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1080p New U.K.Trailer Screen Caps Update With a Serious Twist !!!

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MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 6:40 PM
O.K. acquired All 3 New Versions of the U.K. trailer and what I discovered is remarkable. #1- Sadly Both 1080P attempts I made were successful in that I acquired the videos but the Screen Caps are not going to work in either the 1080P or 720P version simply put because the quality of both those videos is deplorable, not just bad, deplorable, they were not done properly, unfortunately. I am Not saying it is anyone;s fault or am in any way upset about it, it is just unfortunate because I was ready right now to do another 60 screen caps for you all in "True HD". #2- It isn't all bad, because along the way I stopped and my JAW FELL IN MY LAP when for only my 2nd time watching this new trailer I noticed something significant I do not think anyone has mentioned yet. Vickers...she gives warning to Holloway and Shaw...but not just a warning the way you would normally give someone a warning, in her tone and delivery is a complete and utter disdain for the so called "Beings" she says with a huge emphasis on the "B" in "Beings"...Listen.... go watch it again and pay special attention to her she says "BBBBBBBBBBB -eings" and by that I do not mean lot's of "B's" I mean she is ANGRY at them, they are an obstacle in her way, I here by now change my last prediciton which was very very close but not perfect, and now it is, she does not have a Mission to Kill any member of the Weyland Bloodline, her SECRET MISSION is CLEARLY TO ME attempt to obtain a sample of the "Xenomorph Organism" they {"The Beings"} may control...she knows about the Xenomorph folks !!! My GOD does that feel good to get that the way I just did !!! There is NO DOUBTS in mind now...VIckers Knows...That's the connection, and she has to be secretly involved with Mr's Yutani who holds a grudge over the lawsuit they lost recently to Weyland and BLA BLA BLA AVP EEESH BLA BLA BLA.
42 Replies


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 8:55 PM
Ditto...we good?


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:12 PM
Spartacus...Spartacus...Spartacus... Dude, you crack me UP! Like my ol' grand-daddy used to say, "The less a man makes declarative statements...the less likely he is to look foolish in retrospect." Or was that Quentin Tarantino? Folks, whatever are we going to do with the boy who cried XENOMORPH!


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:14 PM
Spartacus......I dub the...The Boy who cried Xenomorph


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:26 PM
@Carigamore, lmfao But seriously man. 1st of all, i am just throwing this out there by the a long conversation with "SnorkelBottom" a long long long time ago right here... I told him I do Not accept any of the "AVP" films as "Canon" but in retrospect this is the very last thing Ridley Scott would have done..."Make someone a PLANT FROM YUTANI"...and it is for this very reason I suspect Scott was smart enough to do it, and even if not, it just means I am wrong about this and right about everything else. Which Just is, in and of itself a Heck of a lot IMO.


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:21 PM
Keep your colours flyin' Bro! I love your passion. ~N


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:30 PM
We'll's definately up for debate


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:57 PM
Hot Damn "Forever War" Would Have Loved this comment.[quote]We'll's definately up for debate[/quote] [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:01 PM


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 7:30 AM
Sparty with all due respect......I love your enthusiasm but I think you're off the mark on this one. When Vickers says "BEINGS" I think she's showing contempt for the scientists belief in them. And I think she is warning them only because they are the only 2 non company employees and she doesnt have direct control over them, I think her agenda lies more in the path of Peter Weyland and his whereabouts. If you are right I will give you my model Nostromo

gameover man

MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 7:44 AM
careful spartacus, you're going to hurt yourself if you pat yourself on the back too hard! ;) but no, i dont see those things from vickers at all. i just felt it was condescending. too much else in the trailer dissuades your theory, like EVERYTHING ELSE vickers says...warning that going back down to the temple is suicide, saying "they were right" in awe, etc. you may still be right, but what you're saying actually refutes it...but that could be part of her means of trickery.


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 8:02 AM
[b][quote]If you are right I will give you my model Nostromo[/quote][/b] lmfao...and some very valid and well thought out points, I respect it all. Big Time, and very much admired the way you presented it. I am the first to say what a "Wacko" I am with regard to my speculations and obsession for this project. This time though I think too many other things have been said about that Character to...a- She is a serious suit and we think she is there to just do one thing but in reality there is a whole other thing going on, the makers of this film have CLEARLY indicated this to us. b- I have to say the level of denial about exactly what the living organism is the crew has been exposed to is flabbergasting...there is absolutely no question what so ever that this Organism in some way whatever it is, is DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE XENOMORPH WE SAW IN ALIEN. There is just no way to deny this anymore it's like living in complete and utter denial to think this after seeing these images. c- Ridley himself has now informed us that "Company" has something to do with the connection or DNA relation to Alien. But everyone forgot what he said first almost 2 years ago when he started talking about what was going on with each different character in this thing, 1st he said or severely suggested in inuendo that there is a "Plant" on board this ship...and with regard to Vickers he said, she is there, lurking, In the background, has an agenda, we have NO CLUE what it is, we think we do, but we don't. d-I say Vickers is that Plant and I am sticking to it. e- It is crystal clear to me her interest and focus or alternate focus is obtaining that creature or a sample that can be used, some of it's DNA...whatever...and "F" is for finally-Most Important-if The disdain for the "Beings" is being misinterpreted by me and it is just corporate indifference SOMEONE PLEASE Do EXPLAIN TO ME WHY SHE WOULD BREAK THE LAW AND IN ESSENCE COMMIT "MUTINY" 5 MINUTES INTO THIS THING WITH HER INSTRUCTIONS TO SHAW AND HOLLOWAY? SORRY I AM NOT BUYIN' IT...SHE CLEARLY IS UP TO NO GOOD AND HAS A DISLIKE FOR THESE SO CALLED "BEINGS" BEFORE SHE HAS EVEN CONFIRMED THEY'RE THERE...AND "OOOOOOO BABY" WHEN SHE DOES, AS SHE CLEARLY DISPLAYS IN HER LATER CONVERSATION WITH JANEK...THINGS ARE ALL GONNA CHANGE !!! AND SHAW IS GOING TO HAVE TO TRY TO STOP HER...AND I THINK SHE WILL...I THINK ONE OF THE LAST IMAGES WE SEE IS GOING TO BE OF VICKERS...DEAD...AT THE HANDS OF SHAW.


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 8:48 AM
Bump Ditty Bump !
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