutani brand and name are sold to Walmart, with all Weyland-Yutani assets becoming property of the USM (United Systems Military).
...Also The name Weyland-Yutani was coined by by Ron Cobb. Weyland was in reference to the British lorry maker Leyland Motors, with Yutani being the surname of one of Ron Cobb's neighbour. Originally, Ron Cobb, viewed the company name as a double barrelled name showing the coming together of the east and the west, not as a merger of two large companies that had previously been in competition with one another. Although many fans thought this it wasn't confirmed until the appearance of Weyland Insudtries in AVP, supported by the appearance of Ms Yutani in AVPR and concreted by the corporate timeline of Weyland Corp on the website
57 Replies

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 2:53 PMi am with u Snorkelbottom i think the avp time line fit with what u are saying man when they said about the new movie and peter weyland its got me thinking about the time line with the end of avp 2 and her getting them guns at the end.the only thing that puzzle me is tt used at some time and where did the preds get them eggs from.and has anyone play the pred game on the xbox 1 where humans have the sma stuff as the preds,mybe the 2nd promethues movie mite shoe the merger of the company or mybe avp3 mite.anyway soz to ramble on good post man
1 and 2 had a race 1 1 1 and 2 11 2. gigity

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 3:11 PM@Snorky, I got your back in this sizzling hot "side-debate" which I'm sure you didn't intend.
@Community, Can't we just agree to disagree and have a "wait-and-see" attitude? "Only a Sith would deal in absolutes."-GL ; )

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 3:32 PMOK SnorkelBottom I’ll give up trying to convenience you. The argument has gone full circle and I have nothing more to offer since you wont believe in facts.
[b]Behind door number one:[/b]
The official Prometheus timeline ( shows that Peter Weyland formed the company in 2012. From 2015 the company is referred to as Weyland Industries as an umbrella for all the separate companies that make up the Weyland empire.
The same official Prometheus website has an About Us page that reads as followed:
At [b]Weyland Industries[/b] we apply science, technology and our unparalleled global network of resources to the pursuit of Building Better Worlds.
Fifty years ago, our [b]founder[/b] Sir [b]Peter Weyland[/b] set out to change the world. Now, the company [b]he created[/b] so many years ago works tirelessly with the same unlimited ambition to improve the world he changed.
[b]Behind door number two:[/b]
An unrelated movie and a wiki page that claims that the company was created by Bishop Weyland in 2004, a fact not backed up by the OFFICAL Prometheus website with not even a mention of a Bishop Weyland.
To accept what’s behind door number two means you have to accept everything that comes with the AvP movies and assume the Weyland PR people forgot who founded the company due to a few too many beers at lunchtime.
I wonder if Bill Gates will get written out of Microsoft history in the future due to a similar error. Its easily done, apparently.
Case done, I won't loose sleep over it. I'm sure there wont be a test after the movie.

MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 3:40 PMI refute none of that, but can you extend me the same courtesy of what I have shown?
Furthermore, none of that disproves AVP as canon.
The site backs up Weyland Corp, not Weyland Industries. Is it not viable that say...
After his fathers death P Weyland continued in his fathers footsteps, but soon exceeded anything his father achieved, taking his fathers company and incorporating it into his own.

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 4:06 PMsnork3lb(*)ttom---> If anything you are absolutely correct on "Fox" owning the final movie,story,video game,books....;Also thank you for the thoughts and idea's regarding this franchise :-) I am also 33 and have come to the conclusion --money talks--

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 4:06 PMNot to pour fuel on the fire but...[b]@Snorkelbottom[/b] you are aware that Weyland Yutani was mentioned in ALIEN before AVP? Not to mention the fact that ALIEN was made in 1979, AVP in 2004.
Its called WEYLAND CORP in Prometheus because it hasn't merged with Yutani yet, that was confirmed by Ridley ages ago, not because Fox are trying to crowbar AVP canon into Prometheus. I'm not being funny but if they really wanted to do it they'd put Predators in Prometheus lol.

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 4:12 PMwhere did the preds get the eggs from and what about that sj skull in pred 2?
1 and 2 had a race 1 1 1 and 2 11 2. gigity

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 4:13 PM[img][/img]

MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 4:19 PM@ Mentos - Weyland-Yutani was in Alien, but originally Ron Cobb envisioned the formation being a partnership, not a merging, as mentioned in the OP. Officially, the idea of two companies becoming one didn't appear until AVP. Also putting predators in Prometheus would serve nothing. Everything I have mentioned in this and other threads shows that AVP is more canon than it is not.
@ Kalhava - How should I know. I'm just pointing out the links. BTW there was no SJ skull in Predator 2, that was an Alien skull, the alleged SJ skull is in AVPR.

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 4:26 PM[b]@Snorkelbottom[/b] a merger and a partnership are a much of a muchness to an non-economist, they mean the same thing to someone who doesn't know the exact definition. You're getting tangled in technicalities here. It was a company in ALIEN, it was the same company in AVP, AVP didn't do anything different with it.
(btw: I'm trying to be civil when and set aside the fact that AVP and AVPR are both atrocities and insults to ALIEN, ALIENS and the language of cinema its self. Don't hold anything to canon that isn't. Ridley holds Camerons film as canon and [i]that is all.[/i] ALIEN 3, RESURRECTION and the AVP's are not, I repeat [i]not[/i] canon, merely a series of quick cash grab by Fox.)

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 4:30 PMsoz yeah my bad lol i did rewatch avpr the other day i didnt see it think i just a human skull. love all the avp movies gears of war 4 with aliens init that would be cool lol
1 and 2 had a race 1 1 1 and 2 11 2. gigity

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 4:36 PMadd me to xbox live if u wanna bust some heads on gears and when the new aliens games is out KALHAVA me gamer tag
1 and 2 had a race 1 1 1 and 2 11 2. gigity

MemberTrilobiteApr-30-2012 4:41 PM@ mentos...
in actually fact the difference between a partnership and a merger is worlds apart in reference to the Alien franchise. Ron Cobb was the man responsible for the name Weyland-Yutani, as mentioned in the OP. Ron saw the company as a coming together of British endeavour and Japanese ingenuity.
Before AVP was made many fans that came to the franchise after Aliens, and thus not knowing of Ron Cobbs ideas imagined that a merger took place, and then in 2004 when AVp was made this was shown, in part, to be the case. A theme which has recurred in Promtheus.
Furthermore, as I keep saying, all I am doing is stating the facts, with no personal entanglements whatsoever.
Jim Cameron is known for saying that AVP is the third best movie in the franchise. Despite arguements to the contrary Weyland Industries first appeared in AVP, and if it was not canon, it should not appear in Prometheus.
Furthermore, Ridley actually holds all 4 Alien films as canon - references Alien, Aliens and Alien 3, and before endeavouring to make Prometheus Ridley was discussing with Jim Cameron on the possibility of an Alien 5.
Fox considers AVP and AVPR canon, few fans agree, most don't and the rest (like me) don't care either way. Hence why I don't get worked up about it like the naysayers do.
Yeah AVP and AVPR suck, big time, but chronologically they do no lasting damaged being included.

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 4:58 PMAVP is canon, Ridley and Damon would never destroy the fox franchise and Damon is also a fanboy so he wouldnt piss on his own doorstep. If you watch AVP you will notice that Bishop Weyland has lung and throat problems, if you go to Weyland industries website it states in the timelin that in 2004 at 14 years old Peter Weyland creates a synthetic larynx and throat system. Is it not a coincidence that Bishop Weyland is suffering lung and throat problems and his 14 year old son is creating a synthetic throat system.
People have a hard time understanding how avp fits because they have presumed the outcome of prometheus. avp states that xenamorphs had been around for hundreds of years, people have presumed that xenos are created in prometheus which takes place about a century after avp, but prometheus is not about the xenamorph its about the xenomorphs creators, the xenamorph is an ancient creation thousands of years old by the time prometheus lands what will happen in prometheus is similiar in dna to the xenamorph but something totally different. xenamorphs are like dinasaurs in the alien franchise universe what will come from prometheus will share that ancient dna but be brand new.

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 5:17 PM@DOLFINESQUE
Hooray, it that's all true. I'd [i]much[/i] prefer the xeno be ancient, than some sefl-indulgent writer's too-clever-by-half, twisty-bit: "ooh, [i]weee[/i] made teh Xen0z" nonsense.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 6:12 AM*gets popcorn and a lawn chair to watch the explosions* :-D
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

Derelict Jockey
MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 5:07 PMNow I don’t usually like to get involved in this kind of debate, but in this case I feel I must give my hopefully harmless 2 cents.
Yes, Fox does unfortunately own the rights to anything ALIEN related, including those 2 endlessly embarrassing money-grabs that are the AVP movies. However, it is important to remember that all movies (including ALIEN) are simply entertainment. Fox made a brutally stupid but not at all surprising decision to take 2 completely different entities from 2 entirely different “universes,” and shove them into one “story,” in an effort to provide cheap entertainment and hopefully boosted cash flow for the rocket scientists behind the idea. Now, one must realize that just because 2 (or more) movies use the same or similar characters and ideas, does not mean that these 2 films are officially part of the same canon.
Just look at the James Bond franchise. That there is a franchise that has openly embraced the fact that almost every single one of its films completely ignores any relation to the story/ line of continuity/ canon of the preceding movie, despite using the exact same characters and certain plot elements. When EON pictures would make another Bond film, they did not go around saying that it is supposed to be the same canon as the previous films. They actually would admit that they followed completely different canons.
Overall, it should not be hard to understand that Ridley Scott simply wants to progress his canon/storyline that is linked to his original ALIEN but NOT in any way related to or even taking place in the same creative universe as AVP. His canon completely overrides the canon of the AVP movies. Obviously I am not suggesting that the AVP films do not exist (one can dream…), but rather that they are viewed as an entirely different “universe” that was simply created using the same License as ALIEN. Just because all of the ALIENS spinoff comic books and novels contain the “xenomorph” alien and were created under the same license, does NOT mean that they are or should be considered part of the same canon as the original ALIEN or ALIENS. Just because you can figure out that the timeline for PROMETHEUS does not necessarily cancel out or overlap with the events in AVP does not in any way define them as being part of the same CANON.
To sum it up, Ridley Scott has officially decided that his canon which includes PROMETHEUS, ALIEN, and potentially ALIENS, is in a completely different “canonical universe” than AVP. If you are going to assume that Ridley Scott’s canon and the AVP canon are the same, then you may as well throw STAR TREK’s timeline in there (sometime around the 23rd century if I’m correct).
Again, I do not at all wish to offend anyone or their opinions, and I apologize if I have done so. I am also very sorry for making it so painfully obvious my extreme disapproval of anything AVP related. I am simply one of those die hard ALIEN fans who takes it very personally.

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 7:52 AMSad to say it, but the AVP films are not considered by FOX or any other company involved with the Alien canon. They are a part of both the Alien and Predator franchise, but are a story unto themselves. They were chosen over a possible sequel to the original series that has now led to Prometheus. The sequel was in development by both Cameron and Scott, but they both dropped the project when AVP was announced. It's a "VS" flick, the same as Freddy Vs Jason, it holds no continuity to the original concept. It all spawned from an 'in-joke' in the set of Predator 2.
Charles Bishop Weyland was created so Paul WS Anderson could legitimise the look of Bishop in Aliens. The original script was based on a Dark Horse comic set in the Aliens timeline on another planet. Bishop was originally meant to appear in Alien 3 (as seen in the workprint).

MemberOvomorphJun-03-2012 2:17 PMJust came into this late. Snorklebottom. I suggest you pull a chair up and listen.
1) Alien vs Predator films are [i]not[/i] canon
2) The Weyland Yutani back story devised for those films is not canon
3) I want to say thank you for at least reading what I've posted previously about how the Company got their names. Although Leyland manufactured cars and Lorries in the UK.
4) When I devised the timeline material that was used in the Aliens:Colonial Marines Technical Manual I also developed a lot of background material Lee used and actually coined the term Weyland Industries years ago in that material. I also shared this material with Scott Middlebrook too (and came up with the AvP stuff just out completeness not treating it as canon).
5) Regardless again the AvP stuff is not canon and has not been treated as such by Ridley Scott.

MemberOvomorphJun-03-2012 2:21 PMbtw I also called the ECA the Extra solar Colonial Administration.

MemberOvomorphJun-03-2012 3:01 PM...and called Yutani 'Yutani Corporation' My real name by the way is Terry Jones. You will find me credited in the ACMTM. I've done a couple of articles for the defunct Aliens magazine and a few bits for the The Aliens Fan Club magazines.

MemberOvomorphJul-25-2012 4:44 AMthis thread makes me wanna watch AVP again, that was a fun film.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphJul-25-2012 4:56 AMthe YUTANI logo is 'all over' those Shaw/Holloway QUIET EYE virals ...
so 'something's going on' UNQUOTE.
Maybe Yutani is to Weyland Corp what Israeli Telecoms is to NSA?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphJul-25-2012 8:50 AM@snorkelbottom
Nice job putting together a timeline.
I giggled a little at how members immediately voice their opinions of canon. I understand now why you posted what you did on the Alien Franchise "canon" thread that I put up a week or so back. People just can't seem to get past their personal views of what canon is or what we could possibly agree it to be. I personally take your thread to be well thought out based on all the movies regardless of everyone's ideas of canon. The filmakers may never revisit AvP again, but they may also avoid contradicting the implied timeline for reasons of keeping continuity.
ALL generalizations are WRONG!
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